Saturday, December 31, 2016
Dear dimensional spiritual,
Personally and collectively 2016 was a year of spiritual growth and maturity for the "one" true channel of love that was provided by a source called "creation of light inwardly" and through the expressions of co-creation we started writing a new story. The activation of free will was a huge step towards dimensional thinking in the whole consciousness. The awareness of who we are and how we can be the children of God we need to be to bring the "golden age" of the kingdom of God through our beliefs in each of us inwardly.The grounding and clearing and balancing of our old world programs have been integrated fully and harmony of agreements are in place for the new year of the 2017=10=1 the year of the "one" has come.The world order turns to spiritual chaos and opens the door for changes and opportunities for each soul to complete their sojourn as written in the consciousness.We have all observe the chaos on the planet with every "new age" in our history and know there is always a new birthing process in each growth that is created."Out with old in with the new" and the old-self becomes the new self to some degree depending on the free will it accepts.
The transformation of the soul or the spiritual essence returns to the cocoon or womb inwardly in the imagination for a creative process of rebirthing to become the butterfly or light body to continue the journey and rise up to meet the source in the air. The birth pains and struggles are beginning in some as they release their dependency on the 3rd dimension and many are in the 4th dimension and as the year progresses the 7th -11th dimensions will happen by those who are ready to create the new Earth.
Proclaiming the year of the "one" is not unusually and during our escape from Atlantis many lifetimes ago we knew the process does work and have full confidence we can achieve through our believing and the seeking liked minded kindred spirits we will accomplish the task before us unfolding. No sadness or sorrows will prevent this occurrence because all emotional attachments will not be present at the moment of the breaking away from the lower dimensions.
Perceptions of the inner knowing are to be trusted and faith of wholeness in true-self will continue to raise every vibration on the planet as the collective consciousness comes to an agreement.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Just heard what a Christian radio host who was talking about the reality based on the bible as being the only reality.God created everything and by saying that God made only male and female and the other sexes are not created by God.How can we as humans know that God didn't create everything?She was very worried about and talked about the fears of our society changing.Society and cultures and generation are always changing.She talked about how she was angry that society was changing and out of control.A caller called in to mention the DNA factor.She gives a little when someone mentions the humans born with the problem.She says,"it is so problematic to society and society needs not to allow changing for humans that have problems with their sexual identification." The gender madness issues are problems and the question is how are we going to stop this to protect society from accepting those that don't fit in?
What is a society made of?We are all designed differently and the expressions of a creator.She said,"God is an expression of both male and female and not the expression of homosexual and transgenders and confused humans."Please think about this and tell me what is she talking about?She is talking about the body and not the spirit of God.The spirit or soul is the expression of God in every human and is in the likeness and image of God spirit. We know that the body is the vessel and temple and the light and kingdom is within.Can sin affect the soul? Yes, and this is the reason for the body of Christ to be placed on a cross for sacrificed.The flesh can sin but the spirit or soul can overcome sins.
Isn't it interesting how some people who call themselves called themselves Christian and don't follow Christ?God is in, control isn't He? Does God give each free will to choose their own lives?God knows there are more sins than sexual sin and sin is a sin.When we think of sin of the flesh and the spirit and soul connected to God we can have compassion for our brothers and sisters who are choosing to be so-called sinners of their fleshly desires.We don't point a finger or judge just one sin or any sin that's God job he knows the heart.By just taking one sin and say it has to be removed from society you hear the hate and fear of this type of talk. This is hate speech and needs to removed from talk radio and media because it creates divisions and Jesus said,"if you hate your brothers and sisters you are not mine"do we hate other humans that are different from us and are sinners?God words of love for all His children He created was love even those that were sinners.How can we expect to save sinners or tell them of God's love when we are saying they don't belong to God? The more we fear and hate others we need to think about our own salvation. God will not accept us into His kingdom when we hate our brothers and sisters.I know everyone says"they hate the sin and not the person committing the sin and this still isn't correct" God does not hate the sin or the human committing the sin. He loves unconditional, doesn't He?If He hated so much would He have given His own son for something He hated?He son The Christ said on the cross," I forgive you all because you not what you do."This radio host is forgiven because she doesn't know what she has done.Does that mean she will be judged now?She will be judged at the judgment when she dies.She has said so much and will be held accountable for the ones she has hurt that were listening to her words.The teachers and pastors and are held to a higher standard than other humans.Does she know that her show is going out all over the world and touching the hearts and minds of those struggling with sin and need love and kindness?
Every question has answers from the Holy Spirit and not by those that spread confusion and fears for their own control.Sin is on our planet and society and cultures are changing because humans are transforming and we need to accept the changing and love and not fear.There will always be many temptations in the world and we have all been caught up because we were not spiritually mature.This doesn't mean we can "throw the baby out with bath" because we can't deal with those that need our love.The world will not change to fit one person's reality of what they think God's expression is.We all know God in our hearts and it is a personal relationship.
A reality is different for each human.Is your reality based on The bible?What BIBLE?Does everyone read the same Bible?What culture are you from?To say we all should have the same reality isn't logical.Are all society based on the same Bible?You know the answers, don't you? No, we are a diverse society and this is the way it operates.We have families that are multi-culturally and many beliefs from many generations.Every group or family is a community and is a society within itself. The family of God needs to come together and love our brothers and sisters even if they are not in our family.This my reality after I became born again.Before I accept the Holy Spirit I used to judge others. Choose your own reality.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Dear whole souls of awareness,
Being in the "one" collective of the consciousness is a co-dependency to the connection to source Creator God. The inner spiritual healing is allowed and accepted and heals the emptiness of the connections to the outer world. This connection is supportive and not draining your energy it is uplifting and positive to your worthiness of who you are in The Christ consciousness. The most interesting thing about a decency on God is that He promises to never leave you nor forsake you.He will be with you through all your trials and situations no matter what.
The dark side of co-decency is when you connect and depend on others outside of the collective "one" they control your life and you allow them to take your free will choice away from you.Relationships with an unequally yoke human that is not on the same page or doesn't have your best interest at heart can be draining of your light energy. When you choose to create a dependency on someone or something you are a victim of your circumstances. You are out of your own control and creating fears of them leaving you.
Trusting in other humans for your own answers to the questions you have about your own self is a co-dependency and when they die or leave you this is a dark moment and recovery from griefing takes many years in most cases or death occurs because of the will to die that might be your choice to get free of the loss. The time of breaking a co-dependency will come for everyone in their life because the world makes every human dependency a factor of life in all their teachings and programs.The truth is not told that each person needs to be whole in themselves so that each can stand on their own beliefs and opinions.The trust in self and the truths of worthiness can bring you out of being dependent on others.
