Friday, December 11, 2015


DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, Can we walk in the shoes of Jesus the Christ's and experience the same feelings and emotions and sacrifice our own ego journey of our will and become His servants?We pray "thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven" but, do we know what we are saying by those spiritually filled words.We are asking God to bring the will of God to bring the will of God to Earth so we will have heaven here with us.We say "thy kingdom come" we are asking for the kingdom to be here with us and not in a far off place beyond the Earth.The name Emanuel means God with us.This was the name the angels gave Mary to named the baby we call Jesus.That name is better known all over the planet as the name use as an authority identity for the Christ child.Many do not know about the importance of the name Emanuel and its meaning and it is now time to draw attention to "God with us" as the journey of each child of God take the next steps in their transition of the transformation to their light bodies within the temple body.We have walked down many paths and taking many lessons from the world and they are still with us in our memories. Our walk was in blind faith and trust of the man from Galilee a fisherman for God.We followed his path and heard His stories as children and sung the song"Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so"this was so long ago for many I know.The child in us remembers the early relationship we had with Jesus as we prayed by our bedside on our knees to God and asked for that new bike or doll for Christmas.When we became adults the request became money, jobs, and true love, cars, and other material things.Did we pray for others as much as we pray for stuff? Yes, there were prayers for world peace and feed the hungry children.I am sure God heard and answered all the prayers of the children and the adults and did His will on Earth as it is in heaven.Did Jesus pray to God?Yes, he did and he took time out to meditate on his journey to stay connected to God. The children of God have walked in the shoes of the fisherman many times when they followed their hearts to serve God.The world says, "we can't walk in somebody else shoes" I disagree we can take up the cross of Jesus and walk  in His shoes when we take off the ego shoes of the world and walk in the spirit of the truth of the word.Jesus wanted us to carry on with His life and told us, "greater things we shall do"What did he mean by greater things?He was talking about spiritual things, not bigger buildings or grander statutes of idols to praise the workmanship and money that spend to create without any credit to God.We have created the world as the children of God because without our divinity within each child and God's love can you even imagine what it would be like today?We were in the shoes of the fisherman every time we created and loved the world with our gifts God gave us to share with the world.This is our relationship with the Christ child we strive every moment to fill His shoes on this planet.

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