Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Dear conscious beings,

The awareness of words and thoughts and the intentions we share are from our heart.Does the heart think with feelings or logically senses? Actually, we are talking about the "heart center" and not the pump that feeds the body with blood.The heart chakra is a better explanation of the energy used when you speak from the heart.When all energy fields are in alignment and in harmony with energies of the chakras the awareness flows through the heart. It is very normal and quite different from those that speak from the intelligent sources of the programs of the world. Another way to describe speaking from the heart would be using the intuitive and creative senses and the Holy Spirit to speak through your vessel. What is common sense? There is "book sense" and "common sense" and even "street wise" and there is speaking from the sense of the spiritual intuitive gut of knowing.Begin fully aware of the spiritual senses and knowing that your heart speaks the truth in all you perceive is what you receive. The saying "as a man thinks so he is in his thoughts and actions" maybe the thoughts of those that think you can control your thought by reprogramming the subconscious mind. I remember reading the "power of the subconscious mind" and even gave a copy to Shirley Mclain the actress and rat pack girl" she was speaking in Virginia Beach at a conference.That book did help me and many others to understand the programs we allowed into our brains.It was one of the steps  I suggested to clear out all the lies we were told by schools and the media.We can gain knowledge by reading books on self-help and take out of them what works for us.We all need some help from others to get started on a journey of self-healing. It was a long journey for all of us and the hard part was the lies we were told when we came into this world. We were so creative and to create and told we were not to.We are not learning but remember who we are and the gifts we were given by God. 

For just a minute relax and close your eyes and observe the particles of light on the back of your eyelids.That light you are seeing comes from inside of you.Did you know you are made of light?Sit in dark room and try this experiment again and you will see the light that is coming from your energy. While working with people who were blind from birth they would tell me they saw images in their dreams and colors and had never seen these images with their eyes.It was remarkable and quite interesting that they had light in their dreams but yet saw only darkness with their eyes open to the outside world.

When we see visions or light particles with our eyes open that other people don't see we are seeing through that single eye or third eye Jesus talked about.We know in our heart we are seeing or hearing with our spiritual senses.People will say that their heart is telling them it is the truth.When we think of the wholeness of the connections we have to every living creature in creation we can not doubt out heart.The heart of a person is more important than the learning from books and others. Memorizing every word without the heart becoming involved is not gaining the
wisdom of what was read or learn? This is what is meant by the words discernment of the spirit and it is needed for remembering.We have all been taught by teachers and preachers the words from the bible by the numbers and can quote where to find the scriptures.Do we know that they were placed in an order by men as they put the books together for purposes to be read and discern by the heart and the help of the Holy Spirit?Many know where something is in the Bible and are very proud they know where to find it.But do they know what it means in their heart?Every word has a meaning and every word is power and the meanings are in the context of a story and time and event of what was happened.Many of the books of the bible are missing because it was put together by men who wanted to control what the people read.And at that time only the intellectual priest could read.If this is true how did the children of God find God?The words are written in your DNA OR YOUR HEART.So remember is the key to your truth. 

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