Saturday, December 31, 2016


Dear dimensional spiritual,

Personally and collectively 2016 was a year of spiritual growth and maturity for the "one" true channel of love that was provided by a source called "creation of light inwardly" and through the expressions of co-creation we started writing a new story. The activation of free will was a huge step towards dimensional thinking in the whole consciousness. The awareness of who we are and how we can be the children of God we need to be to bring the "golden age" of the kingdom of God through our beliefs in each of us inwardly.The grounding and clearing and balancing of our old world programs have been integrated fully and harmony of agreements are in place for the new year of the 2017=10=1 the year of the "one" has come.The world order turns to spiritual chaos and opens the door for changes and opportunities for each soul to complete their sojourn as written in the consciousness.We have all observe the chaos on the planet with every "new age" in our history and know there is always a new birthing process in each growth that is created."Out with old in with the new" and the old-self becomes the new self to some degree depending on the free will it accepts.

The transformation of the soul or the spiritual essence returns to the cocoon or womb inwardly in the imagination for a creative process of rebirthing to become the butterfly or light body to continue the journey and rise up to meet the source in the air. The birth pains and struggles are beginning in some as they release their dependency on the 3rd dimension and many are in the 4th dimension and as the year progresses the 7th -11th dimensions will happen by those who are ready to create the new Earth.

Proclaiming the year of the "one" is not unusually and during our escape from Atlantis many lifetimes ago we knew the process does work and have full confidence we can achieve through our believing and the seeking liked minded kindred spirits we will accomplish the task before us unfolding. No sadness or sorrows will prevent this occurrence because all emotional attachments will not be present at the moment of the breaking away from the lower dimensions. 

Perceptions of the inner knowing are to be trusted and faith of wholeness in true-self will continue to raise every vibration on the planet as the collective consciousness comes to an agreement.



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