Sunday, January 15, 2017


Dear co-creators,

Last year I manifested with God's help my getting a driver's license as  I had to renew it by taking the written test with all the new rules of the road.I was really nervous and ask God believing that He would help me study for the test.A thought came in my intuition to go online and take the practice test so  I would be prepared to take the test on the computer at the DMV.I studied every day and kept repeating the practice test until  I was confident to the DMV to take the test.During the time from when  I told other people on my timeline that I was going to get my license and  I finally got it there were questions coming from outside of my agreement and faith in God. I would explain  I was studying and waiting for the divine timing of God to tell me spiritually when to go take the test.They seem to be struggling with my choice to wait on God. I stopped talking about the manifestation and didn't talk to those that had a problem with waiting on God.I caught the bus and went to take the test and I kept talking to God in my spirit and was ready and willing to allow God to be with me when  I sat down in front of the computer in the testing area.The computer test at the DMV was so much like the practice test  I had studied I passed it with flying colors.When  I walked up to the desk the lady said,"are you going to take the driving part of the test today?" I said,"I don't have a car so  I will have to go home and pray about that" she looked at me so strange.She gave a phone number to call when I was ready to take the driving part of the test.It was another waiting and praying point in the manifestation. There are so many steps to manifesting anything when you are working with God. I called my prayer sister and she said,"you can use my car for the test"  I thanked her and we made a date to go to the DMV.When we arrived it was really busy and there were many people waiting to be tested.So we waited for someone to take me on a test drive to complete the test.As we sat there waiting many of the people waiting were being taken that had just walk through the door. I began getting anxious and sat there for one-hour thinking that it wasn't going to happen today.I knew God was with me in spirit but my human emotions kept telling me to walk out to the car.My prayer sister was very helpful and said," she was going to wait and it was going to get done today." I went to her car and waited and got myself together in the spirit.God kept saying,"wait "In three mins I saw her coming out of the building with a young man holding clipboard ready to take me for the test drive.I was so impressed with her faith and her trust in the God.She told me that the lady that was supposed to take me for the test drive took others before me because didn't like what I looked like. I said,"what does that mean? My prayer sister just listened to the lady's explanations and didn't say anything back to her.A man came from the office behind her and told her he didn't understand why the lady was acting that way he said,"I am sorry are you ready?" I said,"yes I am" I passed the driving test and got my drivers license.If someone had told me that I couldn't wait for the divine timing of God the manifestation would have been smashed.There were many obstacles and people during the process that happened.

The experiences and lessons for manifestations are a step by step process and once  I realized the process I can now teach others.My life has always been first I learn something and give from my own experiences. 

My second manifestation was to ask God for a car. I wasn't sure if I wasn't sure if  I should buy one or just ask for God to provide a way for me to get the car. I started by saving money and looking at cars online.All manifestation take some visualization especially when it comes to a third-dimensional object you are desiring.  I wasn't desiring the money but the car. Money comes through blessings for me and most all the children of God if they allow them.So looking at cars meant just looking at cars not looking at the price tag.Keeping your mind and prayer on asking believing it is already done is very hard when there when you can see a three-dimensional representation of the car you are visualizing so picture helps you to focus your intentions. I just kept seeing a car in the parking lot behind my apartments.Sometimes  I saw a big car and other times I saw something smaller and better on gas.I began asking my friends to look for a car for me when they ride around.This went on for two months and then I got a phone call from a very an expected source.It was from my first husband who lived in Kentucky.He said,"I bought you are a car I am shipping to our son's house." I was very surprised  I ask him to look for a car not buy one for me.I praise God and knew it was His spirit that had spoken to my first husband.The manifestation of a silver beetle 1998
Volkswagen was delivered to my son's house. The next step in the process was to get the car to my apartment parking lot but  I couldn't figure it out how to do that.It had to have transport tags on it to take it on the roadways.My prayers started again I ask believing God would show me how to get this accomplished. God reminded me of my friend in the car business and a radio host  I worked with on my first radio hosting show on his station w.c.l.m.He had just retired from the car business and his radio station needed some help it was perfect divine timing to ask him for help and do something for him to help his radio station by going on air with him.So that was the plan and I caught the two buses and did a live facebook with P.T.Brown in the morning and he gave me some transport tags and he arranged for one of his staff to take me to my son's house and get the car.We got lost on the way her cell phone die and we drove around for about an hour looking for the right address.I almost smash the manifestation with my anxiety she was a child of God and kept saying trust God.We had a great experience we both will remember on that day. We got to my son's house we didn't know how to put the car in reverse because it was a stick shift.We try pushing the car into the yard and then I told her to go look in the mailbox for the keys.When she left  I started praying and God directed my eyes to the key in the ignition and then I started it up and God said," push down the stick in the reverse positions."I saw her coming up the driveway and "she was yelling you got it"  So  I backed up the car and followed her up the road to Broad Street and headed home. I got lost again and kept turning around  I didn't have a cell phone to call for help and couldn't find a services station to ask for help.So  I pulled the car over and pray for help.A man drove up beside my car and told me which way to go down Broad Street and  I thank him and God. The was car finally in the parking lot and the next step was to get the title transfer and tags.So the next day  I drove the car to the DMV to get that done.The next step was to get the car inspected and to pass inspection the car needed a muffler.This process of the manifestation is getting to the point of being complete as I am writing to you now. I need a muffler before I can drive it on the roadways.So it was back to prayer again and asking my friends for a mechanic they had used that wouldn't cost me too much I am on a limited income.I have four names and phone numbers to call for a price. I started calling and was really put off because of the snow and holidays so  I remember divine timing was part of the manifestation and didn't get worried when the people  I called said I had to wait.It is all a process and the steps do take some time for all manifestations. The week coming up has one holiday on Monday so my plan is to start onTuesdayy to call another mechanic.Waiting has brought many blessings of money to pay for the muffler from unusual sources. God sure knows what He is doing.The people who were giving me blessings were part of the manifestation. Asking believing and receiving and asking God for your desires and knowing it is done in God's divine timing is a great lesson for everyone.I will let you know when everything is complete with the repairs on the car and  I  will hit the roadways to visit my friends and take my dog Jolly to the dog park. This will be a new year of trusting God in every step of my desires to allow God to bless me.


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