Monday, December 5, 2016


Dear brothers and sisters in the Christ consciousness, 

While listening to a Christian radio show last night the subject they discussed was the word of the year 2016 "post-truth" chosen by the Oxford dictionary people.Every year they pick a word that explains each year's cultural language definition.Another way of thinking about the reasoning behind their pick of the word " a post" meaning on the internet social networking pages like facebook,Instagram or tweets, and wiki links.Posting words of truths that are their opinions or emotional rants that are not facts but appear to have some truth in them. Stories based on egotistical negative thoughts that create fears by appearances of truth that believing in and not the truth from the readers of such postings. Fake news articles have surfaced from the depths of their evil intent to bring chaos.The flood of such for reason of stealing the truths in each child of God have been with each generation and the since the garden of Eden.The world has been deceiving the human senses through all manner of sights and sounds and feelings and the tastes to gain control and take the powers of the spirit from each child of God.Living in the fleshly desires instead of the desires to be a spiritual being and walk in the spirit using the gift of discernment is not fully understood by each child.When a human is deceived by outer appearances and has no spiritual awareness of the gifts of the spirit they are caught up in the false and the truth of the Christ is not in them.The world has counterfeited everything and created false images and the words they use created lies to entertain the senses of humans.They say "do not judge or you will be judged" and this puts guilt in the minds of the children.Discernment is not a judgment it is reasoning and seeking the truth of God in all things that that is offered to you by the world.The human brain is designed to think with the whole brain and not just allow emotions to control your choices.When a human does not think and act and react to a situation without God's love they controlled by emotions instead of their spiritual discernment. They leave the spiritual  protection  of God within their core of beliefs. Another way to think of standing in your truth is to think of the truth that Jesus was and is. He said," I am  the truth" what did he mean by saying He was the truth? If we use discernment of the Christ consciousness the truth that Jesus spoke about is with us as God's children.We need to think about the truth that Jesus represented by His lifestyle and the words of truth he spoke to the people of His time on Earth.Can we live the lifestyle and represent the Christ in our day?We are called to be on this mission to be this to serve and glorify God.The expression of God through us and in us is our truth. By saying " I am a child of God" and walking in that statement with a full commitment to that truth.  

Emotional attachments can occur every time anything is presented to us by our human senses and memories of our past.We need to pause and step back before we react to everything.How can we do this?It is not easy the world is bombarding us with sights and sounds from flicking television screens and music with words of fear and hate and news stories that stir up our emotions. Cutting off the news that keeps repeating  the same story without the facts or selecting what you watch helps your thoughts to become your own thoughts.Thinking is not encouraged by the world.The world is repetitions of words and sounds to put you in a trance state of the victim consciousness and you become dependant on the outer world instead of the spiritual world inside you. You act like a human that wants to help others and may even say you want to help others but you want to control others.The problem is you can help yourself and you bring emotions to others that are selfish and unworthy and this is not uplifting to you or them.Let there be light in you from the Christ!!!!!!!!!!



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