Finding proof and evidence is the problem many humans have in everything the belief in The belief in even their own existence is even in question.Sometimes you just have to believe without questioning.Many people spend their whole life on asking others and God.They and not living a life in a flow of their own awareness of just being. Every experience in life gives human answers to the unseen more than the seen they are seeking.To seeking of anything supernatural takes a leap of faith and doing this takes a belief in faith.This is not a blind leap of faith a knowledge of the word of God is required by spiritual discernment in reading and hearing the word of God.Belief and faith work together in bringing hope for the evidence of things not seen.The word of God is the living spiritual substance that is required to feed faith in the believer.As the belief increases in the child of God the faith becomes the action of the hope for the evidence. Seeking is in the processing of the belief by every word of God.As a child hears a word from a parent or teacher each word goes to the brain as a thought.The thought forms an image and is stored in the memory.The thoughts are unseen and the brain uses images to recall memories.Some humans use words to help them recall events.It depends on the side of the brain they use to bring a thought into the seen.We all learn different and process thoughts differently.The right brain or the whole brain thinker is more apt to use the unseen creative intuitive to understand the words heard.Faith, hope and spiritual words and thoughts are in their belief's and form their opinions in most cases.The logical left brain knows the words but the meanings created doubt because of their over reasoning and analytical thoughts.They live in a world of the seen and their senses confuse them about the unseen spiritual senses. They are curious but they have no faith to look for evidence in God's word.Usually, they attribute the spiritual unseen as negative evil forces trying to control them.Their ego leads them into fears and paranoid behaviors.The truth seekers of belief in the unseen use true faith and know that God is everything. The dualities and double minded humans switch from faith to disbelief and seeks help for clarity of what is happening to them on their journey.I have worked with all types of humans on my journey and can say that each human can come to the wisdom of the unseen spiritual world by using their right brain creativity.The imagination centers are still in operation in the left brain and the right brain can bring the spiritual unseen things in dreams and meditation.Renewal of the both brains in full cooperation can be achieved in asking the questions in prayer to God to help.Understanding your own thoughts and where they come from such as others or movies, media and music bring wisdom to the left brain logical thoughts and the doubts need to address as they presented in the reasonings and overthinking everything as it comes into the reality of each.To say there are more unseen things than the seen is a start to wisdom of the duality that is present on our planet.
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