Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Dear observers of the clock,

How many times in a day do we you check the time?It seems we have to observe the clocks so we are not late.Time management and routines have become the norm and we find it difficult to relax and allow time to flow naturally. The stress of the "being in the right place at the right time" is paying attention to the clock and our surroundings all the time.We often are not in the right place at the right time because we are looking at the wrong timing of a clock instead of divine timing.Divine timing is spiritual concept many on our planet have not observed and are missing out on manifestations of their desires and wants that occur off the linear time line.Does everyone know about synchronicity are happening in divine timing every moment in their lives? Many know about the ones they see on the clock such as 1111 and 2222 and just notice these and say  I keep seeing these numbers when I look at the clock.These numbers are just moments in time when people become consciously awake in their awareness to divine timing.Some people have started using synchronicity to respond to their own feelings and thoughts of awareness to manifest or recognize a manifestation they requested.  Asking and requesting in their prayer life or words given to them in their meditations are connected to synchronicity every moment in divine timing. Energy flows were the intentions flow and synchronicity flow with the co-creation of your free will choices in the divinity within each person that chooses to allow the flow.Many humans don't allow divine timing to flow they start creating worry or fears and start asking when.The "when" or the how can stop the divine timing.The story you are creating includes all words that are recorded by the intentions of the consciousness. Be direct and keep the thoughts on the intention of the manifest no matter what is happening in linear time. You can't observe both when you really need something you have asked for from the universe. You can watch the clock and be directly involved with getting to work and places you need to be and don't ask your questions about your manifestation or your prayers from those that talk about linear timing if you have turned your request over to divine timing.Keep your focus on the synchronicity of the signs you will be getting and follow the paths they take you instead of working on a manifestation by using other people's advice to stop or your focus on your desires We have not because we ask not correctly to complete the intentions.Ask believing and you will receive.When comes when you stop looking at the clock. Going through the motions of the thoughts given in your own perception and do all the inner work instead of seeking outwardly approval from others.You can ask for confirmation from others that understand you are in the process of a manifestation through divine timing.  



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