Wednesday, January 6, 2016



 Your basic needs as an adult are the needs of the inner child. The main reasonings for habits of cycles of defeats and rejection can be found in the lack of nurturing the child.The needs are spiritual food for proper growth to give spiritual maturity to the child of God. The child is hungry for all types of food to fill all areas of the human being in physical, mind and spirit to become whole.In most cases the physical needs are met for  a survival of the body and the attention to this area is important.The mother is very nurturing and usually, bonds as the feeding of the child will be the first priority. Through the feeding of food and holding and rocking or singing brings the bonding of unconditional love to the baby.The interaction between the mother and child is the bonding and the child feels security coming from the senses.If the mother is not nursing the baby the  may feel a difference in the bonding to some degree. If  the mother is not able to nurse the mother needs to hold the baby as the bottle is given to the baby to give the security in the bonding so needed by the baby.Some mothers are not aware of the security that bonding is important and the first stage of conscious  of the baby.The unconditional love of the parent or parents begins early and must continue throughout the child's life and into adulthood.Each stage of the growing process is important and give a significance of the worthiness within the spiritual core of beliefs in the consciousness of the child.The feelings of abandonment come when a growth stage is not met in the nurturing.The source of love is an unconditional love of God and is given freely to the baby through the caring and compassion of the human that is connected to God.The baby is very aware of the love given and needs this type of love of God to become conscious of their own identity and gain security.As the child growths in all wholeness, the spiritual food is also a factor for growth and maturity.When there is a disconnection in any area of the growth process the choices and decisions are affected.How can we as adults address our own issues in our growth in our spiritual journey?We can understand that we are hungry for food to fill us up in the physical body.The real problem is the eating the spiritual food we need to heal our
love and significance and security  emotions.Until the adult gains, this wisdom to nurtured the inner child the patterns will keep repeating in their life's choices.First we have to know we can do anything before we attempt to make a change.The knowledge of the childhood experiences may be repressed memories and we don't remember what happened to us.If this is the cases then look at the choices you have made in your relationships as a clue to what is missing.What do you need or want in your desires of your heart?Are you thinking something is needed to fill up that emptiness you feel inside?Maybe a person on the outside is nurturing you instead of your source God?"The child of lack needs to get back." to God as their source instead of something or someone to fill their spirit.This can be done by allowing yourself 'to love you" and think of your worthiness. What things or actions could you do to bring worthiness into your consciousness?Stop judging and blaming  every action and thought and looking at your imperfections.The victim stage of consciousness is the unnurtured inner child trapped inside you and the struggle is against the controls by uncaring humans you have to have relationships with in the outside world.Inside your awareness, the hurts and pains of the insecurities fight your adult and caused the inner child to react emotionally to rules or controls. This is called tantrum of the inner child.The healing of the three basic principles brings alignment to the inner child and agreement in the adult.The battle is a spiritual war of awareness and agreement within the kingdom of the inner child.

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