Sunday, December 18, 2016


Dear souls,

Earth is not your home it is a planet in the great cosmos of planetary schools of remembering who you are in your soul."Not of the world but in the world" was spoken by the Christ Jesus to all who have entered into this incarnation.Each soul's purpose is to represent the Christ consciousness and glorify the purposes of God the Father.The Christ energy was manifested by the Holy spirit and was predicted to come into the world to be a living representation of God with us in flesh.The incarnation of the Christ child was for the purpose of God to take on the flesh as a man and still remain fully God and man in unity.Yeshua or Jesus was His name given by the angel that told Mary she would give birth to by the Holy Spirit.This baby would be a living lamb sacrifice to rid the world of the sin in the DNA program.The Jewish people believed in sin and predicted this.Did the world outside the Jewish church believe in sin?The pagans and those that were outside of the Jewish church did not understand the concept of sins and did not offerings to God for sins. The doctrine or dogma of sins came from rules and commitment from the laws of Moses.These commandments and covenant between the Jewish people are still taken very seriously.Even though the prophets were Jewish that predicted years before the Christ child was born the Jewish people didn't accept the lamb of God to take away their sins.A new covenant and new testament became the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by what Jesus did by His death, burial, and resurrection.The Christ came to fulfill the laws of the prophets and their prediction.He gave the world a sacrifice for the sins they were making animals offerings to but that was not His plan.He knew He had God in Him and He was also a man.You can decern the scriptures and gain wisdom as you read between the lines written by the four gospels and see His life was not to die but to bring spiritual knowledge to the people he met.He didn't speak of death or coming for that purpose He told people He met that their faith would heal them.He knew That His message was a living testimony of the God within each soul.He wanted everyone that followed Him to become self-discipline in their own self-worth of the spirit of God that is within them.He didn't call anyone He met a sinner or try to remove their sins.He was the salvation by His words and actions as He told them about the kingdom that was in each of them and not of this Earth or in the heavens.He told His followers to make disciples not to save people.To go into all the world and teach them my way, truth, and life. that  I have showed you by my life.So is the life of Jesus, not the death that is more important for all that follow the Christ.Did you need someone to die for you or did you need someone to show you how to live? I am the life and the way and the truth of The Christ and I have come to show you way home to the Father was said by Jesus the Christ.All souls are given a free will choice to choose their next home as they were when they chose the Earth home.

The thoughts of the Christ consciousness are written in the DNA.The words in every known language are "your body is the temple of the Lord" This is your home or kingdom where the Holy Spirit dwells it is always within you.When you seek outside of the inner sanctuary of the kingdom you are in the world.The world is a creation of the evil fears of men that live by ego, greed, and corruption. The inner kingdom is not corrupted because the spirit dwells within.The flesh is the outer shell and can become corrupted by temptations from the world. All sins and concepts of sin are of the flesh, not the spirit. The Holy spirit convicts the child of God of sins of the flesh if they enter into the soul.Sin can not remain in the spirit of a child of God.Many have spoken about repentance of sins and this has caused much confusion.How can a child of God repent if they have come to the wisdom of the Christ and been forgiven by God?This is important to know that when you believe in the Christ that your sins have been taken by Christ and you have been forgiven by God.The message is very clear for those that have the spirit of the living God in them.

Many people on our planet do not understand the incarnation of God into the Christ child.When they say the word they do not see the references to reincarnation made in the Bible about what the people thought about the incarnation of Christ.They used both words and some said,"that Jesus was the reincarnation of Elijah" when they saw the Christ.Why did they say this?They knew of reincarnation and an incarnation was a possibility. 

The cycle of life and nature is to die and be reborn and the cycle is part of creation.All souls are a creation and a born to created with a life source.Each soul is remembering where home is and return to the home that they know in the consciousness. 

the letter code of the home.

h=to manage
o=the secret
m=many ways
e=to evolve  

the core value 'om'
the resonance sound of the atonement in the word home

om=the secret of the many ways self-improvement, vocational or calling as you are helping others as you help yourself.

God's message given this morning 12/18/16 prophet bren




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