Memory is the key to a life well live.Moment by moment the unfolding of our interaction with life.To be aware of the events as they come to us and bring in all the experience.We have a memory even though many people say they have a bad memory.The importance of the awareness of the memory and it function to store facts and experiences is a part of each person's awaken in consciousness. Without memory, the consciousness will have emotions without knowing where they come from.As humans, we are emotionally connected to everything that we experience. The feelings of confusion and being lost is caused by not paying attentions to the experience of the life you are having.Many times we are given experiences to learn lessons of self-improvement.When we view each experience in our life as trials or test of our worthiness we tend to remember it as a bad experience when it may have been just another step in our wholeness.Each experience may appear to be bad as we look back on the memory of it.The thoughts of abuse or rejection may be stuck in our memory as we relate the story from our memory.We tend to remember the bad memories because the experience was in our past and we are glad we are in the present moment.We are detached physically from our past and we still have the emotions of what happen and warnings from our memories keep us stuck.We think about the saying,"History repeats if we don't learn from it" This may be a true statement to some degree.But can we take each experience and learn from each one by its self or do we need to look at the whole of our life as the experience?Life is to experience and go from one experience to another in a flow of awareness of living.We can pause and reflected as we go from one experience to another if we become aware that we are a memory.Our story is to remember and make memories this is consciousness awareness in action.We can change our story each moment or rewrite our own history of events if we want to.The people that keep their history from their past and don't rewrite or change their perceptions of their past fail to awaken to the present moment importance and get lost in their story.They are stuck in the old ways of dealing with their experiences and haven't gained new ways of seeing that they are not the same person who is in the now having an experience. When letting go of the past releases emotions and new perceptions come into the present experience of living each moment and day by day.Regression is a useful tool to help with memories in this incarnation and other incarnation. Dealing with the incarnation you are now experiencing can be done with a person trained in this or with meditation tapes.The memories our past are mostly dramatized by our emotions at the time we were younger or immature spiritual.We are not the same person we were in our past.The processing of new experiences and storing memories for future reflection on your life can be a helpful tool in the completing the wholeness we seek.
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