Thursday, January 21, 2016



The children of God are awake to  the possibilities of wholeness within their consciousness.The shifts of the realities the in each child's journey brought many experiences of conflicts and resolutions.The consciousness grew and levels of awareness brought wisdom beyond the human mind.This is the golden age as Edgar Cayce uttered the very words to us in a trance state of awareness.Some have called it a new age and this has led many down a rabbit hole to some degree. All direction lead those who choose to go by their free will.Many doors and ways have been offered to the children on their own journey. There is no wrong or right to choose the correct way to your own calling from God.The calling is personal and the choices are yours to take or not to take.Everything that is given as a choice or directions is a maze of possibilities for growth in your awareness of spiritual significance.The awaken is the quickening of your gifts and talents through the Holy Spirit.The child of God is given the gifts and the child of Satan is given the gifts also.The child of God uses the gifts to unify the kingdom within.And the Satanic influences promo the kingdom outside.These two energies are control by God the creator.The free will to choose is given to each child on this planet.The darkness and the light are divided and the coming together will occur when the battle is done in the spiritual realms. We as humans are expecting a physical manifestation for change on the Earth and this is not in the Bible.There are many humans praying for a return of Jesus and this is their choice.The battle is not flesh and blood but spiritual.The kingdom is within the consciousness of your awareness.We are all connected in the collective of the whole consciousness.The conflicts of the lower consciousness of those influences by the lower Satanic energies are causing the higher conscious of the Christ minded children to experience many test and emotions that are coming from their past mistakes.The forgiveness releasing is the cure for such energies that arise in theses last days of the spiritual battles within the kingdom.Each child has a choice to remain in the lower or higher consciousness.The getting rid of sins was done by Jesus and when He says He is the way the truth and life He meant it.The way out of confusion is to find your own true self and apply it to your life.The way of the world is different it is to follow the rules and do this or that and earn your way There is a different and this choice has always been on the table.The earning of your salvation is even offered in the religious world.This what a religion is a controlling non-free will system to make the children conform to the rules of men.The new age movement is a religion by definition it tells it tells the followers, to do meditations, talk to your guides, call on your angels and use the laws of attraction.Jesus consciousness tells us to seek the kingdom of heaven and everything will be added unto us.I am not saying we shouldn't pray and meditate on the word because we know that feeds our spirit.The children of God must have free will to choose.Within the kingdom, we have  a purpose to serve God.When we seek the kingdom of this world we are serving self and the ego self is the conflict within the true pure heart of the inner child.Jesus didn't come to change the world He knew that the evil was in the men of religion He had to face.He came to save the children.What was He saving us from?From rules of men and the controls of the ego's.He prepared a way for the sins to be taken from us.The way the truth and the life was in His example of how to live life more abundantly.

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