Thursday, December 1, 2016


Dear enlightened children of God, 

There are so many programs running in your subconscious mind that are being uncovered when you become more aware of who you are in Christ and Christ in you.The true statement is "God is in the details" was changed by the world to"The devil is in the details."to create fear.You may have heard the program that the world kept saying more than the truth.Details are very important facts in the whole story for complete understanding and wisdom to know the big picture concept.We all hear pieces and parts of any news story and process all the words and phrases spoken to us every day.

Our life is a journey story that we create with our actions and words we have thought about over and over to the extreme.Our memories of our past keep us entertained and  can cause emotional reactions in the present time because we think we can't move forward to the future.We keep repeating our past story and think we can change the things we did that we have done and rewrite the past.We can study our past story and learn from our memories.When we keep the past alive in the present time we find it difficult to co-create with a present God Creator.God is omnipresent and has always been with each child in all of their journeys and He is in the details of your story.What are the details of the story you created with God? He was there in your past as He is in your present and is already preparing you for your future.The details are important to every story written and heard by you in your thoughts and you tell others your story for confirmation and validation. How can you find God in your story?God is the important "truth details" of the how you survived the bad parts of your story.Do you remember the bad parts of your story and the good parts of your story?Most people tell all the bad parts of their story because these parts of the story make a good story for people to listen to.Some people need people to listen to them for pity and emotional attachments to their past so they can keep the past alive.They are not ready to move on and live in the present moment. They are afraid to let go of loved ones and people that hurt them in their past.They are thinking they can  hold on and change the past memories by keeping the past alive.They may leave the past and come into the present moment briefly but slip back into the past. The fears of the present identity can make them feel the grief and loss of the co-de
pendency they formed in their past and that identity is who they think they are in the present.They can fully be the present identity without talking about the past.So their awareness is not present and their spiritual growth has stopped.They are lost in the past and wondering about their future and the present stillness of thoughts doesn't happen because they have not listened to themselves talk.Their lives are on autopilot as they go through the motions of eating and sleeping and the story of their sorrows cause depression and illness in the body,mind ,and spirit. They are not living they are dying and will say they want to die and leave the Earth and seek the dead to communicated with and have fears of those that are living in the spirit of love,joy, and peace of God. They see their light and turn away back to the darkness of fears of letting go of their past.The security of their past keeps them asleep in their conscious mind.There are many that are awaken when they let go and let God come into their heart through  experiences with God or the Holy spirit.The children that have the light of God in them and the truth and the way as Jesus had in Him.The Holy spirit has given each the gifts and comfort in their grieving of lost loved ones.They don't seek the dead they seek the living.What can the dead tell you? God is in the details of the living story, not the stories of the dead that people summoned for entertainment and co-dependency to them. The dead have no thoughts of the present moment or the future the thoughts are your memories of your loved ones that these  tell you.You know your own memories of your past moments with your friends and families and the so-called mediums can read your thoughts and are summoning familiar spirits to trick your mind.These familiar spirits have been around for centuries and hear everything. God gives humans free will to make choices in the every story.He does have a plan for everyone and that is the details of the truth,the way,and the life.How you live is an important detail that is in every story.Living in the spirit and the light as a co-creator with God creator is living.


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