Taking accountability and responsible for your own decisions is a way out of a co-dependancy with a loved one before they die or leave you.You need to be balanced and centered in knowing yourself and other humans are being themselves also.Giving others free will and telling them you have free will is a big step towards independence. This only works if you are ready to break the co-dependency you have created with everyone in your life.You have created the need to get help from others instead of God.You have put others before yourself making idols out of those that you might think know better than your own inner light that you are and your connection to God.
It doesn't matter how much time you wasted in your life with pleasing others and following their ways of doing things you can start right now by saying no to them.You are who you are and this is important to you and your relationship with your creator God.
Thinking about the new year or thinking about the now moment you can start to co-create with God!
What is broken heart got to do with co-dependency? The heart is in every relationship and when we have given our heart and soul to something or someone outside of yourself we are bonded to that. The only options people think they have when they have lived their lives through your someone else and not have a life of their own in is to choose death and this happens because of the co-dependancy.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Dear conscious beings,
The awareness of words and thoughts and the intentions we share are from our heart.Does the heart think with feelings or logically senses? Actually, we are talking about the "heart center" and not the pump that feeds the body with blood.The heart chakra is a better explanation of the energy used when you speak from the heart.When all energy fields are in alignment and in harmony with energies of the chakras the awareness flows through the heart. It is very normal and quite different from those that speak from the intelligent sources of the programs of the world. Another way to describe speaking from the heart would be using the intuitive and creative senses and the Holy Spirit to speak through your vessel. What is common sense? There is "book sense" and "common sense" and even "street wise" and there is speaking from the sense of the spiritual intuitive gut of knowing.Begin fully aware of the spiritual senses and knowing that your heart speaks the truth in all you perceive is what you receive. The saying "as a man thinks so he is in his thoughts and actions" maybe the thoughts of those that think you can control your thought by reprogramming the subconscious mind. I remember reading the "power of the subconscious mind" and even gave a copy to Shirley Mclain the actress and rat pack girl" she was speaking in Virginia Beach at a conference.That book did help me and many others to understand the programs we allowed into our brains.It was one of the steps I suggested to clear out all the lies we were told by schools and the media.We can gain knowledge by reading books on self-help and take out of them what works for us.We all need some help from others to get started on a journey of self-healing. It was a long journey for all of us and the hard part was the lies we were told when we came into this world. We were so creative and to create and told we were not to.We are not learning but remember who we are and the gifts we were given by God.
For just a minute relax and close your eyes and observe the particles of light on the back of your eyelids.That light you are seeing comes from inside of you.Did you know you are made of light?Sit in dark room and try this experiment again and you will see the light that is coming from your energy. While working with people who were blind from birth they would tell me they saw images in their dreams and colors and had never seen these images with their eyes.It was remarkable and quite interesting that they had light in their dreams but yet saw only darkness with their eyes open to the outside world.
When we see visions or light particles with our eyes open that other people don't see we are seeing through that single eye or third eye Jesus talked about.We know in our heart we are seeing or hearing with our spiritual senses.People will say that their heart is telling them it is the truth.When we think of the wholeness of the connections we have to every living creature in creation we can not doubt out heart.The heart of a person is more important than the learning from books and others. Memorizing every word without the heart becoming involved is not gaining the
wisdom of what was read or learn? This is what is meant by the words discernment of the spirit and it is needed for remembering.We have all been taught by teachers and preachers the words from the bible by the numbers and can quote where to find the scriptures.Do we know that they were placed in an order by men as they put the books together for purposes to be read and discern by the heart and the help of the Holy Spirit?Many know where something is in the Bible and are very proud they know where to find it.But do they know what it means in their heart?Every word has a meaning and every word is power and the meanings are in the context of a story and time and event of what was happened.Many of the books of the bible are missing because it was put together by men who wanted to control what the people read.And at that time only the intellectual priest could read.If this is true how did the children of God find God?The words are written in your DNA OR YOUR HEART.So remember is the key to your truth.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Dear co-creators,
What you believe and perceive is what you will receive and achieve.These are just words unless you can explain them with your logical mind.
Whole brain thinking is needed to shift from the creative to the logical to produce any manifestation.
When one brain is doing all the thinking such as the right brain of a creativity and imagination such a child entertains when discovering the world they live in.This first consciousness awareness creates a co-dependence with the caretakers.It is all about the needs and wants and security.The interaction of the need and want are creating emotional ties to the caretakers.These attachments are called bonding and separation can create fear.The consciousness becomes a victim of the circumstances and can not escape due to physical limitation.The logical mind is agreeing with the circumstances and is allowing the caretakers to have control.The state of bliss and comfortable surroundings and the retreat to thoughts of imagination are the thoughts of the co-dependent child.At some point in the physical maturity of the body, the co-dependency on the caretakers are not needed and the logical brain begins to start questioning and logical thoughts try to understand the need and want concepts on a secure level and the persons will start taking responsibility and accountability for the actions of taking care of self. A human that has co-dependency and has not fully separate from being taken care of by another human is still not mature and the fears are still creating imagery in the right brain and the logical brain is still asking questions of why me.
Using both brains to observe the world in us and around us outside creates a whole picture of our reality. When a child of God only knows half of the story of the words given in their imagination and creative intuitive images and visions and can not use the logical brain the interpretations are not complete. It would like reading a book with pictures only and the words of the story are from the person reading the story without logically knowing the story behind the pictures.Many humans use only one brain either right or left to live their lives and created their story. The whole brain thinker uses both brains to created the whole picture of their manifestations.
For example, a child that draws a picture and can tell you what it is they have drawn the imagination is seen in the picture and the logical explanation of what they drew is not part of the experience.How often do you listen to a young child talk about seeing or hearing things that they have saw in their imagination that have no logical reasoning? The child that is a whole brain thinker might tell you the explanation for the images. When we think about the inner child in each one of us we know that as adults we had to grow up and be responsible and accountable for our actions and words.But the inner child is still with us in our memories and we need to understand the thoughts coming from the inner child because they are important to our spiritual maturity. The inner child may want and need someone to tell them what to do in making choices because no practice of making choices was given to the inner child.The logical brain was not activated and the right brain is creating things but has no order to logically sort out the story they have created. The left brain is the order and the right brain is the chaos. We need both order and chaos to create and manifest. A balance within our own brain and thoughts in agreement and not at battle with the two brains.We can be complete within our own self and achieve wholeness if we can gain some understanding of the thoughts of the right brain and the left brain.
