Saturday, April 15, 2017


He gave His son to be a sacrifice for all others who could not get their bad choices forgiven.What is a sin?It making bad choices of temptations of the world.We are free will agents and our choices determine our direction in our life.We are addicted to the flesh and the temptations of the physical. We lust after others because we want to use their bodies for our pleasures. We can also lust in our thoughts and imagination we are using their bodies.Is it hard for humans to stop thinking? Are we judged by our thoughts or our actions?We know there is only one judgment and it is the final judgment of God.We have been judged by the world many times and these judgments are from other humans. We judge ourselves and this holds us back from be the divinity we are inside our spiritual realm. Dying and death have so many meanings to each of us and the subject still is not spoken about because of confusions in the media.We all have heard of out of the body and astral traveling and know that the spirit can leave the body.Jesus said,"I comment my spirit to my Fathers house" or another way of saying this "I release my spirit" to the Father. Did Jesus suffer on the cross?The thoughts of Jesus being fully God and fully man tells us that this was more than a regular event for this man.Was He under control of the situation? It appears many have interpreted the event on as harsh and cruel punishment and it was an act of God.Jesus was preparing for this very act all His lifetime and knew the proper preparation for His actions.He knew His words and action and was ready to leave His body and return in the spirit.Why do the churches make it sounds like drama and not an act of love by God?"God so loved the world that He gave His son to die for their sins" The word was love and that was God reasoning wasn't it?" As we think of new perceptions about the things we have been told we can see spiritual meanings instead of the world view. The end justifies the means in most cases.The means was the people of that time and their need to do something with blood as an atonement for their sins.So blood had to be shed. Why blood?The blood of animals was not going to serve humans to take away their sins and God knew they were doing this. God was going to do something to stop the sacrifices of animals and humans once and for all.It had to be according to the prophecy from the old testament prophets. God did give them the prophecy to prepare for the coming events of using His only begotten son as a way to heal the sins of the people. So everyone knew about the events of the future and were ready and willing to allow the Romans to fulfill the words of the prophecies given by God.When we use our whole brain thinking we can use our intuition of the prophecy and logical reasoning of the events that had to take place 2,000 years ago.Was there a death?Certainly, the body was dying on the cross for all to see.Was there a spiritual release on the cross? Yes, and the words are clear on that part.Was there a body in the tomb? No psychical body was in the tomb. Mission complete according to the prophecy.


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