Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Dear co-creators with source of Creation,

I was listening to a person calling their self a psychic and predicted the next year events for the caller.They were writing the caller's story for them.This type of reading is harmful and creates a co-dependency with the psychic.When anyone tells others their future and mentions where they see them going in the next year and doesn't ask for permission to set up their life's story according to the feelings and interpretation of  the psychics  "spiritual guides"or some imaginary forces of the universe to write their future for them they are taking control over the free will to choose their own co-creation to manifest. Predicting according to outside sources will lead to the "CON"words of confusion conflicts and a lost of control over their life.The free will is very important to every human being.The deceiver comes to steal your life story and take you off your path to God.The warning for such people that hurt or harm a child physically is called child abuse and the verbal communication can also be considered child abuse.People who claim they have a spiritual gift need to held responsibility for the use of all gifts. These type of readers make it hard on everyone who is gifted by God to help those that they have told lies too and made them co-dependent on them.They feel unworthy of making their own choices and think they need to follow the predictions.It may take years to regain their confidence in themselves and make choices by themselves.They seek answers from others and their own answers are in them to all their question through the spirit of God within them. When they ask these types of readers to tell their future and the reader tells them the bad things that are going to happened to them this creates a stumbling block in their minds.Even the good things can create  an expectation that they are not ready to handle. Most of these readers are in the "new age movement" and think they can change people by telling them the future.This is not doing anything but adding confusion because you can't change people each person changes themselves from inward connection to source.The seeking for healing or help starts with the worthiness of the true-self and the reason for seeking help is for confirmation in your own thoughts to make choices. Everyone you met that has a problem making choices on their own need to be given free will  so they can develop and grow spiritually. Every experience is a growth process and without inner growth  from each experience, there is no growth. there is co-dependency on others.The thief you allowed into your story is in disguise as a helper the words they say seem helpful but are harmful to your self-love and trusting God. They have lower your energy and you become addicted to listening to their advice they offer others because they make your life seem not so bad. You have become a seeker of bad news and sad stories to talk about with your friends and you think you don't hear the negatives at first by listening to bad news from their prediction of doom and gloom.You get caught up in the trapped by allowing them to tell your future.You have lost your free will to co-create your story and have to call them before you can move on.Living  in the present moment is talked about on these shows but not observed by the readers in their readings.As they blend some words that sound good with words of dependency to them it becomes a trance-like state of mind.Discernment is needed at all times to hear these words they speak about how they can tell you the future of your story.They are words of control and manipulation and they are hidden in the story they tell you.It is called spinning a lie and mixing in some truths they believing in from familiar spirits. The understanding of the perception that God is in you and works through you keeps you secure as a co-creator in your own life's story.Every word has a duality of the truth and lie and the words spirituality has a different interpretation coming from a reader that has taken control over the spirit by stealing the free will.Study and renew your own mind or turn your mind over to those that are using you to display their powers of evil and darkness.They even use the word light and talk about spiritual things but they don't do themselves in their own life. They are wolves in sheep clothing and hide in the mind of darkness and evil to control others for money and fame.


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