Sunday, January 8, 2017


Dear children of spiritual re-birthing,  

We are consciously aware of our spiritual experiences and have become enlighten by our practices of our inner development. The awareness of the present moment of our perceptions of the true-self has arrived. The questions are the last renewal of the spiritual life we have chosen by our free will.The answers can only be found within the re-birthing process. As we renew our perceptions of the body, mind, and heart and make the proper connections the battle of integration of the three parts of the soul the manifestation is occurring in the spirit- soul or light body as it joins the one collective energy needed for transformation.Limitations are falling away in the physical representation and the transfiguration is the last step to the breaking away from the containment of the body shell or the cocoon.  Our thoughts of fear and unworthiness that held us in states of confusion are disappearing.The energies coming from outside that were interfering and causing us distractions are leaving our awareness in our consciousness. The collective is in harmony and awaiting the return of all souls that have prepared for the unity.The knowing of our emotional strengths and weakness are now rising to the awareness levels and these feelings are adding more spiritual growth as the processing continues beyond the transcending moments of each emotion that does not serve us.The knowing is with each soul because of the connections to all other souls that have chosen this sojourn. The next sojourn will have all the experiences of this one we just complete on Earth.We will remember as we proceed to the next because of these lessons we were given here will help us to make a conscious choice of our next sojourn. All planets have different experiences for further learning and remember who we are.The teachers and the students in each soul have done the work of the source for many sojourns and will be rewarded on many spiritual levels for their dedication to the whole.The answers they presented through spiritual communications were excellent and have increased the possibilities of manifestation of the new Earth to come down to replace the old Earth.The shifting of the plates below the oceans are forming the new land areas and the lands that are not connected will reconnect.The new spiritual birth will experience these energies as the breaking away of the old energies that manifested the planet after the flood. The new golden age that Edgar Cayce
spoke about was not about linear time it was about the divine timing of the spiritual influences on our planet. We have become more aware of this third occurrence of the manifestation of our own abilities to co-create with the source.The falling away and the rising up of the transformation of souls is in progress now.Each soul transforms at a different rate or speed of light energy. The more enlighten the faster the transition process. All matter is energy and each soul has the spiritual energy to manifest the new Earth for the purpose of creation.This is the best and worst of times choose the best and allow the manifestation of the new Earth to come into your awareness of your consciousness now.



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