Saturday, January 7, 2017


Dear children of wonderment,

All children ponder and wonder about life and the things around them in their physical environment.The curiosity and imagination of a child can help a child to discover and create their reality.This right brain activity is the beginning of conscious awareness. A child forms many of their beliefs and opinions during the few years of their life by using the right brain.The left brain reasoning and the logical senses of language and words start connecting the images being sent by the right brain and a connection is made between the two brain functions.Sometimes the child will become more aware of the right brain imagination and develop their own interpretation without the left brain logical and this creates problems in their human experiences.Without a proper connection between the two brains, this is sometimes thought of as a mental illness.The disconnection to the left brain causes chemical and physiology problems that need to be balanced by pills or help from a mental health profession.The tags of depression, multi-personality disorder and bi-polar and many anxiety attacks are diagnosed incorrectly because there was no understanding of the dysfunction of the left brain logical reasoning in the left brain.The coping mechanism to interpret the images and feelings of the intuition is located in the left brain.When a right brain uses the imagination an increase of psychic abilities is possible as the right brain is also the faith center of the beliefs.The left brain contains the doubts and reasoning and sometimes these block the right brain from accepting the intuitions. Usually, the word wandering is used by a left brain dominant person. Another way to explain the "over thinking process" of the left brain is to understand they have suppressed the childhood right brain imagination.Memory plays an important role in the whole brain and if some childhood trauma has occurred and suppression has occurred this can cause dysfunction in interpreting the imagination of the right brain.This creates confusion and the wandering catch phrase many people use to get answers to their own questions. They have become co-dependent on other people's answers rather than remembering their own experiences to help them interpret the events in their life and become victims of their own story.This cycle of going outward instead of inwardly creates a helpless uncontrollable uncomfortable feeling and they over think the problems they could use their intuition to solve.The depression leads to health problems and more wandering to find someone or something to be dependant on instead of the true-self. The unworthiness and hate of self also keep the person in bondage to others and the slave mentally to helping others instead of helping self to find the answers within their own experiences.They want to create their own life's story but they keep repeating their past experiences and each time they tell it they add false memories.The memories are kept alive and cause anxieties and breathing problems that cause the peace and joy of living to disappear in their consciousness. All thoughts negative and positive are created by themselves as a way to cope with everyday life experiences. The story is all about trying and struggling with every opportunity that they are presented with on their timeline of a new job or career or relationships that manifest is a question that they wander about and ask others to make a choice for them.They can't cope with making their own choices about many things and the seek approval of everything they do.Even though they have been told they have free will in making their own choices they still think they are unworthy and believe they need others to make choices for them.The story they tell is all about their mistakes from their past and this creates a mistrust in self and breaking the co-dependency is the last thing because it means they have to stop telling a story they have told through their own coping mechanism they have developed over many years in their life.They don't want to change because of the fears and doubts they created are their only way in their logical left brain can deal with the imagination that is creating the story has not been explained to them. By becoming a whole brain thinker the two brains work in complete harmony to balance and agree with all questions of the psychic brain and answers are given by the left brain and the fears and doubts disappear. The thoughts of the consciousness are manifesting whatever is believed by the person and the story is the manifestation of the thoughts.  


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