Sunday, December 13, 2015

What is "The unintentional life style" some choose to live?

This could be an awaking moment for many or just another look at society norms.The phrase "I don't care what other people think or say about me" the human that uses the I don't care statement really is living intentionally and the thoughts are not connected to the heart.The word care is the clue in the statement to understand what is really being said by uses this word.Caring and compassion come from the heart to say "you don't care" is to say that your heart is not in your life as a moral compass of everything in the life of each child of God.The non-intentions of the heart thoughts in every subject was considered a "cold heart" or a heart of stone and even a hard-hearted human.The activation of the heart in all and everything inwardly and outwardly is a requirement for the truth of self and others without a heart connection the life has not found purpose in the plan of God. We are all connected to our fellow man as we are all one in the image of God.To not know this oneness of a human expression of creation within their reality they are just going through the motions of life without the caring emotional connections of the heart.The mindset is unintentional and seeks energy from others to continue to any existence of the body and the spiritual part is non-active.They will live through the host that carries the life blood of the spiritual energies like a parasite and suck it dry of spiritual energies.The host usually is in a victim consciousness and their hearts are for God and pray for these humans without any success in their intentions and this causes the disconnection with God.They go further into depression and start complaining and judging the parasite and this is the beginning of allowing the needy non-living spirits to live through the host.They start acting and living together dependent on the negative energy they are creating.The spiritual child of God takes on the responsibilities of the parasite to the point their own life becomes lost and they know it is too late to come back from what they have allowed into their spirit.They are in a hoping state of mind that the parasite will just go away and feed it more spiritual insights and the parasite gains more strength in the process.This a vicious cycle of needs and wants without manifestations on both parts of this connection of the parasite and the spiritual host.The spiritual partner and the parasite partner will both be judged and are judge themselves on the Earth already.The joining of the connection of this virus they keep manifesting for their on purposes and not God's purposes and it like cancer in the collective consciousness.The cells are consciousness as all is connected and if the life in each cell is taking from other living cells to live it is a parasite. The removal of a parasite relationship can be done by treating the good cells food of a positive energy from source creator.The first step is to isolate the parasite from further interaction on all levels of contact.The breaking away occurs with the spiritual human goes inward and stops all prayers and judgements of what the parasite is doing.This detachment causes the parasite to die and seek God or other sources.The problem comes when the spiritual partner goes back and allows the parasite to be forgiven by them and the parasite has not completely be set free in their spirit.and forgiven  their selves. So, the forgiveness by the host is not working and they stop forgiving the parasite.The break will not happen until the host set a firm intention to forgiveness is in the heart forever.This release of forgiveness must remain in the heart of the host  to keep another parasite from being allowed into the spirit of the both in the collective.The host starts to set an intention for the true self within them self and the parasite will do the same in their life.

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