Friday, December 2, 2016


Dear believers in The Christ consciousness, 

Awareness of the word Christ as a title and not as a surname name of  may bring some clarity to many that say "Jesus Christ" it is more proper to say "Jesus the Christ" meaning the anointed one. The word Christ means light or enlighten and fully filled with awareness of spiritual wisdom.

Every word we use can have a different meaning because each generation or culture has changed the meanings of words to fit their own usage within their own perceptions of a word.We have twisted words and lost the original meanings. We are offending by words and have created fears about certain words to the point of not understanding what a person means when they use words.Hate speech has become a crime in our society and certain words have been deleted from our vocabulary for purpose of protection of young children or offending groups.So what we say has indeed become a two edge sword and the tongue is cursing us or healing us. The media and religious organizations  are guilty of using words to program our minds to think that is the truth.The creations of fears by using certain words and images  is a brainwashing technique used to control the masses. 

Spirituality has so many different meanings given by a word it is important to search all the meanings before arriving at a conclusion to how a word is being used by the person saying the word.Asking questions and seeking truth brings clarity to your own use of a word and not just taking for granted you know what a word means when someone says a word.People tend to just say words they don't know the meaning of. 

When I say,"the Christ consciousness" I am saying ,"I am a follower of "the truth ,the way, and the life of the anointed one. The words used by Jesus the Christ who was the begotten son of God. His truth has become my truth and His way to do things and the life of the spirit to walk in faith and trust in God the father and using the gifts of the Holy spirit. I know  I need the trinity to be balanced in my spiritual journey on this planet.I know  I am a child of God by accepting and allow God's will to be my will.I surrender to my sinful nature and accept the sacrifice the  Lamb of God offered to take my sins. I am saved by grace which is the free gift of God by offering His son Jesus.My "body,mind and heart are aware of the Holy Spirit in me and my consciousness is the Christ light within me. I need God to help me and give me strength because as a human I know my nature and limitations of my physical body and that mind needs to stay focus on the Christ within me. I am not of this world but in this world.I go into the world  I know  I need to put on my spiritual armor to protect my spirit within. I am a follower of the Christ consciousness. I believe in the death the tomb and the resurrection of the Christ.

The choice of fear or love is always a choice because of the free will gift from God it is not just saying or a debate.Many do not accept their own free will or give free will to others because they have been told they don't deserve to be a human,The put downs of being a human or even thinking being a human is something wonderful and worthy have been told by those in control.When someone is told they are worthy and can have free will they become fearful and of  the words because of the words of contemplation to say such things about their own humanness.You can tell them the truth instead of a lie that has been programmed by the controllers.God made every human in His likeness and image and God doesn't make junk! God breath into every soul and each is a living soul and God's spirit lives in the temple body.

Humanism became a religion on our planet many centuries ago and it was the all about elevating humans to believe they could do an energy source call God.Even though there were physical laws of limitation  on this planet.This still remains and is found in "the new age movements"they tell humans that they can be gods and they can overcome by using their own consciousness to transition and without a higher source God.The problem is the sin nature called ego and no way to complete cleanse the soul. They use the materials of the world to seek answers and have no connection with their own answers to their question from the Holy Spirit that dwells within their spirit.

Surrendering is fearful to so many humans they choose to fight instead of to let go of something that is bad for them.This doesn't sound logical, does it? When a human is in pain or suffering and struggling they run to an outside source for healing because they have been told that is what will heal them?Why are they not told that they can heal themselves with faith in God?The giving of all illness and problems to God is not spoken to them.By surrendering all to God a healing of the spirit will heal the whole body,mind, and life. The word surrendering
means to give all to God. 







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