Most of our spiritual experiences such as astral travel, out of the body, and visions occur in the right brain.We need a whole brain thinker to explain and confirm we are not crazy or weird.The reason for these experiences are being studied and they are real and can be validated. As you began to talk about experiences of a supernatural nature and stop seeing them as paranormal you will think more about God and not outside forces causing your experiences.Everything originates inside each human and not outside.The outer world is your creation of your own thoughts.
Many humans have dreams and the images in the dreams are produces by the thoughts you allowed into your subconscious mind.The same thing happens in your mystical experiences you allow words and images into your mind and you create them.Every human is created in the likeness and image of God creator.The energy of light that is in you is the all-seeing eye of God.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Dear co-creators,
Your life, your story.your journey is the story you tell yourself and others.Your five human and spiritual senses record everything you experienced in your life is stored in your brain.
These images, sounds and emotional feelings become your memories that help you to create your personal story.You are creating the story as life is unfolding as your energy flows from one experience to the next. Your memories are playing a big part in your story line also.Your mind is omnipresent and can be sending thoughts from the past and the present moment and even the future. The source of creation is in each soul and the mind of Christ the Holy Spirit and God the creator are sending and receiving thoughts from you to the whole consciousness which is called the collective. Each word or phrase becomes the manifestation of the things that unfolded in your story.
The "one" means one thought of all thought or "the WORD."Words are spirit and have the power to empower or take power away from the intentions. And the first word or sound was "light" and speed of light is sound.Thoughts produce sound and images as they are forming of the thoughts of the power of the intention to manifest a physical thing in the physical and spiritual dimension. The light energies within the brain and every cell of the body are vibrating at the different at frequencies of each word utter by the sound or the
voice sound that is producing the thoughts of the brain and memories.As you tell your story the thoughts are manifesting and the words become alive and activated in your life.
We all love to talk about our story and tell others all the things we remember about everything that has happened to us on our journey. Do we know what we are doing by this action?Our story is our story and we lived it and we feel a need to tell others because we want confirmation it was real. Most of the time we can't believe things are not happening to us.We say, "I can't believe it happened to me" or "Please listen to me so I can figure out what happened to me"we all need a "sounding wall" to get out of the confusion of the thoughts in our story.Sometimes we tell our story to anybody who will listen to us and say they are sorry to us or cheer us up or agree with us it really happened to us.This is a processing of the human brain and it appears to be healthy or harmful depending on the person you are telling your story too.When it is told to an uncaring person and they want to judge you instead of just listen it is harmful.When the story is told to someone that understands it is just a process of allowing you to vent or rant or just get it out of your system it can be helpful and healthy.Usually, we put drama in our stories so we can hold the intention of the listener.We may also make ourselves sound like a victim so we get an agreement we were right if the story is about someone hurting our feelings.
Step into reality with me for just a minute and ask yourself.Is this story telling really working for you?Do you think other people care about your story?Most of the time they aren't really listening to you they are thinking about their own story while you are talking to them.Is that the way you listen when someone talks to you? be honest!
So if you have to tell your story you are creating put some good things in your story.And if you have to have the drama don't sound like a victim.The difference you make in your story can change your perceptions and you will manifest a better story for yourself. It is your life and you don't need to seek approval from outside of yourself if you believe in yourself. Tell the good memories in your story as a testimony to your spiritual maturity. This is what is needed not all that sad, bad stuff that keeps everyone around you and yourself in sadness and gloom.
Remember every time you tell your story someone is listening and all they seem to remember is the bad stuff and that is what they tell others about you.You said it and now you get it from the whole collective.And you can't figure out why everyone thinks you are a drama queen and people don't want you around? Get wise you are your words and that is your story.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Dear children of the seed of God,
A farmer scatters the seeds for his crop and some of the seeds fall on the good soil while other seeds fall on rocky soil.
The seeds in the good Earth have everything they need from the beginning of their life and don't need much care other than water and fresh air to grow physically.They are in the world and dependent on the Earth to survive.They are very comfortable and secure as they grow and stay connected to the place they are.They become limited to this growth process by their co-decency of the victim consciousness and survival of the physical. They appear healthy in their physical growth and go through the cycles of nature living and dying and living and dying.This is their only purpose to live and die.Their roots are planted deep in the darkness of the Earth.The light they reach for to nourish their growth process is felt and warms their outer leaves and helps them to bloom.The rain falls on them and gives them water to keep their growth in process physically. The seasons come and go and change their outer structure as slowly die and go to the dust of the Earth.The roots of the seeds come alive once again and the process starts again.The seeds of the children of the world stay in the world or they can choose to leave the Earth they put in by the farmer.The roots of the seeds are very deep in the darkness and can seek the light that warmed them and become aware of their own inner light.The awareness comes to every seed or soul from the inner light.The root to the seed has a knowing of the creation in its DNA.
Every seed is in the world but not of the world.The journey or the sojourn is to remember who we are and where we came from.We choose this planet to remember and experience the lessons of the purpose of limitation of growth both physically and spiritually. We need to balance all growth and choose to be all we were made to be.The seed in the good soil is limited to the soil and cannot expand
consciously.The false security and awareness will hold the seed in a cycle of death and life and purpose is to live and die.
The purpose of the Creator God was to spread the light or His glory through the seeds.He scattered the seeds because He wanted the free will gift given to all seeds or souls. If a seed or soul chooses to stay in the darkness and not seek the light it is not judged by God. When all light comes to the Earth in the Christ judgment will come and every soul or seed will be in the light.
The seeds in the rocky soil endured abuse and adversity in their growth process.Physically and verbal abuse was their life of these seeds. Sometimes lack of food or a place to live and depression took a toll on their growth.Adversities can build character and spiritual maturity.The souls or seeds of the rocky soil are rebellious spirits and can be hard-headed and full of determination to fight to live.These are the seeds of the children of God. They are imaginative and intuitive and curious and don't conform to the world.They need God's help and pray from their heart their desires.They cry out for fairness and justice and ask why to God.They surrender their lives to God and not others of the world.They know their journeys have been one struggle after another and they know God blessed them.They fear only God and that was their beginning of knowledge.The don't fear the world because they have overcome the world many times with God's help.
