Saturday, December 26, 2015

The victimized INNER CHILD'S STORY.

The mind of the inner child that has been blamed and shamed becomes the victimized Adult.The story of the adult doesn't take responsibility for the emotions that the inner child is suffering from.They see it as an outside problem and the fears of the inner child are out of control and true self is in danger of losing reality. The storm of emotions turns to rage and angry and creates walls of protection like the "turtle shell" effect in all the information on the inner child studied.This shell allows the adult to tell the story with only the negative perception of the thoughts the emotions of fear in the victim the inner child.The adult is approaching a complete mental break down and the physical body is weakening and strength to overcome in the spirit are not available. A  renewal in the mind is needed before thoughts of suicide thoughts attempted to destroy  by getting rid of the outside body. The agreement between the inner child and the adult has confused all issues and the story keeps repeating and the belief's in the story causes more manifestation of fear to keep anyone from helping from the outside.They say I am a victim and everyone hates me and I can do nothing to help myself.They seek only pity and sorry from everyone to get approval for their condition of their choices.There is no accountability because the self-esteem is gone from their awareness in this consciousness state of the victim.As they turn to the world for help they argue with the help given on every level of consciousness.The spiritual level is dead as their perception see no higher source of God.The blame and the shame are the rulers in their inner kingdom as the inner child's memories are supported by thoughts of the past every moment in the awakening state and the sleep state is full of terror.So sleep is not allowing  and any proper help is not occurring and the relief of reaching the subconscious is causing insomnia.The only energy that is running the system is low and the negative energy is being fed by the thoughts of the victim within the reality.This is the dark night of the soul and the people that agree with the victim that it is a sad state and that they are sorry to the person join the agreement of the victim.This is a virus of the cells and thoughts in each part of the body, mind, and soul.The story is told to every psychic, medium and person they meet to get a reaction of sorrow for the victim.Every human on our planet has some of the victim consciousness to some degree.The shift to the manifestation consciousness comes with a surrendering of the pride in the ego which was created by thoughts of the victim to become emotional for attention.Many seek outside help and do corporate with spiritual advice and come to the next stage if there are some thoughts from their childhood of the good things that happened to them.If the memories are not there to "count their blessings" this may be the way to reach the good part of the inner child.When helping this state of consciousness of the victim state of mind, it is good to not allow them to repeat the story to you.This only fuels the energy and causes the person to go deeper into the victim and hurt the inner child.The best solutions are to stabilize the chemicals that have infested the body, mind, and soul.If medication is already in the system there may be side effects causing other problems that need to be looked at by their doctor.As the free will may also be not in their awareness this should be offered by the person helping to bring some uplifting of the low frequencies you are receiving in their words or tone of their voice.If you are hearing just the negatives you need to address this by being kind and gentle in your voice tones.They may raise their voice and start screaming you don't understand because the inner child is crying within their mind.Remember where this victim mentally is coming from they have allowed abuses and entertain the inner child with control as the adult they have become and the pressure to conform to the world and lack of free will to choose has been taken away by the bondage to the negative agreement with all systems.There is always hope and love in the midst of every storm created by each human and the coming out of the victim stage is possible with care and divine guidance on the readers part can break the shell they have created. Turn to your own inner child and as you do your work you will understand the torments that you suffered in your life and reflected from your own work.This is not impossible with the strength from God.Ask the victim to say affirmations of the "I am" with a positive word following and this will bring their energy up. Don't ask them to pray in this condition.You may pray for them but, be sure they are ready to receive.In most cases they are not ready to receive your help.Many words and time are wasted on helping others who are not ready to receive and work with the helpers in the world today.This drains energy from the helpers and causes inference with the other work you need to be doing on your own journey to wholeness and those who are ready for your assistance.We all have a purpose and a calling to serve God.We must decern the fruits of all that come to our life and know that God has sent them to us.As we as the children of God become aware of the differences and accept that we can't change people we become wise.Yes, we are separated by bodies but "one' with Christ we know that all have God within.Blessings for a wonderful and insightful new year
my sisters and brothers in Christ.

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