Monday, April 17, 2017


Good questions deserve good answers or answers that fit the questions.Thinking about what humans deserve is a big question and it may depend on many factors. Usually, it comes up in relationships when one partner feels neglected or rejected by their significant other. The words," I deserve better than you or this type of treatment from you."And it is followed by "why me  I think I deserve so much more than you are giving me."All humans do deserve to be loved and treated as they would treat others with same respect. That is the golden rule of interaction between to humans to love ourselves as we love others.So what do humans deserve? To be loved as they love self. This is the way to understand what we deserve as we are creatures of creation within our own soul.So self-love is giving and love from others is giving thought that intention. When one doesn't love self enough and requires others to love them regardless they themselves has no self-love they might say" I deserve to be loved regardless because  I am better than the other person. So deserving is a kind of pride that the egotistical person has and always seeks other people respect to make them feel better.They feel unworthy even though they say they deserve something they can't give or receive.The love they seek is lustful and manipulating love that they use to get something from others.So they tell others their story of rejections and they have rejected others in the process of telling themselves  I deserve to be loved and be told by others they love me.So this cycle of the victim consciousness repeats over and over until they start honoring themselves with the love they give themselves. When other humans hear their stories of rejections most people say "they don't deserve you this doesn't help the person to heal." Healing from a broken heart or a bad relationship needs a positive approach rather than a pointing out of how bad it was from another person. The best thing to do is listen and love the person that has been wounded.Don't remind them of the bad choices they made. Tell them they will find love again and they need self-love to heal them.You can be there for them by encouraging them to take some time for themselves and when they are ready you will be there for them. As we practice the golden rule in our relationship we will find that deserving is serving others as we want to be served. 


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