When you think about spiritual maturity it is a growth process that happens to every soul or seed it is ready it knows.A teacher comes when a student is ready to remember.
peace and love from Miss Lovelace 12/24/16
The Love Channel
blog talk radio
8pm-10pm est
Friday, December 23, 2016
Dear soul sisters and brothers,
When we use the word soul we are talking about atoms and molecules which are at present locked together to shape and form the outer flesh appearance.You might also think of the DNA code that is made of these atoms and molecules and uses the instructions of the DNA to form the human structure. The soul appears solid but can change as the atoms and molecules are created genes and genes are dying.The fluidity of water and its structure gives you some idea of the movement occurring in the soul.The materialist version of reincarnation, I suppose, even while you live, and certainly, when you die, the atoms and molecules which are in presently locked into your shape and appearance are being unlocked and scattered into other shapes and forms of construction.The universe operates: atoms get together in a structure, dissipate, and form other structures. When we think of other structures we could mention the "Mekarba" or an "orb" as the changes of the soul becomes unlocked from the human shape and appearance that occurs as separation the of the soul from the body human.Many doctors and nurses report seeing a watery misty substance floating above the third eye at the last breath of the soul unlocking process. Water is a factor and water loss is always noted by the doctors.The water loss could be the atoms and molecules of the soul outer structure. As is childbirth the breaking of the water or the sac surrounding the baby.Water does play an important part in all the cells and the human body and the need for water to keep the atoms and molecules fluid to keep the shape and appearance in a form or shape.Many years ago when there was a fire or shipwreck when humans died that used the term "souls lost" as a way to say how many had die.We don't use this term as much now.The term lost souls is used by some churches because they think a soul can be lost.This is impossible and not logical.A soul doesn't determine the connections to the will of choice to do good or bad.Rather a spiritual connection to God in daily life would be the logical understanding of willfully sinning against God and our brothers and sisters.The flesh or the body is just a shape or form of atoms and a biological covering and is dying and regenerating every moment.Sin can affect the body if the sin is damaging the flesh.When we think of the effects of not being spiritually connected to God we can understand how sin can corrupt the whole system.With a spiritual lifestyle, sin has no effect on the soul. So where does the soul go at death?It is unlocked to change form and shape.The soul contains all the information of the DNA.It needs a new home or body to become a living complete soul.When we think of incarnation of a soul we know that the incarnations of the Christ in the bible proves that souls incarnate.Logical we have to have reincarnation also.Souls come in and go out and come back in.Christ died, was buried and rose and took His body and nobody could touch him until He went back to His father God.Did He get a new soul when He transcending? He kept His same body so He could show His disciples his scars on His body.He didn't go back to get a new body.So what was the purpose of not staying and showing them before He left the first time?The second time He came back He let them touch him.The last time He left saying "I can not stay" but a comforter the Holy spirit will come and live in everyone.Was the Holy Spirit in him?The Holy Spirit is a person but not seen in a shape of form.Is this the meaning of the spiritual connection to God? Yes, it is and it operates through the thoughts and is that silent small voice of conviction of right and wrong in a believer in God.
What does the word spirit mean?The spirit has no form or shape and is not contain or limited by the body.The spiritual part is rather a term used to talk about a connection with God as to be spiritual to be in touch with the image and likeness of God.Many say that they are spiritual minded or feel spiritual at times and have spiritual experiences. Some believers have emotional connections to the moving of the spirit. The spirit connection can be emotional and electrical and many have experienced "out of body" and "near death experiences, this not the soul it is the shift in the spiritual awareness and can leave the body. Many have traveled to the astral world or different dimensions sometimes they are aware and other times there is no awareness. The word spirituality has taken on many interpretations it is like an umbrella or cornucopia of many ideas and cults and new agers so the word covers everything from "spiritual guides " and discarnate spirits of the so-called dead humans and don't forget the evil spirits and demons. The dead are spirits without a soul and the soul unlocks and the atoms scatter the form and shape are transformed.The spirit needs a soul to operate and live.So what are these mediums talking about when they say they have contacted a dead loved ones?They are listening to their own thoughts and images being transmitted from the persons asking for the contact.The information comes from their stored memories of the last memories of their loved ones. The information is not new it is all their memories that they remembered.The medium is not 100% they add things from their imagination to fill in the contact.Some people think this is closure and they may be right because some people need help with grief.So it goes on and on and there
seems to be no end to this game of using people's grief to make money and give false hope.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Dear brothers and sister in Christ,
There are so many things we ask God every minute in our life. Usually, we ask very small and do not put our full trust in His provision in our asking.He says,"ask and you will receive everything and don't forget you have not because you ask not." Do we ask too small and ask for things that we can do by ourselves? The God I serve says,"ask for your heart desires and it will be done unto to you"Now I know I can do many tasks and have the gifts of the Holy Spirit as many children of God have.I have used my gifts to help myself and others many times.When it comes to asking God I do ask for help every morning as I start my day.The is an easy request for sure for me as I have to get up and walk the dog.For some people who don't have to get up for someone or get the kids off to school, a dog is my reasons for my early morning talk with God. I don't use a clock God just wakes up the dog first.And when Jolly stirs and starts moving around she pulls the covers off me.Every day is usually the same routine I say good morning "Daddy' that's my name for God. Jolly is ready to go out so coffee has to wait until after the walk. When I get off the elevator on the first floor I say to myself "protections and love" I say this as a shield and my spirit is ready to take on everyone I encounter on my dog walks.Theses are really little things and when something big comes to my mind I start planning and making mental notes on how I am going to do the thing I need or want to come into my life.I pray that God will help me or give me some images in my dreams or during my meditations I do two hours every day.I play a CD with only piano music.Every note activates my brain and energy in my body, mind, and soul.
