Sunday, December 20, 2015

God created WOMAN to be a "HELP MEET" to man!


God created man Adam meaning humanity and love of God was with Adam and communication in consciousness was established. Adam was in a wonderment state and very curious about his environment of the Garden of Eden.He observed the plants and trees and the growing of life in all of God's creations.He became the master over all nature and tended the garden.All was well with Adam until God and gave Adam a warning," you may eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the Tree of conscience for it's fruit will open your eyes to make you aware of right and wrong, good and bad.If you eat its fruit, you will die.God wanted the man to have free will and not just obey without choice.The warning was part of the plan of God as everything is designed by God.What needs did Adam have?Adam was in the image of God and content to tend the garden.Something must have entered Adam's subconscious mind it was the warning of the tree and this was taken as an unknown  factor of his life.What is to die?That was the warning not that he would be cast out of the only home he knew.As Adam ponder and dreamed about this unknown he began to reason in his left hemisphere of his brain the first awakening in the consciousness was logical thoughts and doubts of the unknown.God was observing this and saw that Adam needed a balance in his conscious thoughts so God put Adam in a deep sleep and took the DNA from his rib and created a "help meet" to bring the right brain hemisphere of the woman to help Adam become balancing in his thoughts.The woman meaning the womb of creation was called Eve.Adam accepted the woman because he knew it was only logical that she was formed of his own flesh and bone and part of him and this was in his dream.The merging of consciousness of the left and right brain became joined and equally yoke.Eve was the right brain of creativity and imagination and Adam was the logical reasoning of the order of the garden.As Eve brought thoughts of the unknown images of creation to her consciousness Adam felt more secure in his fears of the warning about the tree of life.In Eve's awareness, she saw many strange things, not in the garden she saw a something outside of the garden that appear in her inner vision she allowed it to become manifest so she could understand it better Her perceptions were coming from her subconscious mind and the subconscious was connected to the whole of the Earth and not just the garden.She saw a creature in her imagination and it was unknown and gave it form as a part of her wisdom to her free will to choose.The one unknown of Adam's consciousness was what she needed to help him with.The form was a serpent or snake-like form that spoke within your thoughts about the tree of life.Her inner voice questioning led her to her own reasoning she had learned from Adam. He would keep telling her that eating fruit would not make dying possible.She didn't understand death  or life she just knew she was there to help Adam.So when she reasons the whole thing out she said,"it's a lie" We will not do this thing die"we can eat what we want in the whole garden.Again the free will to choose was taking place in the consciousness.The temptation was placed there for a reason in the garden as to bring the free will to the consciousness.When the eyes became open was the beginning of the self-identity of separation from God but still in the image or spirit of God.The understanding and wisdom to distinguish between good and evil brought the sin nature within the consciousness.So made a free-will choice to eat the fruit from the tree of life and death and gave some to Adam.The awareness of agreement came into the consciousness in the two brains and this cause the self-identity to fall and they became one.The embarrassment and awareness of their nakedness were their conscious awareness of the difference in the body forms they perceived when their eyes were open to the outside world.The beginning of sexually in the consciousness was embarrassment and modesty.Adam and Eve hid because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit because of their free-will and going out of God's will in disobedience and eating the fruit.God said,"who told you were naked?God knew there was no other who in the garden so this is a rhetorical question he then said,"did you eat from fruit from the tree I warned you about"This is also rhetorical because this was the only way they could have become conscience beings in spirit.As the story continues with the questioning of God in their spirit of how they could have done such a thing as not obey God.The first blaming and judgement out of the mouth in words come from the Adam as he blames the woman for giving him the fruit to eat.He could have refused the fruit but his trust in her help he ate it.God speaks to the woman also "she replies, "the serpent tricked me" she blames the outside world visions for her own free-will choice of choosing to listen to other things rather than God's warnings.God decided to blame the serpent instead of the two wrongdoers. This shows the mercy and grace within God's spirit.God punished the serpent and made the serpent crawl on its belly and this means that the serpent had legs to begin with.A fear of snakes was put into the woman and her offsprings by God.Then God speaks to the woman about her place in the world as the womb that she carries within her body.And tells her of the pain of child birthing and her duty to the Adam and giving him the master position over her.God speaks to Adam about listening to his woman and doing things against God by listening and not heeding the warning.God says," I am putting a curse on the soil and placed weeds for you to struggle with and life will be hard until you return back to the soil you came from.God is giving a meaning of the life of Adam and Eve and the consciousness they have become as the two will work together one of the lands as a provider of food by turning the soil and the bearing the fruit of the womb.The awareness and knowing were not allowed in the garden so God expelled them both and placed a guard on the entrance to keep them or anyone from entering.The world was their new home without God's connection.The first thoughts and memories were still in place in their consciousness and the free-will to choose God was still there but, life was hard and they compromise to survive. Eve and Adam and all creatures in nature when placed in the body do what comes natural and they had sexual intercourse and she bear a son.Eve first a statement after the birthing process she names her son Cain "meaning I have created" and she says,"with God's help" and this brings hope to the whole story she still is connected to God for her creations of everything.There are two wills on this Earth God's will and humans will.When we recognize we need God's will to work with our will we create.

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