Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Time travel is an illusions inescapable thought pattern of images of places and people and events of Historical significance. Concept, perceptions, and creativeness make the time traveling experience a great thought practice for the whole brain.The uncontrollable discomforts of the unknown deepness of the soul's inner yearnings to go back in time or forward in time is to escape the now moment of problems that appear overwhelming to the single preference brain human.The exploration of thoughts of time traveling remains in the consciousness to help with the detachment of the brain in the present moment.Choosing a time to remain in for short period for the security or comfort is done quite a lot and keeps the human from being in the now or the present.Sometimes a person chooses their childhood memories or teen years or even a time they served in the services for their country. They will revisit these memories and they become triggers to help them deal with the present time.They hold on to time traveling in times of stress and the escape becomes real to them.The pictures and memories of their past experiences are part of their life and without the past, the feelings of grief and loss of something or someone make no logical sense.The going back in memories and leaving the present makes the future scary and strange because the security of the self-identity is always going back to who they were in the past.The co-creative part of the brain uses the past to creative from and the new perception of ideas are based on the past experiences.When the brain repeats this pattern of staying in the securities of the past experiences the cycle can damage the flow of new ideas and new perceptions.Sometimes there is the confusion of thoughts and depression because the imagination can only go so far and the person needs to reflect for years before awakening to new patterns that are in the present time period. When the timing is ready for their transformation into a spiritual lifestyle they think they will know it and will tell others outside of themselves  I just need more time to process my past.The time traveler is a whole brain thinker and knows the reasoning for choosing a past life to live in or a past experience from the life there in now. When you meet a person who says " I am stuck" what are they stuck in?Their thoughts are in the past or the future they are a time traveler in their own thought.Humans have the ability to choose the time they want to be in.They come into the present moment for brief periods to do a task that requires their attention and slip back into their past or go to their future.These are thought patterns that cause behavior problems because of the illusions they are creating and not being aware of the conscious activities in the present moment they get angry or mad you pull them into reality.This brain phenomenon has been studied and misdiagnosis for centuries. There be some brain damage or trauma of abuses that will bring on time a need to stay traveling into the past and seek the future unknowns rather than stay in the present moment. The practice of using the thoughts to daydream or allow memories to help relax the whole brain has been used successfully many times.There is a strong belief in many cultures that to keep someone alive is to remember them as alive. Many societies do this practice by laying flowers on events from the past wars and certain events of death remembering them so we don't repeat History or the pattern again seems to make the pattern repeat.As the brain views the past story the past story weakening the story being created in the present and needs to let go of the identity to the past story so the future can be created.

The real life or the reality is changeable through conscious efforts of the whole brain working in agreement to process information and emotions, and reasoning to be a whole brain thinker.When the intentions of the present moment are not directed to the higher sources the intention is not manifested The whole brain has to be in agreement with the source.The idea requires action of the purpose of the intention to bring wholeness to the complete though that is being formed between the two brains.If the belief system is the past story and identity of the time traveler and that is the choice there will no future manifestations.Also if the brain mindset is to live in the future the manifestations remain in the illusions of the dreamer.Time traveling is a detached mindset of not manifesting anything new to your story and your spiritual evolving has stopped.There is a way to start the process back to using your whole brain for the purpose God intended it to be used. Surrendering the past identities and the emotional attachments to the identity in your past story. Take conscious effort to live in the present moment and when the feelings or memories trigger your now moment know that that was just a story your not that identity anymore.Slowly you will start writing a new story that starts every day.


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