BE AS A CHILD, to enter the kingdom of God.The pure heart is a requirement to enter the kingdom of God.How can we purify the heart?The center of all emotional activities come from the thoughts we desire.What would make the heart pure?Thoughts of whatever is lovely, kind and pleasing to God.We reflect our thoughts to God and others in our hearts compassion energies.To think on what we desire to receive is the giving of the heart.This is the balance of the purification of the heart we strive to achieve.To give inward to true-self inner child vibration the peace and joy of the child.To comfort and reassure in all emotions from the scars of the past treatments of abuse on the inner child's thoughts brings security.The security that was lost came because of spiritual maturities within the inner child's needs and wants not be fulfilled.The struggles to be loved unconditionally caused discomfort in the body, mind and heart because to inner child gave love unconditional.This created fears of the senses from the outside to be touched.Trust in the inner child of being held or cuddled for comfort turn inward back to the womb.What is a good heart? The inner child has a good heart for others and not true-self because the outward expression were praised by the world.The inner child needs honor and respect from the inner, not the outer but, seeks the world for comforts because of trust issues formed deep in the confusing trust of the unconditional love received.When a child loves it is given without conditions or wanted something in return.This is misunderstood by the adults in the world of ego we see every day.The inner child needs to give and receive to balance the heart of the unconditional love.The world doesn't accept the child of God because of the unconditional love it represents.It is a threat to the ego of the adult because of the thoughts "I can do everything by myself and don't need God" or anything or anyone to help me.This is selfishness and self-center thinking that keeps the inner child in torment and fear because of the broken connections with God's unconditional love.The heart of the inner child will be hidden in the shadows of fears within the adult ego.As the heart growth cold and aloof it hardens to all inner child's feelings of insecurity and seeks outwardly for escape in comfort foods, addiction, and habits to ease the yearnings of the inner child.Turning inward and addressing the inner child needs and wants helps the ego adult to work on the heart and on a conscious level to release the emotions they have lost control over.To be a parent can be difficult because their parents belief's and opinions have been embedded in their subconscious mind.A reprogramming to reboot is needed for the ego in the adult.The inner child needs to play and laugh to help in the releasing of the energies of love.Breaking through can be done when the stress is realized as the source of all pain and fears.Freedom comes only from the freedom to be a child because we are the child.The adult will try to hold on to many things to prove that that's who they are.The outward seeking for fulfillment in stuff from the material world is not happiness or joy.Our treasures are in spiritual unseen love we give and receive.We stored up our treasures in the kingdom within.The inner child is pearl and is formed in the inner kingdom with the
unconditional love of God.
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