At the beginning of 2016, I decided to ask God for some big changes in my life.They were not new year resolutions they were things I wanted to manifest with God's help.I knew that I had to do my part and be ready to believe and receive and this was hard for me to ask big! First, I needed to get a drivers license because I moved to Florida and it had been eight years without driving.So my driver license had been suspended and I forgot to cancel my tags on my car so I had to pay a fine of 858.00 dollars before I could take the test for a new license. I didn't have the money so it was back to the drawing board.I meant back to prayer and meditation and talking it over with God. Money seems to be everyone's problem and people usually give up when they don't ask God for a blessing of money.I got a message from God about some money that was owed to me from my medicare payments from the state.So I check on it and God was right they owed me 800.00 for charging me before I was approved when I moved back to Virginia. That was a blessing that God told me about.So I went back to the DMV and paid the fine and then I started study online with practice test for the driver license.After several attempts of passing and failing the test online, I asked God if I was ready to go take the test at the DMV. I took the bus and walked right in and when to the computer in the testing area and passed the test!That was just the written part of the test I still had to do the driving part.But, I didn't have a car to take that test.I called my prayer sister and she said she would take me and let me use her car for the test.Again my prayers were answered.She was very kind and talked to the man giving the test and I was ready to leave without the test because it was taking so long.So that day I got my drivers license and she took this picture enclosed.The second prayer was asking for a car.This was big and it took everything in me to not get worried and remain focus on the intention. I talked to many friends relatives and searched the internet for a car I would pray about.That was my work and the rest was done by God!The strangest things happen when you trust God.I had been talking to my first husband for a couple months and he was still married and lived in Kentucky. We had talked about God and told him my player for a car.I reminded him of the car he promised me when we got divorced I was just joking.He called me months later and told me he bought me a car and shipping it to my son's house in Virginia. I was in shock! A silver beetle 1998 and just what I needed to get me to the dog parks and store.When the car arrived I to ask for insurance, tags and registration money from God. I remember my old friend P.T at the radio station WCLM and he had a car-lot He would know how I get the car at my son's house on the road until I could get the money for everything.So I went on facebook live on his radio station and did a show with him that was December 20, 2016.He gave me some transport tags and a wonderful friend of his took me to my son's house to get the car. We got lost but finally after a lot of prayers we made it. I got in the car and then I got lost because I didn't know how to get home.I ask some people I saw on the road I don't have a cell phone so I couldn't call anyone for help.I couldn't find a service station or a phone.I got home in two more hours and had been gone since 8:00 am that morning after catching two buses to the radio station.My dog really needed to go for a walk so I walked her and sat down and thanked God for everything.December 21, 2016, I woke up walked Joly and I said,"OK God I got to go to the DMV and get my tags and paperwork done help, please. It was 9 am and I found a parking place near the door. I walked in and the lady at the information desk handed me a paper to fill out and told me to go to window 14 right now. I was shocked again.Never I meant never Has this happening to me or anybody I know when they have gone into the DMV.The lady at the window helped me fill out the paperwork and gave me the price of 50.75 and that was the birthday money my sister had sent me. I was in and out in 15 mins.This whole year has changed my life!God does big things when you ask Him!
Monday, December 19, 2016
To the lost and dark souls,
Read no further if does not apply.Do you understand you are not lost?Maybe you feel lost or depressed and in a dark place but ask yourself how did this happen?Can you remember a something good that happen to you in your life?Are you thinking about a special event like a birthday or a person that smiled at you?Do you feel grateful right now?Thoughts can change your emotions.Every time you think about the negative things that people have said to you or taken an abusive action you thought they "made" you feel angry or mad you cause this reaction inside of yourself. You are are a reactionary person and have very sensitive feelings.Some called these empathy traits and this is a good explanation.You are a sponge and you have been absorbing emotional energy from others most of your life.Wait a minute before I go further you need to pause and think about what that means.Being sensitive doesn't give you any excuses to allow emotions in you or coming from others to claim you have depression or react to others with your emotional rants.You can have self-control of this gift called "empathy" and live a very productive creative life on this planet.Maybe nobody told you this gift is very important to the kingdom of God.You are worthy and have talents beyond human experiences.Once you step into your own awareness and take a serious look inward instead of others outside of yourself you will know that you are a spirit in the likeness and images of God.When you first become aware of your empathy abilities others outside of you will not understand because they are not empathic and hear and see only the emotions as a mental illness and make you think you are crazy or make you feel uncomfortable in your own feelings.Are you feeling in your emotions a release from your hate and anger of yourself as you read my message?I am very sensitive and experienced everything you have for many years.My dark nights of the soul came when I lost control of myself and allowed others outside of me to take over my life. This is called co-dependence and I suffered because I didn't I was worthy of the gifts God gave me.How did I gain this wisdom?We have all been told so many lies about who we are We feel so different than our birth families and friends we just want them to go away or we run away from them.One day I stop running away because I started understanding myself. I ask God in my prayers and meditations the "WHY" questions will bring you clarity in your own mind.The answers given are the questions you ask God in your spirit.It may be one word given or just a peace of the silence will bring you self-control of your emotions.You are sent to this planet for a purpose only God has done for His kingdom within.Seeking inward is the only way to heal your rejection and suffering that was created by your own thoughts.You have become a victim of your circumstances you created with your emotional fears.You have owned the victim of the "why me" and now you need and want to escape further into your own emotions of the empathic thoughts.You can't escape your identity of who you are and who you have become.The way out is a new identity.An identity is very important and it is not what you do or what you think the world has called you with the titles.When you think about what you have taken on in your life by allowing others to tell you who you were to them like a wife, mother, friend or a work position you will understand that you had many different identities on your path. You were an "empathy spirit" in all those tags you took from the world. So your identity is spiritual by nature and you need to think about that energy of the "Who" you are and came into this world with that gift and purpose of God to glorify Him.The world has no honor or respect for the gifts of the children of God.Only other children with the gifts understand because they know their gifts and honor the gifts of the divine in themselves and in you.Everything of God is in the inner kingdom and the world does not know this.Sometimes the darkness will come around you just to gain your light energies because they see your light or feel your negative feelings they want you to feed them the negatives, not your light energies they have no need of your light.You can give them your light if they will ask for it or they are ready to receive it.Most humans reject the light and just want you to give them negatives to feed their darkness. Be careful and don't feed them your emotional anger or react to their energies and don't allow them to make you feel this energy.In reality, they can not make you feel anything it is happening in you.You have self-control and have changed your identity to a gifted child of God.Your thoughts of worthiness and assurance in your own self of who you are will become your life.Do you know you can co-create with God? Your journey has just started right now! Start co-creating with the creative light source within yourself and know your truth that you are in the likeness and image of God the creator.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Dear souls,
Earth is not your home it is a planet in the great cosmos of planetary schools of remembering who you are in your soul."Not of the world but in the world" was spoken by the Christ Jesus to all who have entered into this incarnation.Each soul's purpose is to represent the Christ consciousness and glorify the purposes of God the Father.The Christ energy was manifested by the Holy spirit and was predicted to come into the world to be a living representation of God with us in flesh.The incarnation of the Christ child was for the purpose of God to take on the flesh as a man and still remain fully God and man in unity.Yeshua or Jesus was His name given by the angel that told Mary she would give birth to by the Holy Spirit.This baby would be a living lamb sacrifice to rid the world of the sin in the DNA program.The Jewish people believed in sin and predicted this.Did the world outside the Jewish church believe in sin?The pagans and those that were outside of the Jewish church did not understand the concept of sins and did not offerings to God for sins. The doctrine or dogma of sins came from rules and commitment from the laws of Moses.These commandments and covenant between the Jewish people are still taken very seriously.Even though the prophets were Jewish that predicted years before the Christ child was born the Jewish people didn't accept the lamb of God to take away their sins.A new covenant and new testament became the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by what Jesus did by His death, burial, and resurrection.The Christ came to fulfill the laws of the prophets and their prediction.He gave the world a sacrifice for the sins they were making animals offerings to but that was not His plan.He knew He had God in Him and He was also a man.You can decern the scriptures and gain wisdom as you read between the lines written by the four gospels and see His life was not to die but to bring spiritual knowledge to the people he met.He didn't speak of death or coming for that purpose He told people He met that their faith would heal them.He knew That His message was a living testimony of the God within each soul.He wanted everyone that followed Him to become self-discipline in their own self-worth of the spirit of God that is within them.He didn't call anyone He met a sinner or try to remove their sins.He was the salvation by His words and actions as He told them about the kingdom that was in each of them and not of this Earth or in the heavens.He told His followers to make disciples not to save people.To go into all the world and teach them my way, truth, and life. that I have showed you by my life.So is the life of Jesus, not the death that is more important for all that follow the Christ.Did you need someone to die for you or did you need someone to show you how to live? I am the life and the way and the truth of The Christ and I have come to show you way home to the Father was said by Jesus the Christ.All souls are given a free will choice to choose their next home as they were when they chose the Earth home.
