Friday, January 22, 2016



After my paper on controlling factors I am being faced with my own self control and God's control.Or should I say the willingness within my own perceptions to make changes.Changes don't come easy even if we may want them to be easy as we have some wisdom of we would like to change.As humans we know we want control over our lives and the ways we may think others want control.This is very interesting and takes many more experiences to come to me before I have a complete picture of control.I know that my own free will is being threaten  by controllers and the offering of money was one of the ways the world used to tempt me to turn over my free will many times.The slavery of the control of power of money is still in our world today. What a person thinks you need money to do something for them in a sense they want control.They want to own you lock stock and barrel and if they take your free will away with money they think they own your soul.In the reality of their mind they have done just that.The person with free will allows the control freak into their lives thinking they can change the controller and it is trap of deceit and revenge.In a sense the changer is a type of controller also.They think they are helping the codependent person they are helping and it fact they have been duped also into a lifestyle of controlling more and more.Every relationship they entering into has the no free will in themselves as they have lost self control and all others they see as more slaves to do their bidding for money.The mind of the controller is double minded and can switch from the state of victim consciousness to righteousness thinking of love in seconds. When listening or talking to the double minded person it is easy to hear the control demands coming in their conversation.The make remarks about changes you make to make the relationships go better so they can take over your life. They may say we don't have a relationship if you don't get on my sleep patterns or what's going on in my life we can't have a relationship.This is a controller taking your free will to choose your own life to live for God or your own thoughts for your journey.Be careful the next thing they offer is money to sway you into their control.The strange part about this controller is the need to have a relationship but can't see the forest for the trees.They can't give free will to others because they don't believe they have free will. They want just want to feed their own ego and their heart is cold without compassion for the people they control.The only that can cure a heart of stone cold hardest and bitterness is God's love not controlling love they offer their victims.While working with these types of people I am discovery my own self control and this has brought me wisdom to know more about God's unconditional love.The children of God need to protect their love of God in their heart.The controller want you to worship them and do as they say without questioning and obey all their commands.Are we ready for the controllers on this Earth to try their evil schemes on our love for God and in the process loose our free will to choose God instead of money?



  1. Wow- just had this thought...
    So why on Earth do we symbolize marriage proposals with a diamond ring? We were just talking and I said "here, take this diamond ring -aka-money in return for love...
    What the heck? Probably nothing that is meant to be at all what it is, yet literally, hand in hand with what you're saying. What a revelation, right?
