Tuesday, January 12, 2016




The law of prophets has been a debate on the table for many times in my own journey.All the gifts of the Holy Spirit are active and present within the inner child's pureness of heart.The free will choice to use the gifts has always been available to each child.The activation of the gifts can be accomplished by the trusting and acceptance of the God source connection.Each gift is given according to the calling and purpose of the God source.There may be a reason for certain gifts to come and go according to  the purpose in the experience of the child.For example, the gifts of tongues of other languages, not the prayer tongue many religions use to stir up the people's energy in the churches with sounds deep in the spiritual realms.Most of the preachers that use these types of prayer tongues don't interpret the meanings for the people and this causes confusing to some.The Bible speaks about the importance of order when tongues are used an interpretation must be done.All the gifts have a purpose and God is giving the gift to the human vessel through the Holy Spirit.All children can speak in other languages when they need to receive information from God.One example that happened to me many years ago and  I became aware of the gift of tongues when I was sitting in a waiting area in a hospital with my son.A couple from China  had brought their son  in for a check-up he was choking and a doctor came up to them to ask questions.They didn't speak English and the doctor was trying to find out why the child was choking.I was just listening to the conversation and my spirit of awareness rose up in me and I felt a lightness in my body.I starting talking in Manchurian a language  I had not even had any knowledge of in my life.I talked directly to the two parents and they spoke back to me in their language of their country.I heard it in English. I was shocked, at first, and it took me a few minutes to speak to the doctor standing right in front of the three of us in the hospital.I told the doctor that they said their son had an asthmas condition from birth.The doctor told me to tell them that he could treat the child and left in a hurry back to their son in another part of the hospital.I told the Chinses couple that the doctor was going to take care of their son and not to worry. I said it in their language so they would understand. I spoke very smooth and natural without being concerned that I was speaking to them in such a way without any knowledge within my own input to the whole situation.After this occurred I studied the word of God and this made sense to me it was God's purpose, not mine.

All the gifts are present in each child to allow to come through us and be used for the purposes of God.This is the meaning of the flow of God through us and in us.The child of God has special abilities to serve the body of the whole church which is the children of God.To one person the spirit gives the ability to give wise advice.God's spirit gives faith and a power to heal the sick.He gives power for doing miracles to some.And to the calling to His purposes, He gives prophesy and to preach the word.The spirit also gives the power to know whether evil spirits are speaking through those who claim to be giving God's messages and the power to speak in languages they have never learned.The gifts and powers are connected to the God source for operation within the kingdom within and given by that spirit.The body is the temple of God and all parts are the same power of the spirit of God.For as a foot is a part and a hand are connected so is the whole body of believers.

The human consciousness is in the God consciousness.All information is God's thoughts of creation and the children hear their masters voice as God hears the children voice.We create as we choose through our free will to create our own life's journey.We are called or chosen to serve God each must accept the calling for service to God.Many don't accept their calling because of ego and identity problems.When a child of God chooses not to serve God they are influenced by the other powers of the world. The evil  powers they used for their ego is the channel source of the world and takes control of the gifts of God.Their identity of who they are becomes fused to the world and their own identity is affected by this misuse of the powers.This is like a procession of a spirit to some degree.The child of God is still present within the core of the beliefs and needs to become aware of who they are and what spirit has taken over their own free will to own their own life.The struggling and trying words they use show their resistance to the true self.The flow of information is still coming but the fruits stop and the person taken over by this codependence of the spirit that has been allowed to come into their consciousness weakens their abilities of the gifts and causes anxieties to rise up.This is an awaken by God to the child and it is a judgement from the Holy Spirit.We hold on to other spiritual influences of our love-ones because we want to them live for them in many cases.I have studied for years about this  identity problem.The person holding on can do this for years until someone on the outside recognises this attachment they have allowed to take over their own identity.The reason they don't become aware of an evil present is the awareness that they need God to bring enlightenment to the darkness it has created.The spirit of the loved one is in the transition from physical death to spiritual renewal they are not the spirit of the person who are in transition.I know this will shake up or wake up many people on our planet.We keep the memories of our love ones and this is important to every one of us.We need to let the influences go we connected with when the loved one separates  from the physical and goes into the spirit.The emotional ties to our loved ones are the grieving that brings low depressive energies and allows negative energies to enter into our heart.To be our true self  is the reason for the separation of life and death. Honesty replaces the false   identity
and renewal of our purpose to serve God for His purposes and not our own ego-self.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Two days ago I worked with Maria Shaw again, and the lovely Dr.Midge Miller said just a few words that although were contradictory to another very wise man I have much respect for in the same work as a servant of God, it surely lifted a huge weight off my shoulders! For the Last several years I had openly and happily been living my life for someone else (Peter Pan.) I have recognized as this person weaves in and out of my daily life, that my gifts that God has blessed me with (those that I am so far aware of anyway,) had been weakened during the times I allowed this person to spiritually control me as a spiritual vampire! I tried so hard to accept, forgive and will continue to unconditionally love this person, but no longer will I live my life for him. The gifts God has given me that I have learned of and used thus far are certainly awakening further. This was not the first time an outsider had recognized that I had lost my own identity along the way, and even I myself knew this, yet thought it was what I was supposed to do. I am very confident that God has performed miracles through myself, as well as blessing me to help others understand their paths better using my words. Thank you so kindly, my dear friend for writing this and sending it to me, it brings further clarity and understanding as to my own journey, and I realize that I will no longer live my life for anyone, and I am thankful for these experiences because without them, I May have never realized that I too am God's child and I now better understand and accept God's calling and will better live my life for him, as we all should. It truly feels asking to help awaken others along the way, doesn't It? I understand a lot better why God has connected us to each other, because even if I were to be the only person who chooses to read this, it hit me hard, and I mean that the brightest Holy light has just began to flow throughout me and this article alone will change the world, Brenda! Thank you so very much! Before I saw this in my messages, I made a small purchase, that confirms we were subconsciously communicating, or maybe that God was communicating to us together. I will be sending you a picture of the item I bought for Miss Ruby. I bought it, because of you! Much love!
