Friday, December 18, 2015


The inner child of God goes through many transitions before the awareness in the consciousness connects with the higher God self. The "who"we are is the first subconscious programmed in the within the mind of each child.This programming starts in the womb as the mother's words are heard by the baby.When the baby enters into the outside world programming of the identity is still linked to the mother's expectation of who the child will be.The baby is at the mercy of the caretakers for all survival needs and wants.The spiritual growth is also going through this growth process, but the caretakers are concerned with the physical.As the baby transitions into the childhood stage the communications skills develop and the questions of "why" are the first signs of awareness of the inner self as being separate from the mother.These questions are very important because the child needs spiritual growth to find a placement in the world. An identity is being established by the child.The emotional feelings of belonging to the family and the world can determine the choice of how to act or react to this new adventure of exploration.The "me" statement is made by the child in a protective manner to claim the separation from the mother.The mother may allow the separation or keep the growth processes from occurring until they have the awareness of the separation in their own self.Sometimes this holding on from the mother causes rebellion within the child in the form of tantrums because free will is already in the consciousness of the child.The mother has her own issues of separation and the abandonment thoughts cause her to hold on and not let go of the child.The child feels this emotional struggle and develops an ego identity  during this battle of the wills.The overcoming comes later in the transition of the self as the adult takes accountability for their own actions.Many adults remain in the ego stage the "I" until spirituality  is introduced.The child has a yearning for the unconditional love connections.The ego will accept conditional love first and try to control all relationships.The free will is not given to each person they related to and separation and abandonment issues cause mistrust and sometimes over possessiveness in all relationships.The cure is found in the inner child's feelings about the separation of the mother.Healing within the inner child is an awareness needed for complete transference to the higher self or the God self.The ego remains but, is not the controlling factor and the "me, myself also make a transition leaving the victim stage of consciousness.The emotional ties are released by this
forgiveness of self and the abuses of the non-separation are affirmed and agreed by the adult thereby releasing the inner child to created and manifest the world inside in peace and harmony in the one accord.

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