Sunday, December 4, 2016


Dear seekers of the love of spirit,

The expression of the spirit is love.Creation resides in the love of the spirit within your co-creations as you choose to vibrate in the frequencies of love. To walk and talk and do all in the spirit is to be the love you need to create.The choice of using the spirit of love to communicate and walk in this energy creates the needs of life through the words and actions of this spiritual connection.The working is inner not the outer vibrations as the law of attraction becomes activated from within the love created. The first love is the inner spiritual self, not the ego self that has taken over by a program in the minds to not love the true self.When we think of the self we need to understanding the duality of the self.The false identity of the ego-self  and the true identity of the spiritual self can be both active in the consciousness of each soul. As the awareness of this truth becomes the truth within the love of the true-self the ego-self lowers it vibrational influences of energies of hate,anger ,and fears it created to control the will of the human.The free will is not a controlling will it is a gift and God gave all His human creations this to make choices.God will is in agreement with this creation will and this free will becomes God's will when the love of the true-self  is in place the two wills join in this harmony.The worthiness of the true-self is the missing link to accepting God's will and plan for life in the spirit.The surrendering is the ego -self is the will to be god and control on a personal level. This is considered selfishness and causes the spirit inside the human to suffer and use words and actions to survive and seeking outer love energies from other humans instead of God's love. This is called co-decency.The only true decency is to the Creator God and it does not mean the same as taking your love from others.Love of others can only be true love if each spirit has the love of God in them to give and receive. When we think we need love from others to complete the spirit within us we are coming from the ego-self.The person who has accepted God's love within can give love from a place of unselfishness.Being selfless is the way to love others because no energy is taken from the spirit within it has an unlimited supply of God's love.Ego love is creating a void or lack of love because something was expected by giving this kind of love to others. If the ego human gives they are giving for control and they make personal demands on the love they give.With God's love, there are not demands or expectation to  receive love back  they know that God will bless them and the love of God is still in them.The fears of the ego-centered humans create more fear and hate and their emotions are always on guard to keep this selfishness fed by other people. They create pity and need others to feel their need for everything.The co-decency with others to feed their emotions is a love that they don't feel worthy of and the guilt and suffering will continue until they surrender the ego. They seek the light like a moth to a flame to get the love energy but need it for their ego purposes.They will try every trick in the books to gain control by over talking in a conversation and bringing negative words about their life for pity.This is the ego, and not God's love.They may say they love themselves but it is the wrong love of self.They may say they love God.But they don't need God in their lives to help them.Their relationship is with their own ego that thinks it is a god. A true relationship with God is trusting and faithful and love comes from every relationship from others through this connection. 

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