Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Are you an adult that likes to please people?Your inner child is the cause of this unhealthy motivated selfish activity and causes harm to the adult.The need to be loved from other people that control the inner child is a codependent  relationship and the inner child will allow it because the adult in charge of their well-being is not doing the proper loving and care.The seeking of the conditional love becomes a cycle of fail relationships and abuse on the adult puts the inner child life in a bondage to the love that is artificial.The self-denial of the conditions of the relationships turns into selfish love at some point.The words used" I will love you if you do this or that"often making the adult submitted  their free-will to be love under these conditions so that their own survival becomes more important than the inner child's unconditional love.The ego of the adult goes to the pride state of consciousness and they think is the best thing to do even though it is compromises their true-self.The desires to escape come from the inner child thoughts of free-will and rebellion begins in the inner child.The adult knows the thoughts of the inner child and tries to sabotage the relationship on a physical  level first by cutting off touching or coming in contact with the codependent person. Arguments grow into selfishness and control by both people involved and a break up is difficult without communication of the truth.The truth is that the conditions were hard to keep without free-will be given to both parties in the relationship.This made is visualized by a "tug of war" and the resistance of the pulling and not the giving into the creation of a condition of the love that was set in the manifestation was the rope between the two people.A compromise is set and still can't bring a complete resolution to the fight between the two different types of love.The unconditional love is the only bonding "be ye equally yoked" is the only way to work together as the one we seek to become with others.With each serving a different master one the world and the other serving God is the spiritual war.The people pleaser adult gets into trouble with their pleasing when they get reject by people they try to deceive by their condition love they offer.The shyness in the adult also comes from the inner child and promotes the "I can't do this or that without permission"this comes from the first caretaker and needs to be control by the adult that you are now.Give the inner child permission to take chances and you will see a change in your own adulthood.

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