Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Dear co-creators,

What you believe and perceive is what you will receive and achieve.These are just words unless you can explain them with your logical mind.

Whole brain thinking is needed to shift from the creative to the logical to produce any manifestation.

When one brain is doing all the thinking such as the right brain of a creativity and imagination such a child entertains when discovering the world they live in.This first consciousness awareness creates a co-dependence with the caretakers.It is all about the needs and wants and security.The interaction of the need and want are creating emotional ties to the caretakers.These attachments are called bonding and separation can create fear.The consciousness becomes a victim of the circumstances and can not escape due to physical limitation.The logical mind is agreeing with the circumstances and is allowing the caretakers to have control.The state of bliss and comfortable surroundings and the retreat to thoughts of imagination are the thoughts of the co-dependent child.At some point in the physical maturity of the body, the co-dependency on the caretakers are not needed and the logical brain begins to start questioning and logical thoughts try to understand the need and want concepts on a secure level and the persons will start taking responsibility and accountability for the actions of taking care of self. A human that has co-dependency and has not fully separate from being taken care of by another human is still not mature and the fears are still creating imagery in the right brain and the logical brain is still asking questions of why me.

Using both brains to observe the world in us and around us outside creates a whole picture of our reality. When a child of God only knows half of the story of the words given in their imagination and creative intuitive images and visions and can not use the logical brain the interpretations are not complete. It would like reading a book with pictures only and the words of the story are from the person reading the story without logically knowing the story behind the pictures.Many humans use only one brain either right or left to live their lives and created their story. The whole brain thinker uses both brains to created the whole picture of their manifestations. 

For example, a child that draws a picture and can tell you what it is they have drawn the imagination is seen in the picture and the logical explanation of what they drew is not part of the experience.How often do you listen to a young child talk about seeing or hearing things that they have saw in their imagination that have no logical reasoning? The child that is a whole brain thinker might tell you the explanation for the images. When we think about the inner child in each one of us we know that as adults we had to grow up and be responsible and accountable for our actions and words.But the inner child is still with us in our memories and we need to understand the thoughts coming from the inner child because they are important to our spiritual maturity. The inner child may want and need someone to tell them what to do in making choices because no practice of making choices was given to the inner child.The logical brain was not activated and the right brain is creating things but has no order to logically sort out the story they have created. The left brain is the order and the right brain is the chaos. We need both order and chaos to create and manifest. A balance within our own brain and thoughts in agreement and not at battle with the two brains.We can be complete within our own self and achieve wholeness if we can gain some understanding of the thoughts of the right brain and the left brain.

Most of our spiritual experiences such as astral travel, out of the body, and visions occur in the right brain.We need a whole brain thinker to explain and confirm we are not crazy or weird.The reason for these experiences are being studied and they are real and can be validated. As you began to talk about experiences of a supernatural nature and stop seeing them as paranormal you will think more about God and not outside forces causing your experiences.Everything originates inside each human and not outside.The outer world is your creation of your own thoughts. 

Many humans have dreams and the images in the dreams are produces by the thoughts you allowed into your subconscious mind.The same thing happens in your mystical experiences you allow words and images into your mind and you create them.Every human is created in the likeness and image of God creator.The energy of light that is in you is the all-seeing eye of God. 



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