Relax God is really within on this last part of your journey.You have always been aware of the negatives in your life but dealing with the negatives is a new subject.Many are saying stay away from toxic people and get them out of your life.This is easy to say but it is a reality?We need to "step up to the plate" and take back the power given to each child of God and used the gifts of the Holy Spirit.We know it is a spiritual warfare and the battle is in the kingdom of God inside of each child.The fears we created as the inner child grew into adulthood has many hidden demons.Some are attached to our emotions and some were used as threats by our parents for control.The monster under the bed or in the closet still bring fears of the unknown and have created false memories that adult still deals with.The false self is made of the fears and the true self of the adult struggles to understand the reasons for many phobias such as being in closed in places or large crowds and walking into dark rooms.These fears were demons the inner child may still face as the adult and are a part of the false self.How can we as adults deal with the negatives if we don't understand the reasoning behind our own fears?Many times we hear as adults the insecure warnings of our parents like "take care" or "are you sure you know what you are doing?" "You know dear you never got over that as a child"You are just going to have to live with things that happened to you and forget about it." The words of a fearful parent are toxic and need to be addressed by the adult when they occur. Positive affirmation is a good way to counteract all negatives and can be done in the moment of the attack.You might say to the adult that is suggesting "you need care or take care of yourself I am worried about you." Thank you for your concerned I am well able to do just that.This speaks volumes of positive energy to your subconscious mind and security level rise up in the adult.The inner child has heard these words take care for an entire childhood and it caused unworthiness and lack of knowing how their parents knew that they were capable of knowing self-care.The independent factor of the inner child was affected and the adult goes to the extremes and becomes overprotective with their own independence.Over independence can turn into pride over everything else on the journey.Where is the trust of God in the parent to teach the child about Gods protection?Each inner child has different demons and experiences that need to discovery and just one paper really doesn't tell all to help us. I will come back to this as my own journey unfolds.blessings
"Just one paper really doesn't tell all to help us," but honestly, Brenda "just one paper" can spark the flame of the realization of God's light! Such a single paper, can and has for me- lead to a New awareness or a different perspective that is life changing! Everyone has different perspectives, but God knows what he is doing, and humans like you and I that are able to use our words and relate to others, allowing only God to judge them, therefore allowing each person that crosses our paths or comes to us feel the true acceptance we truly have for all of God'S children! It is truly God's intention for you and I as well as everyone, to be, live, and love as servants of God! Previously you had stated how some were given the gifts of communicating and how we do not realize it until one single event occurs in our lives that brings out that beautiful uplifting awareness that we have accepted God and chose to recognize how he is working in our lives/how we are serving him! Each day I am feeling God's love more and more as I choose to allow myself to love God more and feeling his love is undeniably wholesome, and feels miraculous, which is odd because it is not a miracle to see, or feel God's love because it is currently present and instilled in us all, but to be so high on God's love as we both are, I know is lifting the vibrational frequency of the world we live in. For some it is a miracle for them to feel it, accept it, or overcome the ego, and be as God meant for us to be. Each time (and this has occured many times already,)since the show I listened to where you spoke of your first love and how a miracle has happened-I tear up, I am so overwhelmingly joyous for you and the miracle that has occupied in your life, and feeling it is beautifully radiant!!!
ReplyDeleteLove is energy, and energy is flowing in all that is. God is love! I love God! God loves us all! I Thank you God, for connecting Brenda and myself together for we are serving you and inspiring each other which in turn this loving energy emits so brightly, and others will surely feel it, and when they do, our gifts blossom further and stronger and we are able to serve higher, more, and it is powerful to no extent!
After I tapped "publish" for that comment, the sun came out, literally!