Tuesday, December 6, 2016



Love is the greatest vibration and is in every creature created by God. When we think about love as an energetic source of the living spirit or soul we can find the love channel in every person.Every creature has the need for love to live and created.The Creator God breath the living spirit of love into the first creature called human. God is a designer and became a part of the design.The DNA is the program that works only on the love energy transmitted from the heart's desires for love.All love is accepted and given even if it not the love of God the greatest love.When humans need anything they take what they think they deserve is what they get.So many think they are not worthy of the greatest love  of God.When a human takes the love that the world offers from other people who don't know how to love with God's love they accept it because they have never know other types of love.It is still love and can be observed by others and  everyone needs to look for love in other people so that you can be aware of the type of love they have used to live by. These people need the real love of God to be shown to them so they can see it outside of themselves. Giving them the love of God will seem strange to them at first and they may think the person giving unconditional love is trying to control them.This is because when love from of the world was given to them it was conditional love.Telling them you have no hidden agendas with the love you share will help the situation.Most people who claim they have been born again in the spirit may have a hidden agenda to get them to come to their church and this has made people think that is all they wanted and the love them feel used to gain money or promote their self.This is in all organizations and the trust in these people who appear to be loving are givers of God love but have not received God's love in their own lives. So they are giving from a love of the world and not from God's love.They have not become disciples because they lack self-discipline and are not think they are not worthy to be loved by God.They are motivated by things of the world like money for the church.The people they seduce are in need of God's love and uplifted and encourage to seek the love inside them.The thoughts of the world that everyone needs fixing or to be saved is not what Jesus said to do He said,"to go into all the world and make disciples" and this is an inside job for each person.When we think of how to make or created anything in our lives we use the proper tool for the manifestation.  God's love was used to manifest everything.The material love of the world can't manifest without the creation love of God's love in His children. Money can't manifest anything without God's purposes being fulfilled in the manifestation of the of His love.All manifestation require a source of the creation of the God's love. Within each believer creates an inner desire to  take action through the expression of the creation energy of God's love.To direct the thoughts of a higher source other than the lower ego thoughts can be done in each creature. This is a shift of perception that God's love is in each and can be raised higher in the love energies given by a person who has God's love.When the person who has accepted the love of God the love does the change in the other person. Because the Holy spirit is part of the trinity of love. All is done first in spirit and the manifestation is the creation of the love.

What is right or wrong with this world?What is right is there is love in each person no matter the physical appearance that can be deceiving.What is wrong the perception that some people can't be loved.When we say other people in our lives are useless and not worthy we are saying that about ourselves.We reflect our thoughts and words outwardly but we also are saying things to ourselves.And the words of hate and judgment are killing the spirit inwardly because that is an energy that affects the whole body,mind,and heart.What is right with this world there are the children of God that give the love of God they have in them to give others.What is wrong with this world the spiritual healers think they need to fix other people before fixing themselves. If each person takes care of themselves the world would change instantly by the love of God.We can confirm and validate for others and give them their free will to make their own choices.This is God's love.



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