Wednesday, December 23, 2015


The kingdom's of the world are always seeking agreement and come into the one accord of peace and still wars are of hate and killing our neighbors persist.What drives humans to create divisions and separations between race, creed and color, gender and the differences are  the disagreements of "The golden rule" and the truth is that every religion and spiritual practice has this law.The love of self is needed to fulfill the law and the inner child within each human is the true self, not the ego- self  that many humans choose to live by.Why does the inner child  need and want to survive? The inner child is a conscious being within the heart of all that were born of the water birth.The core of our first experiences in this world and the first forming of the personality and identity.The first state of separation and independence of freedoms and the questions we all needed to be answered  from the beginning our journey to wholeness.We needed to conquer our fears and emotions deep within the immaturities of our spiritual nature and the religions told us to conform and compromise our own truths and accept the words of men over God.This consciousness of  the inner child is part of all humans is still crying out through the adults on our planet for the freedom to be who we are in God's creation.The shift of the consciousness was a plan of God's will to bring the child back to awaken state of the "awareness" to the truth within each inner child and this has occurred on this planet and it growing very fast in accordance with divine timing.The outside world kingdoms are still not in agreement with God's divine purposes and a spiritual blind to the kingdom of  God that is within.The child of God that has chosen the "one" God of Creation are living in the light and are seeing the darkness in the world.The only agreement the inner child seeks is with the adult self and not the world's ways  of doing things with war and hate because of the unconditional love gave the inner child.Do you know what it means to be born again in spirit and not in a body of the first water birth? This is the perception of your inner child as you come into agreement with that part of yourself.You're cleaned by the living water of the Christ within and not the representation of a dying Christ but a risen Christ.The rises up and the surrendering of the states of the old mind of guilt, sins and transgressions that keep the inner child in bondage to the lies of the world systems of man.To be a child in the kingdom is not earned by going to church or having a man say you are saved.The saving is by the grace that is within the kingdom and this was placed there by your Creator.This is the meaning of saved by Grace.To be saved is grace and mercy given by God and it's a free will choice, not a force or deceptive coercion to accept there must be a change in the heart first by the inner child.The only humans that will enter into the kingdom will be the child of the pure heart and unconditional agape love.The meaning of "man is appointed once to die"means this transition from ego self to true self 'we die to our sins "this not a body death.The body dies many times and the spirit never dies.To die comes in the garden with the tree of life in our blood we are the same and the blood doesn't change from the first blood relatives. So the body contains the blood of death and this is the sin  we carry in the body.We die in the body because of sin but, not in the spirit.Sin is the meaning of death and when you have forgiven yourself and others we release the sin of death to the body and spirit.Your transition to your spiritual body will occur.The savior Jesus knew this through the wisdom of the priest and spiritual teachers of His time.The religious people still talk about it, but their wisdom was not spiritual but manmade and interpreted by men, not by the Holy spirit.Getting agreement with your own inner child can be done with kindness, unconditional love, and seeking God in all your prayers for help and understanding. We have not because we ask not the spiritual questions but, questions on things of our wants and needs of the world.We are already given all needs and things by seeking within the promises of the inner kingdom.We believe and created with God and know all has been done unto us by God theses are the blessings.

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