Friday, December 23, 2016


Dear soul sisters and brothers,

When we use the word soul we are talking about atoms and molecules which are at present locked together to shape and form the outer flesh appearance.You might also think of the DNA code that is made of these atoms and molecules and uses the instructions of the DNA to form the human structure. The soul appears solid but can change as the atoms and molecules are created genes and genes are dying.The fluidity of water and its structure gives you some idea of the movement occurring in the soul.The materialist version of reincarnation,  I suppose, even while you live, and certainly, when you die, the atoms and molecules which are in presently locked into your shape and appearance are being unlocked and scattered into other shapes and forms of construction.The universe operates: atoms get together in a structure, dissipate, and form other structures. When we think of other structures we could mention the "Mekarba" or an "orb" as the changes of the soul becomes unlocked from the human shape and appearance that occurs as separation the of the soul from the body human.Many doctors and nurses report seeing a watery misty substance floating above the third eye at the last breath of the soul unlocking process. Water is a factor and water loss is always noted by the doctors.The water loss could be the atoms and molecules of the soul outer structure. As is childbirth the breaking of the water or the sac surrounding the baby.Water does play an important part in all the cells and the human body and the need for water to keep the atoms and molecules fluid to keep the shape and appearance in a form or shape.Many years ago when there was a fire or shipwreck when humans died that used the term "souls lost" as a way to say how many had die.We don't use this term as much now.The term lost souls is used by some churches because they think a soul can be lost.This is impossible and not logical.A soul doesn't determine the connections to the will of choice to do good or bad.Rather a spiritual connection to God in daily life would be the logical understanding of willfully sinning against God and our brothers and sisters.The flesh or the body is just a shape or form of atoms and a biological covering and is dying and regenerating every moment.Sin can affect the body if the sin is damaging the flesh.When we think of the effects of not being spiritually connected to God we can understand how sin can corrupt the whole system.With a spiritual lifestyle, sin has no effect on the soul. So where does the soul go at death?It is unlocked to change form and shape.The soul contains all the information of the DNA.It needs a new home or body to become a living complete soul.When we think of incarnation of a soul we know that the incarnations of the Christ in the bible proves that souls incarnate.Logical we have to have reincarnation also.Souls come in and go out and come back in.Christ died, was buried and rose and took His body and nobody could touch him until He went back to His father God.Did He get a new soul when He transcending? He kept His same body so He could show His disciples his scars on His body.He didn't go back to get a new body.So what was the purpose of not staying and showing them before He left the first time?The second time He came back He let them touch him.The last time He left saying  "I can not stay" but a comforter the Holy spirit will come and live in everyone.Was the Holy Spirit in him?The Holy Spirit is a person but not seen in a shape of form.Is this the meaning of the spiritual connection to God? Yes, it is and it operates through the thoughts and is that silent small voice of conviction of right and wrong in a believer in God.  

What does the word spirit mean?The spirit has no form or shape and is not contain or limited by the body.The spiritual part is rather a term used to talk about a connection with God as to be spiritual to be in touch with the image and likeness of God.Many say that they are spiritual minded or feel spiritual at times and have spiritual experiences. Some believers have emotional connections to the moving of the spirit. The spirit connection can be emotional and electrical and many have experienced "out of body" and "near death experiences, this not the soul it is the shift in the spiritual awareness and can leave the body. Many have traveled to the astral world or different dimensions sometimes they are aware and other times there is no awareness. The word spirituality has taken on many interpretations it is like an umbrella or cornucopia of many ideas and cults and new agers so the word covers everything from "spiritual guides " and discarnate spirits of the so-called dead humans and don't forget the evil spirits and demons. The dead are spirits without a soul and the soul unlocks and the atoms scatter the form and shape are transformed.The spirit needs a soul to operate and live.So what are these mediums talking about when they say they have contacted a dead loved ones?They are listening to their own thoughts and images being transmitted from the persons asking for the contact.The information comes from their stored memories of the last memories of their loved ones. The information is not new it is all their memories that they remembered.The medium is not 100% they add things from their imagination to fill in the contact.Some people think this is closure and they may be right because some people need help with grief.So it goes on and on and there
seems to be no end to this game of using people's grief to make money and give false hope.  


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