Monday, January 4, 2016

The words "I WILL be good" can be a warning flag.

To say I will means the will of the person is being used to deceive the child of God.The person is using the will of the self-ego "I " to entrap for a short period of time to gain control over the person they are deceiving.They themselves are also being deceived by their own ego.The free-will that God gives to choose is not the same will of the ego-self will.The self-centered ego will pretend to be good.The free will God's gives is a freedom of choice.A child of God that chooses to use their free will understands that God's will works with their own free will.Most children of God seek God's will in their prayers "thy will be done on Earth as in  heaven" in order to have God's will a child chooses to obey God's commandments and laws and the act of being good are the results and not the "I will be good" but the I am good" because everything God creates is good.To think that we could be good without God in our lives is a trick of the evil of the world.The devil wants people to think they can save themselves and be good without God.Our strength and love come from obeying God's will for our salvation in the spirit.A person under  a control of the evil energies of Satan or the Lucifer light angel is deceived by the words "I will be good" sometimes they will promise to be good.The state of goodness is a spiritual acceptance of the good of God.For only God is good and humans are in fallen nature of sins and temptations. This is a salvation of the spirit of the acceptance of the will of God.We can not save ourselves because we are not fully God but part of the body of Christ.As Christ gave his body for sacrifice knowing the need for the revenge of the humans that hated God.Jesus also knew that they needed a body and the blood to be shed as they sacrificed animals for their sins.A lamb of God Jesus was a human sacrifice to replace the practices of animals.It was done for the body and the body was to be thought of as a "laying down" for the purpose of the spirit within to rise up.Are we to lay down our bodies for others in sacrifice for their sins?No, Jesus did this we are to surrender our ego "I" identity of who we are in Christ.The message is very clear that we as God's children should understand our identity in Christ as we entered into the last days of the battle.Listen close to the words of the evil coming from the mouths of those follow their own will of the "I will" and know a deception is in progress.The words "I will promise" are also a warning flag or "I will never hurt you," "I will never do it again" these words are lies because the ego-self is in control.

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