The thoughts of the Christ consciousness are written in the DNA.The words in every known language are "your body is the temple of the Lord" This is your home or kingdom where the Holy Spirit dwells it is always within you.When you seek outside of the inner sanctuary of the kingdom you are in the world.The world is a creation of the evil fears of men that live by ego, greed, and corruption. The inner kingdom is not corrupted because the spirit dwells within.The flesh is the outer shell and can become corrupted by temptations from the world. All sins and concepts of sin are of the flesh, not the spirit. The Holy spirit convicts the child of God of sins of the flesh if they enter into the soul.Sin can not remain in the spirit of a child of God.Many have spoken about repentance of sins and this has caused much confusion.How can a child of God repent if they have come to the wisdom of the Christ and been forgiven by God?This is important to know that when you believe in the Christ that your sins have been taken by Christ and you have been forgiven by God.The message is very clear for those that have the spirit of the living God in them.
Many people on our planet do not understand the incarnation of God into the Christ child.When they say the word they do not see the references to reincarnation made in the Bible about what the people thought about the incarnation of Christ.They used both words and some said,"that Jesus was the reincarnation of Elijah" when they saw the Christ.Why did they say this?They knew of reincarnation and an incarnation was a possibility.
The cycle of life and nature is to die and be reborn and the cycle is part of creation.All souls are a creation and a born to created with a life source.Each soul is remembering where home is and return to the home that they know in the consciousness.
the letter code of the home.
h=to manage
o=the secret
m=many ways
e=to evolve
the core value 'om'
the resonance sound of the atonement in the word home
om=the secret of the many ways self-improvement, vocational or calling as you are helping others as you help yourself.
God's message given this morning 12/18/16 prophet bren
Friday, December 16, 2016
Dear children of God,
Wouldn't the Earth be a wonderful place to live if we could step back and just observe and not get involved with the problems other people created?Everyone has free will to co-create with God or other sources of their choice.The children of God choose to seek the good and God's purpose for our lives and the lives of others.We want to glorify God through our choices and be as truthful and honest as we can be to please our Father.Living a life that is fruitful by giving our gifts and talents we received as a gift from God our Father is not easy.The world has rejected many of our blessings of our gifts of healing and intuitive thoughts for centuries and many lifetimes.We have loved the unlovely and the hurt and broken lost souls on our planet as we were directed to do by the word of God.The rejections only encouraged us to give more of our compassion and love to those that would not receive or respond. We are not perfect by any means but strive to represent God's unconditional love on Earth.We know we are all works in progress and perfection and wholeness is our goal so we can return back to God in spirit from where we came from.We are faced with different situations in our own lives that cause problems and we take our burdens to God for answers to make good choices.The Holy Spirit hears our request and the answers to our questions come to us in our meditations or images and sometimes signs such as "God winks" or synchronicity.We walk in the spirit and are very aware of who we are as the children of the God of Abraham.
Knowing and not just believing is the key to being in the spiritual walk daily.Reacting or responding to each situation that unfolds with kindness and unconditional love can be difficult is spiritual growth is not maturity in every experience. We have to experience many things before we can react or respond correctly each time. When we choose to dismiss or ignore people or problems that are high in negative energy we lose the lesson of the experience. Sometimes procrastination can be good to help us to make better choices but also can hinder our development spiritually.We need to balance and integrated our own energies and clear our thoughts by talking to God or go to silence. We have all practice many things that have helped us to stay out of confusion in our lives.The world is on a different frequency of energy that is lower because of their thoughts and choices for evil intentions.The two energies of good and bad run on the same timeline and the resistances are always present it is called temptation.The free will to choose is activated for each person.Temptations are a choice to do good or evil many don't know they have this choice.Everyone has a different path to take and there are many roads but the key to the door is given to the children of God.
