The hidden life of God lives within inner child's play and creative time it all starts with "peek -a-boo" and "patty cake baker's man" this interaction of "heart to heart" opens the consciousness to giving and receiving unconditional love energy of the two becoming one.The outer world and the inner world connection and brings harmony in this early relationship one to another with the bonds of pure love.Bonding is a relationship that occurs after the release from the womb into the physical world.This interaction is important to the spiritual growth process and awakens the love responses.The games and play awaken the right brain where the creative intuitive connections to God are and the first communication of the inner child.The smile and the laughter are activated by these playful activities are the bonding and a security factor to the emotions. As the bonding of love increases the child seeks boundaries of the life in the womb and understanding the new boundaries in the outer world.This inner and outer processing of love bonding continue throughout the life's journey.The hidden true self and the outer self-identities are the rolls and tags of the mask worn by every adult. The ego shadow side emerges as the child struggles to relate to the outside world.The inner child seeks unconditional love bonding in every relationship but, accepts conditions because belonging becomes their security and not God's unconditional love.The ego becomes a controlling factor in their choices and the free will is activated.As this takes place God's will is pushed out of the consciousness and the first stage of the victim consciousness takes hold of the life.The inner child has allowed a compromise of the true-self and taking the ego of the logical left brain to rule over the love and bonding to the pure.The seeking of everything inner becomes the seeking outward. The shifts in consciousness a cycle of relationships and bonding to God's love.The free will to choose is always in operation to bring all into balance and the divine timing occurs with the awaken to the inner child's needs and wants.The ego wants and needs the material world things but, the inner child seeks the unseen spiritual things.This really isn't negative and positive as we have been taught it is a growth process set in motion by God's plan.We have had a limited understanding of the good and evil in the game of life. The mother wasn't being bad when she hid her face in the game "peek a boo" she was encouraging the child to understand the hidden was still there all the time just behind her hands.The game "patty cake" was a song of creative meaning about a baker making cakes this brought ideas of productive. Every game on our journey's had a hidden meaning to seek and find the truth of the inner bonding and relationship to creation.Everything was designed by God through each child of God to bring out the curiosity and to seek the truth of God's unconditional love.
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