Monday, January 9, 2017


Dear humans having a spiritual experience, 

To relate not to connect or hook up for purposes of a relationship.A balancing of the free wills in each of to give and take is the relationship of the spiritual expression within the core of the desires to manifest unconditional love.

When the "co" is present in a word such as co-dependent or co-habitation and even co-creation it implies a connection to a source outside the inner free will control.The inner discernment of the intuition is being challenged to trust the outside energy or trust the inner feelings of the gut.Humans are either trusting their own intuition or trusting someone else to choose their reality.The reality is the identity of the "I am" and the free will to "be" who you think you are in your own answers to your questions that you form in your beliefs to make choices.Free will is a gift from source to choose the proper experiences for spiritual growth on your journey. Humans tend to go off their spiritual path due to allowing others to take over their free will and the intuition is not trusted and doubts make the human wonder about their own gifts.

The story of the child of God is the same but the names and places on their journey are different. The beginning of the journey starts with the right brain imagination and the gift of intuitions is present in each child.If the child is allowed to use the gift of intuition dreams and vision increase the gift.Many children are placed in the wrong environment and are put down or told to stop using their imagination. This creates doubts and mistrust within the child.The child starts to shift to the left brain logical centers and confusion occurs in their choices they make.They choose relationships without using their intuition and the free will to be themselves is gone.So they choose someone that can help them to make decisions and become co-dependent on someone who can think for them.The child inside them is hurting and allowing abuses because they are not using their whole brain for several years until a crisis arises within them that they are not being their true intuitive self.They will loose control of their feelings and get depression because they have been suppressed in their emotions of expression of they are in source God. 

Source or energy or spirit is within each soul and if the source has been suppressed or not used the low energies will have a cause and affected on all human systems body, mind and heart.The trinity of the three connection within creates the one connection in a relationship with the creator. All creation is within the soul properties and the interaction and integration are the connection to the one collective. The feelings of loneliness and wanted to belong to like-minded other spiritual beings is in the soul. Once all co-dependency have been removed the free will the trust of source and trust of the true self - begins to use the intuition to make choices that are spiritual by nature. 

All questions are spiritual by nature and the answers are within the intuitions of each soul of the child of God.The awareness of the soul and the answers come from the connection to source creations.A firm relationship to other humans and to God source is required for a soul to transcend feelings and transmute experience for purposes of learning from the choices made so the soul can manifest a new story. Co-creations each moment is possible with a relationship with another human if the relationship with the source is through the intuitions. Dependency on true-self takes trust and faith in the knowing of the source as the provider of everything needed to be manifested through the field of possibilities that source promises.The connection to source is not a co-dependency because the source is a higher thought process.The prayers requested are done by you for you or others and it comes from your believing and knowing you received what you asked for. All is done by the source in the releasing of the prayer to the source.

Relating is not just a connections it is an ongoing process of giving to and taking from.This energy exchange is the life of a soul of a child of God.The inner child of the consciousness is observing all from the beginning of conception and needs to be taken care of by the adult that ignores the feelings of the empathic of the inner child.Are you an adult with an inner child with feelings arising right now coming from the intuitions that are within your soul?This is the awaken of the new spiritual birth occurring within your soul right now. "Be as a child to enter the kingdom"are the words on this activity. So be it!   





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