Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Dear children,

The ego keeps the psychologists and shrinks in the business of analyzing the stories of those that are fully engulfed with lies and programs from a world view of how they perceive the third dimension. The prideful ego-self has thoughts of the over exaggerated "why me" syndrome and the doctors play havoc with the non-emotional connections of the inner child that is hurting from abuses verbal and physically. The doctors listen and write down the sessions and seem to be in another world when you ask them a question about your condition.They hand you a prescription for pills to numb your brain and tell you they will see you next month.The new age movement tells people to cut the cord or killed the ego.Almost the same thing numb it kill it you don't need it. The ego thrives on threats to get rid of it much like an alien creature that keeps growing on the toxic materials and grows to a size that becomes uncontrollable. There are many methods used to change the brain by programming the thoughts and behaviors and still the ego is running a program of its own that people hear it and see it in certain people when they have learned to give up their own ego.The pridefulness is the most harmful part of the ego.The ego personality thinks and reacts to everything outside of themselves with blaming and slandering everyone they come in contact with.They are always right and will tell you this as a badge of honor.You can't even suggest something that might help them.It takes many years of abuses to form an ego and the only way to reach them is start with the inner child.Pills don't address any of the issues and numb the inner feelings so processing or clearing up theses issues may take years. Peeling back the years of the memories has been successful to some degree but sometimes false memories arise and most doctors are not trained in using their psychic abilities.  
The intuitive part of every human needs to be activated by awareness of the feelings in the memories which are called attachments. The ego thinks it is protecting the inner child from abuses but in reality, the inner child is crying and hurting for someone to listen to it and not the boasting ego.The bullying is another part that the ego that is over inflated with thoughts of being the 'king of the hill' in every relationship.The one-upmanship
ip is perfectly normal to the controlling ego personality.When unconditional love is given freely or encouragement guilt usually is brought to the mind of the ego.The ego knows it is not worthy and will react with complete denial that they have any special talents or gifts. Someone once told me ego means "edging God out" and this was a pretty good explanation because the ego mindset thinks they are gods or higher on the ladder than anyone else.Entitlements are their game and thinking they are better than anyone else means they put down others to lift themselves higher.Don't feed them negatives or positives just remember we are all the same spiritually speaking God made them too.Their attitudes of ego based management are in the world and we all have all had to deal with them. Treating with "kids gloves"" by given them their free will to be who they think they are can work in some cases. 



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