Sunday, January 24, 2016



We have all serve somebody or something on the journey of life.When we choose to serve we need to consider what we are serving.Are we serving a human that is serving God and not the world? We have served humans that have not treated the children of God as slaves.We gave our time and sacrifice our morals to their alters. We have compromised our lives and families with their demands to followed rules they set for us against our own loved ones and our own knowledge of right and wrong.We followed because we thought our survival on this planet depended on these ungodly masters.Are we guilty of sinning because we loved the world and the things it offered?We didn't feel guilty because we had good reasons to overcome our guilt. Did the end justify the means in our choices of following the world?We didn't see the big picture of God's plan can we still be judged by God on our transgressions.God knew we would transgress and serve other masters of this world.This is called the wages of sin as we accepted wages or earned money for our sinful desires of things.We didn't think or know the promises of God to provide.We have all turned to the world instead of God for our needs.Because we asked God for nothing we received nothing.Our own self- ego thoughts ruled our heart.Can a loving God forgive us for our sins and transgression?Many humans don't think they have every done one sin and don't need to be saved.If the children have served one person or something other than the one God we have a need to repent.The word is very clear and serving idols is the same thing because we put our faith in the idols to serve us as we serve them.Putting your attentions on things of the world instead of God causes us to loose faith in our Father God.Where your intention is focused on the world for your needs God is not being served.

A shift in consciousness towards the Christ consciousness is a choice in the present moment for every child of God.We know that many have told us about a "new age" movement and there has always been a pronouncement of something new and improved.We all rush to the stores and buy the new item on the shelves and don't bother to read the small print that we can't read.Most of the time it is the same old product with a new label.We need to look closer at the label "new age" and read the small print or the lives and fruit of the humans pushing the product.We overlook the details and don't ask the questions and follow blindly into the darkness of the messages we accept.We get readings from people who take our money and lead us by taking our free will from us to make our own choices.We keep listening to their ego and are unaware of who they serve.They say they are getting information from spirit guides what are these spirit guides?Are they from God that created all or guides that come from the world.Nobody asked this question  to these so called humans with gifts from their own mind and don't serve the one, God.Are they telling the truth and can the truth be in the world? These readers tell things they may take some of the children off their path to God.Why would a child of God allow somebody they know nothing about control their life?The children have all been blinded and have no awareness and discernment of their own gifts of the Holy Spirit in them.So they allow others to rule over them because of the spirits these humans have allowed in their soul.It is a spiritual war and not flesh and blood as we know and it is becoming aware in our the children.

My calling was to bring the children home to the Father God through Christ Jesus.I have been into the world of the occult and the fakes psychic, mediums and those who make claims of guides of familiar spirits.At many psychic fairs, I heard those that told me it was all about the money. I am not saying all psychics are fake or that they serve Satan.We need to use our discernment and test every spirit we consult.If we would check out who they serve we would not give our free will over to their advice.I am not perfect for only God is perfect. I am seeking God and the kingdom within for the service of God and this was my calling.Each child has a calling and purpose in God.We are tempted to get help from anyone for our suffering and troubles and we should seek God or the children of God who serves God first.God is my judge as He is yours also.Remember when you use discernment and ask about their fruits be gentle and asked about their blessing they receive for their work.If you need information before the reading don't be in fear you need to follow God's  Holy Spirit not the world's advice.

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