Is the world offended by a God that was proud of His creation? Can humans be proud of the work they have done with God's help?We praise our children with sticky stars and give them grades for work in school and at home don't we?Praising builds confidence and self-esteem in every human.Praising God for His accomplishments is what every child needs to do and is a type of worship to many on our planet.The world has the word "earn" and they say,"you have to earn everything from your respect to your honor and trust.When a child of God is given everything from grace and freely when they choose God as their choice to serve.The two systems clash and bring the double minded thinking into the reality of the adult and the true self and the false self will get confused.
The world gets very upset and offending when a child of God "blows their own trumpet " on the accomplishments and achievements when the gifts of the Holy Spirit are used to bring God's creation abilities on Earth.All is good that comes from God and the world perception are bad and no good can come without earning something.The ego does present a problem as it is a logical reasoning that brings confusion of the spiritual true self and the inner child within the kingdom.There is a false-self that is created and the barriers are the walls of a defence mechanism of the world that are embedded to prevent spiritual awareness.So if anything outside of the logical false-self appears it is an offence action to the world of the inner child.The ego has to attack the inner child with thoughts of jealousy and bullying occurs to combat the offended inner child that has chosen the world as their master.
When we think of the balancing and integration of this process of the wholeness and all of the components involved in the spiritual growth of the inner child we have to consider the ego.We are now on a new adventure into the deep emotions of the conflicts that are rising up in the inner child's battle right now.It is not the good and bad as much as it is the right and wrong way to proceed with caution.The needs and wants of the inner child are causing the offences to protect the true self from breaking through and surrendering the lies that we are separated from each other.We are one body and the body is the Christ and each has gifts that are in full operation in the spirit.When a child of God has served God and witness the miracles that they have done for God's glory as children of God we need to listen and praise God for achievements not say as the world says" they're
just blowing their own trumpet" they are the servant of almighty God and everything belongs to God!
YES! The Angels in Heavan are blowing the trumpets for us as we are servants battling the ego of the world with unconditional divine love!