Be ready be prepared and watch are the words given in the Bible and many prophets.Be ready to react or respond with loving kindness and caring to those that are seeking the light within you.Know that some come to steal or heal from your light.Have discernment and test every spirit.Are they listening to you?If they are not hearing you they don't have the spirit of the same God you have been seeking.Talking to those that have the inner ear of spirit will be your clue to speak to them.The Bible says,"ears to hear" and this is the meaning of this verse.Remember we were told if we were not acceptive we are to "dust off our feet and leave" and don't look back.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
To whom it may be a concern,
Are you looking for "the truth" or a truth? It really does depend on if you want or need the truth doesn't it? A boat or a ship is a vessel and much like a fleshly body that the spirit uses for transportation on the land to become mobile.Is that a true statement? Well, not quite the spirit is more mobile in the astral world and can escape the confines of the fleshly body at any given moment.Seeking the whole truth becomes harder than many humans have gone before and now are discovering the truth to be something of a question not answered by many.So understanding and wisdom of the truths are being found by an experience of spiritual nature or by seeking other people's truths.To even think of what is true or false is a test in of comparison of the known and unknown facts in every situation. As we arrive at the truth we are seeking we accept what the findings bring us. But, is that the truth of the moment?As we are using our reasoning and applying our intuitive senses of the spirit or source of the information we gain some of the truth we need to maintain a peace within.This keeps us afloat or stabilized in our reality of the truth.To make a clear statement of "we have found our truth" may be difficult because we are lost in the seeking of the truth.At some point, we need and want an acceptable truth we can live with. The human does need to accept certain truths to move or remain mobile in the spiritual growth process.
When Jesus proclaimed that He was "the truth" this a bold move and certainly misunderstood without discernment of the Holy Spirit for many that have quoted this statement in their lives.First, ask this question can a human spirit be the truth in that same truth Jesus talked about? When we think about being the light of the world we can be that light inwardly.Can humans be the truth also?The whole quote by Jesus was," I am the truth, the way, and the life"We know that the way was by Him means to follow Him and His teachings. We can know the truth and the way to life everlasting is a spiritual perception.As all spiritual perception increase our growth in our sojourn.Jesus made another bold statement saying"no one comes to the Father except by me" as we think about this statement we can bring some wisdom of the truth to ourselves of the complete wholeness we are seeking.So we might ask ourselves the question of "How" can we complete our mission on Earth?Is it that simple to follow the perception of the Christ consciousness to return back to collective oneness?You need to think about the perceptions of the truth statement Jesus made.No other spiritual teacher was so profound as to say this!Many have spoken many truths and we have heard and applied their truths to our journey's. And many have followed the Christ also.
When we follow we need to know who we are following.First, we should seek inwardly to understand who we are in our own truths.In our hearts, we can know we have a program that we have created with God's help or another mentors help.Knowing our own truth is an important factor to wholeness.We are the light of this dark world and enlightenment is found by knowing your own true self.The how and the what are answers in your truth.How can be the process and what can be "what are you doing here" your purpose of your spiritual life.Many don't live a purpose of the their "Who" they are in God's will.Thinking of who you are in God and God in you and the expression of the life of your purpose is a perception many are discovery on their journey.When Jesus said," I am the life" He meant there was a life in following him that was available to be obtained. He was the door and the key to enter the kingdom within.Can we use the key to that door and come into the kingdom and live the spiritual life? The answer is in you.
Friday, December 9, 2016
While listening to a blog talk radio show a woman is telling her story to the host.
Our words will kill or heal our souls.
This phrase certainly will be the death to anyone who thinks and says it!They think happiness is "to die from" and when they say it they get the death that makes them happy.Sounds like suicide, doesn't it? She also said,"everyone around me is professional and together in their work and they don't complain" so she says "I will do the complaining for them."And then she laughs. She says,"she tries everything and can't do anything right"like making cookies or baking or nothing turn out right." She is putting herself down and the host says,"well at least you aren't a failure you try.She says she wants to help people to get together and bring unity to women." The host says,"you will get that in 6 months"She says,"fine."
Did you read her story and decern her life's story?She is helping other people but can not help herself.She uses words of defeat and feelings to express her depression.She takes on other people energy to build them up by complaining and her energy goes lower.She sees herself as a person to be dump on and take others with her with this victim consciousness.She wants to "die from happiness" is her program running in her subconsciousness.
We all have programs in us from words we don't even know we are saying.To die from happiness is not even a logical saying.Being a state of happiness or striving to be happy is just a moment of bliss.Many people want to be in a state of bliss all the time and states of consciousness are always shifting.Happiness usually comes when a task or completions of something we do or create.Living for happiness may be better stated as a moment of God's love and experiencing a wholeness of that love. Humans can do anything with God's help.Trying and struggle create resistance to the true self-identity. Words used properly to express your life will create the intentions of your heart desires. Every word has power and substance to heal or kill your truth and intention.
We are all connected to the collective consciousness and the stories we tell ourselves and others we need to be aware others are listening to us and so is God.The stories may be helpful if the host or person listening would uplift or stop repeating the phases and laugh at them like this host does every show.The host kept saying "I love that phase to die of happiness. Really did he actually say that?And did he give a false prediction of hope to this woman about the future?Yes, he did.Where do you think her life is going?How is she going to help others ?
Thursday, December 8, 2016
To be or not to be that is the question.
A thought of the thinker in the nothingness of time and space in the void between creation and non-creation of ideas of being something.As the awareness of such brings the uncomfortable to the comfortable and the dualities are set in motion of the creation of the something.The human emotional triggers set off a firestorm in the inner needs and want to create from the nothingness and bring in the something desired. Thoughts form of images flood the entire being to produce from the purposes of each desire of the heart.It is in the nothingness of the stillness of motion that creation comes to produce and manifest.A clearing of outside distractions and going inward to the nothingness to be the I am can start the outward energetic intentions of the creation called manifestation.The darkness of the nothingness brings the sounds of silent to thoughts of interaction with the ego and past programs from emotional memories called the "inner battle of the confusion"the seeker stops seeking and remains in the nothingness.The cup is emptied and now can be filled with a fullness of the Holy Spirit. The I am present moment of the nothingness is the beginning and end of the omnipresent of creation in the inner sanctuary of the body temple.
The removal of all titles and tags of the outer world is the release of any holdings or attachments to obtain the nothingness.To be or not to be is the answer.The how is the question that comes from the nothingness.The now and present moment is the opening sought by the wandering soul. Be fruitful and multiply manifestation of creativeness to create for purpose of creation.All comes to those that have an inner hearing of the wisdom of the nothingness. The keeping of the code to life is written in the heart of the soul.The rewriting flow of the energy of creation from the Holy Spirit needs the nothingness to operate the gifts and manifest to desires of the heart.
The words dependency and co-dependency are dualities as all words have the good and the bad and the nothingness and something in them.To be depending on the world and others for answers to the inner questions causes co-dependency. To go inward for answers to questions causes dependency on the true self. The true self is the nothingness of creation and the false self or ego is something that is holding back the flow of the Holy Spirit to operated properly. We say,"something is wrong"what is that something?Or we say,"nothing is wrong" what is that nothing?Is God in the nothingness of space and time creating with us and we can depend on God to co-create with us?
