Saturday, January 16, 2016



Humans are born with the complete functioning of the brain they are whole brain thinkers.The environmental information is a factor to the learning of the whole brain and the receiving of the data will be accepted by both brains.For example, a child brought into a family who's parents are more left brained the outcome of the child's brain may be left-brained and logical thinking is the norm.As with a child that has parents that a right brain the child will model the right brain activities.With parents who are both left and right brained the child will be a whole-brained thinker.As the child leaves this environment and moves into higher learning the brain dominance  may change or remain the same depending on the classes they choose. The brain is muscle and the strength of the usage can change the dominance once it was set by the parents in the early childhood years.Both brains can still be activated as patterns of behaviors change in the adult.A right-brained adult not good with numbers may find it difficult to do left brain logical and take a job at a bank and required to use their left brain.This can be done with and can change the brain dominance and the right brain function of their creative will become dormant.The same with a left brained person who has place themselves in a creative environment use the logical side of their brain and take the creativity thoughts and integrate them into a design.The left brain still remains logical and has the doubts of the functions of the right brain.The left brain humans do have more difficulties with matters of spirituality and the unseen because they can't visualize like the right brain humans. The visualize more in their brain in a logical reasonings as the right brain humans think "out of the box".Remember the whole brained thinkers can move quickly from one brain to the other and this causes confusing to the relationship communications.Determining the brain that you trying to connect to is the problem most people have.
First knowing what brain you use can help you as it always starts inside you own thinking and growth in all areas of your journey to wholeness.

How do you know if someone is right-brain? Right-brain characteristic included creativity, the ability to dream in colors and lucid dream.Astral project and meditation are there visualization tools.Their intuitive senses are always seeking clues to their surroundings and they are people watchers.They like dim lights and mix food up on their plates for variety.Their offices and home surrounding may seem unorganized but they know where everything is.The live most of their time day dreamer of the supernatural and music is inside them creating a new song.They dance and move their bodies with the rhythms in their own soul.When someone doesn't understand them they go inward to their own world to pray or meditate. They don't every give up on their thoughts of something out there in the spiritual world as a God, angels or unseen things that they know is in their imagination.

How do you know is someone is left-brain?Left-brain characteristics included a strong understanding of language and words are formed to explain their own reasoning why are things third dimensional and not imaginary by nature.The world they live in is the real world and the imagination must be explained.The world of science and math rule their thinking and the stress and doubt keep them balanced in their own ego sometimes.They may have some right-brain functions they can relate when talking to a right-brain person such a music or the arts.Spirituality is not real or understood in their logical thinking.they do tend to be religious as the rules and traditions are very important because of the left-brain order they adhere to in their own life.

Two different worlds of thinking on our planet from the beginning of consciousness.Our schools teach mostly left-brain concepts and our government runs in an order according to rules set by many right-brain spiritual people and left-brain people.The consciousnesses of both of these types are still presenting problems in communication and chaos and order to some degree.As the churches fall away and spirituality changes the thoughts of the children of God this will cause a rising in growth and opportunities for new a golden age and new world.The world systems are also working in their logical brains of a new world order.The two worlds will meet in the consciousness with this battle and this is since the beginning and the end.God is the whole brain consciousness that has it all under control.

Once you start observing the way others think this brings a wisdom to help each of us get along in our own world.The way the truth and the life may appear different because we are different in each human.Listen to the words used by the left-brain person and the right-brain person sometimes you can hear clues to what they are thinking.And if their thinking is different from yours be kind and try to understand it just different from yours so give them free will to be who they are.Forgive them because they know what they say or do.The will of each is to be free and  we must be willing to accept them and not judge them because of their thinking. It is not wrong or right to be different nor good or bad it just is different.

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