Wednesday, April 5, 2017


For three days and three nights  I waited and talked to God about the words, I read on a post about "fighting" and "arguing" this morning at 4:00 am the message came to me very clear. Lay down your sword Brenda.God said," I will fight your battles both physical and spiritual."I  got up and went on facebook and saw that a message came from Shay and it said many things about having a conversation about disagreement and limited her free will choices. For three days  I have been posted the meaning of the words and trying to explain why fighting and arguing have nothing to do with compatibility in a relationship.  I pray and read bible verses and my spirit kept hearing "rest in me" and not in your own words Brenda. She said she was busy doing another job and just found the time to come write to me with a very confusing message that has no meaning or spiritual meaning. My words and searches of explanation didn't help my real problem of what my spirit was telling me.God fights my battles and He always has and I should have said that instead of all the attempts of telling everyone there was something wrong with the post.I knew it didn't sound like anything that  I knew in "the word of God" aka Jesus had said to me everytime  I was facing a battle with someone or something in this world.I knew about spiritual warfare and had talked about fighting spirits and discerning the words people use to deceive the lost souls. Fighting to defend or justify what  I say is not my message but the message God gives me to say. I am a child of God and the Christ consciousness is important to me.I believe that Jesus died, and was placed in the tomb for three days, and rose on the third day and is living God and is with us always.

I know my words are strange to those in the world but they are from my truth and God is with me always.I have no fears about fighting because  God will fight all His children battles for them if they allow Him to.When God is in your relationships the love is unconditional and the conditions or problems are to be given to God. I could quote many scriptures about this subject and keep writing but that would not take the fight out of those who want or need to fight their own battles. I have offered solutions to many that don't take God's word seriously and that's okay they are not ready for God's word.As for me and my house, my Lord is Jesus the Christ.I have surrendered to His will not my own will.His message to all the children is to "lay down your swords  I am your salvation and  I am the Lord God and  I will fight your battles" praise God almighty!!!!!

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