Monday, January 2, 2017


Dear "ears that can hear",

Do you have ears that hear the words used in your conversations? Words are an expression of our inner feelings and thoughts.If we would really listen with a discerning ear we would be more in touch with the energy of the human and spiritual connection.The human brain has very interesting facts about how we use words to express ourselves.We know all about the right brain is the creative and imaginary of the intuitive thought processes. The left brain is the language and the brain and the words that match the images we get in our right brain.

Did you every wonder why some people cuss and swear like sailors? It seems they use words that express their emotions in difference ways from the right brain dominate people.We do know that the brain can express emotions through words that may offend many people.The higher tones and physical action cause many people to react to a situation instead of respond in a way more suitable for a peaceful outcome to many problems. The term "hate speech" is usually used in the media.The funny thing is they may be expressing their emotions the only way they how to express themselves.Language is taught by hearing the words in our surroundings by parents and our peers.When we think of releasing emotions we do it the way we were taught and it does become a habit to say words we use casually in our everyday conversations.The brain plays an important role in how we talk to ourselves and others.If there is some brain damage due to a certain function of the brain such as stroke or many diseases the brain will rewire the language area of the left brain if the stroke has occurred in the right brain.Many studies on swearing have been done and have brought results that show that swearing is a lower brain function. New studies in 2016 were more positive and said that it shows intellectual traits and releases stress by swearing.Still, there is more to be said about these studies of releasing stress factors.How can they say stress can be released by swearing and becoming overly emotional by using words that offend others and cause drama to everyone especially younger children who were verbally abused by parents that yelled cuss words at them?Those that released the study were just giving excuses for bad behavior that could be changed by words of affirmation of positive words that would release stress in them and others around them? 

Words are power and have spiritual meaning to everyone.When we use words that are serving ourselves we serve others and the energy is taken to a higher vibrational influence. Giving the permission to use words of lower vibrations seems like a way to increase tensions within the environment in a workplace and home. On social media, many of these types of post with the four letter words are reported because they are considered abuses and many people find them offensives.Studies like the one just talked about on the news about using words that are called "swearing" can't be healthy to the people using them or the whole society. What happens to the stress the people are releasing?Can't there be a better way to release stress without harming others? Yes, and it does take a new perception of these words and it can be done inwardly with those that have allowed the habit to start from childhood.The opening up of the right brain with creativity and using the right brain will create words that will release stress.

Using the whole brain release stress for many people because it helps to connect the right brain with the left brain and the two brains work together to bring confusion from using one brain usage.Relationships between the two brain will bring higher sources of spiritual growth and maturity.

In my classes and lectures on the two brains, I found that relationship between two people work better when there is a left brain dominant person got along better with a right brain dominant person.This can happen
within each human on our planet also. 

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