The claiming of something you have may be material goods or illness or pride of your achievements or a saying you are a title of something in the world all this is not who you are. To be or not to be is still the question.The answer is nothing is happening to me until the allowance of the inner knowing of the co-creating from creation within the desire of the heart.Claiming co-creation and decency on God creator secures the thoughts of the discipleship to create and manifest your story.Self-discipline and self-control over your intentions will raise your energy to higher levels of your consciousness awareness to be who you want and need to be.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Dear co-creators with source of Creation,
I was listening to a person calling their self a psychic and predicted the next year events for the caller.They were writing the caller's story for them.This type of reading is harmful and creates a co-dependency with the psychic.When anyone tells others their future and mentions where they see them going in the next year and doesn't ask for permission to set up their life's story according to the feelings and interpretation of the psychics "spiritual guides"or some imaginary forces of the universe to write their future for them they are taking control over the free will to choose their own co-creation to manifest. Predicting according to outside sources will lead to the "CON"words of confusion conflicts and a lost of control over their life.The free will is very important to every human being.The deceiver comes to steal your life story and take you off your path to God.The warning for such people that hurt or harm a child physically is called child abuse and the verbal communication can also be considered child abuse.People who claim they have a spiritual gift need to held responsibility for the use of all gifts. These type of readers make it hard on everyone who is gifted by God to help those that they have told lies too and made them co-dependent on them.They feel unworthy of making their own choices and think they need to follow the predictions.It may take years to regain their confidence in themselves and make choices by themselves.They seek answers from others and their own answers are in them to all their question through the spirit of God within them. When they ask these types of readers to tell their future and the reader tells them the bad things that are going to happened to them this creates a stumbling block in their minds.Even the good things can create an expectation that they are not ready to handle. Most of these readers are in the "new age movement" and think they can change people by telling them the future.This is not doing anything but adding confusion because you can't change people each person changes themselves from inward connection to source.The seeking for healing or help starts with the worthiness of the true-self and the reason for seeking help is for confirmation in your own thoughts to make choices. Everyone you met that has a problem making choices on their own need to be given free will so they can develop and grow spiritually. Every experience is a growth process and without inner growth from each experience, there is no growth. there is co-dependency on others.The thief you allowed into your story is in disguise as a helper the words they say seem helpful but are harmful to your self-love and trusting God. They have lower your energy and you become addicted to listening to their advice they offer others because they make your life seem not so bad. You have become a seeker of bad news and sad stories to talk about with your friends and you think you don't hear the negatives at first by listening to bad news from their prediction of doom and gloom.You get caught up in the trapped by allowing them to tell your future.You have lost your free will to co-create your story and have to call them before you can move on.Living in the present moment is talked about on these shows but not observed by the readers in their readings.As they blend some words that sound good with words of dependency to them it becomes a trance-like state of mind.Discernment is needed at all times to hear these words they speak about how they can tell you the future of your story.They are words of control and manipulation and they are hidden in the story they tell you.It is called spinning a lie and mixing in some truths they believing in from familiar spirits. The understanding of the perception that God is in you and works through you keeps you secure as a co-creator in your own life's story.Every word has a duality of the truth and lie and the words spirituality has a different interpretation coming from a reader that has taken control over the spirit by stealing the free will.Study and renew your own mind or turn your mind over to those that are using you to display their powers of evil and darkness.They even use the word light and talk about spiritual things but they don't do themselves in their own life. They are wolves in sheep clothing and hide in the mind of darkness and evil to control others for money and fame.
Love is the greatest vibration and is in every creature created by God. When we think about love as an energetic source of the living spirit or soul we can find the love channel in every person.Every creature has the need for love to live and created.The Creator God breath the living spirit of love into the first creature called human. God is a designer and became a part of the design.The DNA is the program that works only on the love energy transmitted from the heart's desires for love.All love is accepted and given even if it not the love of God the greatest love.When humans need anything they take what they think they deserve is what they get.So many think they are not worthy of the greatest love of God.When a human takes the love that the world offers from other people who don't know how to love with God's love they accept it because they have never know other types of love.It is still love and can be observed by others and everyone needs to look for love in other people so that you can be aware of the type of love they have used to live by. These people need the real love of God to be shown to them so they can see it outside of themselves. Giving them the love of God will seem strange to them at first and they may think the person giving unconditional love is trying to control them.This is because when love from of the world was given to them it was conditional love.Telling them you have no hidden agendas with the love you share will help the situation.Most people who claim they have been born again in the spirit may have a hidden agenda to get them to come to their church and this has made people think that is all they wanted and the love them feel used to gain money or promote their self.This is in all organizations and the trust in these people who appear to be loving are givers of God love but have not received God's love in their own lives. So they are giving from a love of the world and not from God's love.They have not become disciples because they lack self-discipline and are not think they are not worthy to be loved by God.They are motivated by things of the world like money for the church.The people they seduce are in need of God's love and uplifted and encourage to seek the love inside them.The thoughts of the world that everyone needs fixing or to be saved is not what Jesus said to do He said,"to go into all the world and make disciples" and this is an inside job for each person.When we think of how to make or created anything in our lives we use the proper tool for the manifestation. God's love was used to manifest everything.The material love of the world can't manifest without the creation love of God's love in His children. Money can't manifest anything without God's purposes being fulfilled in the manifestation of the of His love.All manifestation require a source of the creation of the God's love. Within each believer creates an inner desire to take action through the expression of the creation energy of God's love.To direct the thoughts of a higher source other than the lower ego thoughts can be done in each creature. This is a shift of perception that God's love is in each and can be raised higher in the love energies given by a person who has God's love.When the person who has accepted the love of God the love does the change in the other person. Because the Holy spirit is part of the trinity of love. All is done first in spirit and the manifestation is the creation of the love.
What is right or wrong with this world?What is right is there is love in each person no matter the physical appearance that can be deceiving.What is wrong the perception that some people can't be loved.When we say other people in our lives are useless and not worthy we are saying that about ourselves.We reflect our thoughts and words outwardly but we also are saying things to ourselves.And the words of hate and judgment are killing the spirit inwardly because that is an energy that affects the whole body,mind,and heart.What is right with this world there are the children of God that give the love of God they have in them to give others.What is wrong with this world the spiritual healers think they need to fix other people before fixing themselves. If each person takes care of themselves the world would change instantly by the love of God.We can confirm and validate for others and give them their free will to make their own choices.This is God's love.
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