Monday, January 4, 2016


HEAVEN is a word meaning bliss and peace and rest for many people.Heavenly can mean the skies and clouds to many as they look upward to the heavens.The word heaven like many of our words can take on different meanings as each generation brings new inspirations.Heaven can mean a place or a kingdom of heaven also and this concept is held by many faithful people.As a place heaven is seen as a far away place with golden streets and a gate and many mansions and the throne of God.This may be the concept many held in their belief because of the scriptures in the Bible.The Lord's prayer brings a perception of "bringing heaven to Earth" as we prayer thy kingdom come on Earth as in heaven.Can the words bringing mean to bring or request it come onto the Earth? To bring a place called heaven to Earth as seen in many pictures painted of a floating city of heaven coming down from the clouds has brought many to this concept and that is their reality.I think everyone who is a believer in God can consider the possibilities of many miracles and knows that God can do anything.The reasoning and doubt sometimes make many people not even give anything supernatural a second thought because of their left brain logical ego thinking.Unfortunately, this type of ego doubts keeps them finding salvation or even thinking they need to be saved."What every a man thinks so is that man" where the focus goes so does the thoughts and intentions.If a person is entertaining the thoughts of the paranormal and not the normal the thoughts are not balanced in the world or the spiritual dimensions he seeks the dark side and the fears are in him.Everything we think needs balance in the thinking properties of the whole brain or insanity and thoughts turned to morbid self-hate and create fears.It is better and healthy to think on theses things "what is lovely, good and beautiful" instead of focusing on the negatives to bring fear to the children.Heaven is something that can become a reality through the focus on the good intention of "bringing heaven to Earth" and believing it is within the kingdom here on Earth.There are many traps and pitfalls in our world that keep us in bondage to other people's beliefs.We need to stand firm on our own belief's and realities we have in our moral compass.The spiritual battle has always been in the heavens and within the kingdom of God.Within the body of the believer is the kingdom of heaven and it has always been there all that we see in the physical world was manifested through our God within.The creativity is a gift of God through the Holy Spirit.It is up to the children of God to manifest their belief's that heaven within come outwardly to manifest the kingdom on this Earth.We prayed for this and Jesus prayed for this to occur in His prayers."Thy kingdom comes on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN"

I AM IN A CONTEST NOW "HEAVEN ON EARTH" and by the grace and mercy of God, my video has been accepted.I appreciated your kindness in reading my post and listening to my radio show please vote for my video on their site.

my video is heaven within by Brenda B

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