Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Dear inner child of wonder,

All thoughts are spiritual energy and are transmitted from the telepathy centers of the awareness of the intuitive senses.The processing of intuitions is the key to manifestation into the physical dimension.The inner child empathic feelings are helpful in the interpretation of every experience the adult is processing in choices and decisions.Each layer of consciousness and awareness of the identity of the human experience needs to balance and integrated into one being. The agreement of all parts brings the total transition into alignment and in preparation for a transformation of the soul of wholeness. 

The whole brain is involved with the thought processing.If an intuitive thought is transmitted by an outside energy from another human it needs to be processed by the human through the spiritual senses of their own intuition. Most telepathy messages are received through images and feelings and the interpretation is called discernment. Without allowing discernment from higher thoughts in the human consciousness the message may be contaminated with lower energy from the world.The inner spiritual human does not judge or doubt the thoughts from their intuitions. Every thought from the intuitive senses is accepted and discerned as a higher thought.The inspiration or thoughts are used for spiritual growth and a testimony to the God-self. 

Everything is a flow of energy of creation within and creates the without.The inner child within each has created a reality from the first birth from the womb.The second birthing is the spiritual growth that occurs in the inner child awareness of the security of the adult to process and discern all experience given by the co-creations of the path of the life force energy in every intention of intuitive thoughts. When co-decency is in the inner child from the world outside instead of the adult child the inner child will react and not respond properly to the experiences being created by the adult.A conflict occurs when processing of thoughts don't match the system of flow of intentions.Healing the inner child of all co-decency is an awakening of the pure heart of the child needed to enter into the kingdom of heaven.The freedom to express all from the heart instead of the logical left brain reasoning of many questions the adult ask about the outside world.The inner kingdom has a heavenly blissful type of joy of that passes all logical understanding. 

The reason for both brains is the processing of all thoughts for complete understanding and growth spiritually.When only one brain is activated or use for long periods such as in a career choice to be bookkeeper or study facts the brain will take on the task in the left brain and the right brain will shut down or send messages that appear to non-logical to the dominant left brain human. Each task requires both brains to some degree and the choice is given to choose which brain for the task. Spiritually speaking the right brain is the brain most empaths use and need to activate their left brain so that they can see the logical reasoning of the images or meanings of their own gifts.The best way to activate the brain that is being used to perform a task is to increase the usage of the brain that has not been used.For example, if you have used the left brain for work or just never try to use the right brain intuitive you could allow the thoughts are images to flow instead of judging everything that you receive from the intuitive right brain.And the right brain humans could study facts and sharpen their word skills in their communications this brings awareness to the left brain and helps in discernment. The brains should both work together to bring answers within and not from the outside energy from humans that create fears of the unknown.Most fears are created for control and the inner child is in resistance to control from other human accept the adult that is the true self. When an inner child or the adult chooses by their free will to allow control from advice from others this is co-decency and this must be broken by the adult for the inner child to be healed.

All healing comes from the inside and is manifested outwardly.Security and trust issues are the most important in the healing of the inner child.When we talk about our story of our childhood we are creating drama and the inner child is crying and depression occurs. We need to ask ourselves questions about the feelings that the inner child is giving us at the time the emotions rise up inside of us.We are now adults and can handle these emotions better because we are not in time anymore we are in the present moment.The triggering of memories or dealing with our birth families who we were co-dependent on will happen and the drama can overwhelm us.We need to set boundaries and say no when the inner child feelings are activated by the feelings of the no-control we suffered in childhood. Many humans are allowing others to distract them their goals and journey due to outside interference and don't go inward to seek for answers to their questions.We do need like minded humans that understand who we are and support our gifts and talents that God gave us.We are to seek the kingdom of God within and everything will be added unto us. When we seek outside the confusion from other humans causes confusion and lack of self-worth in our consciousness and we remain a victim of our circumstances instead of using our own free will to make choices for ourselves.We are wonderfully made by a designer and can and will do greater things.We empower ourselves to express the inner knowing by affirmation because we can do it.We are not just going to try and struggling to be what others tell us we are and what they think we should do.We are worthy of our own thoughts and self-identity of  God through us and in us. 





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