Sunday, January 22, 2017


Dearest children of Earth,

There are no terms of endearment to offer in the world of entitlements for children of who choose to seek the identities of the world. The holding of oneself in a higher esteem over others with pride and credits of positions has caused a separation to the whole of society.Competition drives the ego-self false identity to seek worldly things instead of the spiritual maturity needed for a transition of the inner child.The adult that has allowed the world to take over and create a story of self-pride and greed and desiring more self-attention and elevation of what they have done and not who they are.The purpose of the soul is to elevate God not self and know the inner child's desires to serve our brothers and sisters. The inner child is to become "pure at heart" so it can enter the kingdom of heaven within.  

The right of free will is a gift to everyone to choose their path, write their own story as they choose to make choices.Every child is a seeker of the unknown truths and questions of all the who, whats, wheres and why they seek and the hows.Most seek outward to others of the world and allow the inner child to accept the advice from a stranger caretaker.The co-dependancy can go on for years and the damage can be repaired once the inner child begins to break outside influence.Breaking the co-dependency is the first step to the spiritual awakening within the core of the human being.Freedom is truth and the freedom to be a child and listen to the intuitive sources the inner child represents is the key to helping the adults ego left brain information to doubt and overthink every question will cease. The brain has two parts and the thoughts are processed by both brain and the dominant brain wins. When an intuitive thought comes through the right brain the left brain can doubt it and the ego takes over and it is lost.The inner child lives in a world of imagination and creativity and that is where manifestations come from. The spiritual life of faith, hope, and believing has been seen in brain mapping and is called the "God particle." Even though it is not seen in some humans brains a person can be taught to use the right brain and open up the possibilities of trust and faith centers in the inner child.Using art and day dreamer have been suggested many times. Meditation and stress release practices help the left brain humans to activate the right brain.

Who is the inner child? The inner child is the child born in the likeness and image of the Creator God.A child of creativity and wonder and unconditional love.A free spirit that seeks to know the world and God's kingdom.The child is a victim of survival that depends on caretakers for the first few years of their life on the Earth. Thoughts are being processed and words are being formed to create an understanding of everything in their environment and the caretakers that act as role models are very important to relationships with others that come into their protected world by caretakers.They are thinking and recording all information and forming beliefs and opinions and learning right and wrong and establishing a moral code.These first programs are still in the inner child as the adult grows into maturity the inner child remembers all that happening to them the verbal abuses and the physical abuses. The spiritual growth of the adult can be determined by the spiritual growth of the inner child.How can the spirit be fully engaged and expressed if the inner child is not listened to? This is a good question to ask yourself.The answers are in the inner child's life and drama and traumas that haunt the inner child.The dreams and nightmares and habits and behaviors of the adult are the clues to the answers to the adult lifestyle and choices.The wandering and confusion of the identity and not belonging and isolation of the adult who wants to be that child they were because of the hurtful conditional love from an abusive caretaker.That was the only love they knew and they became dependent on it.They seek to abuse others in relationships and take advantage of the weak in our society.The inner knows no other course to be a victim of their circumstances. They blame and judge others and the inner child suffers. The adult seeks justifications for their own actions and words so they can say  I am right and others are wrong. There is no accountability for their actions or words.The moral compass in the inner child's spirit has no meaning of right or wrong because the caretaker had no moral meaning.So this leaves the adult with no choice other than to commit any actions that will abuse the inner child. The hurt feels good to the inner child as they say they deserved it.The program runs in the subconscious mind as a punishment for the bad inner child and this was done to them so many times they are desiring others to hurt them and if people don't scold them they tell themselves they are not worthy.  


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