Sunday, December 27, 2015


We love communication and we live in a world of words that we need to hear that come from the heart.We don't like silents to entered into our relationships with God or people we love.We start thinking of the reasons why the silence has come and we worry because of our lack of understanding of the complete shut down of communications. Has the person forgotten to call us or text us just one word to keep the flow of communication in the relationship or is the silents an indication that someone doesn't love us.We always observe the cut-off of communications in a relationship as the end and not the beginning of our trust within ourselves and the bond we still have in love and spirit connections we have made.We did have trust in the beginning as the inner child  is all trust and love for God.When communications stop we turn to the outside world for answers and not God for the spiritual advice we need in the silents of communications with all relationships.As we start creating negative reasons instead of faith and hope we become a slave to the negative thoughts and our emotions are leading us down a path of destruction and not to a constructive way to created compassion and understanding of the stopping of communications.We are thinking well, it's over because he or she is communicating.Even though you know you want or need communication and feel it is not over in your heart and spirit.We need to think about the whole of relations and not just one part of it.The spiritual aspects and the love given and received should be our focus, not just the communications.The silent moments of waiting for communication can be a good thing if your perceptions are that they are a peacetime.A time of healing with you and the other person in the quietness of their soul and you will be in your free will and they are in their free will.The balance of the spirits in both is the development of trust without words but of the spirits involved in the relationship.The inward movement of the love that remains without communication.Have you heard that "there are no words that express my love for you?" we need to know that love has no boundaries and rules or limitations as God is everywhere at all time in spirit.The boundaries we set in our own mind and thoughts are conditions that we set that keep the flow of the unconditional love of God from helping us.One condition for people of the world in relationships is communication.If a person of the world is in a relationship with someone of the world they must give up their free will and be control and communicate even if they don't want to.If a child of God has free will to choose then the child of God gives free will to others.Communications will not be placed on the relationships a conditioning factor with friends or love or compassion given.So what if we don't talk to someone for days or years or right after a date does this make us require the certain condition of  communications in order to love?  Can we still care and love someone without communications?Yes, a child of God with unconditional love can do this because of the free will given to the relationships.The silence is there for a purpose of God and not the thoughts from the world that it means to "get over it" it is over because the person is not calling you is telling you it's over" What is your heart telling you?What do your past experiences tell you?The past is gone it is on the present moment that you can trust and comparing other people's ego experiences with yours is not serving your own spiritual growth.Each relationship is different because you are different and the person is different from your past experiences.You can learn from you past, but it is now and you are trusting this moment to express your love in many spiritual
ways and not like the world's conditions placed on your relationships.

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