Sunday, April 16, 2017


Comparing the different stages of transformation of elements of a formation of an object such as an  Earthy formed creation weather and wind and other natural interventions seems possible.When we compare human to humans such as objects instead of the essence of the spirit and soul we do not understand the metaphysical inner workings of image and likeness of the creation. We use our judgments instead of discernments and group humans with labels for our personal insecurities within ourselves We feel we are helping others to change their lives and in reality, the changes are the reflection of ourselves we are changing.We think it our purpose to help others change their perceptions. This can't be the truth because we didn't need anyone to change our perceptions.We may feel we made a different in other people lives by helping them but this is our emotional attachments to decency we had as children and it is not healthy to form attachments.Each human has needs and wants and making choices for others weakens their own capabilities to mature spiritually.When we teach others to think on their own they will be able to do so.When we think or feel we are doing the work for them we are feeding our own ego.Did you do your own spiritual work?Did you choose your own path and direction? When we met a teacher on our path was the teacher giving you their answers?All the answers and the questions are in your own beliefs.They might have mentioned that to you and you forgot it.A student is a teacher and teacher is a student. The equality is present in each human and to perceives it as it is out of judgment is quite amazing. Do the helpers see something wrong in each they meet?Do they know it is a reflection of themselves they see and feel? I was talking to someone who feels they are a helper and they said,"they are a catalyst for change in others." How can this be,  "I said? " A catalyst is an intervention into the thoughts and feelings and this has to be allowed by the person you think you are fixing by your help. The human being does not change by what others say to them.Even though your words may have to mean something to you it doesn't mean the same to them.You can explain everything to a child or adult and it will be up to the individual to receive the information or reject the information according to the belief system. in the person.We listen to what we are listening for in a conversation and keep what we think we need and throw out the things that we don't need.When we communicate we are expressing who we are and sugar coating is not authentic. While having this conversation with this helper who feels a need to help others rather than help herself she said, " I was trying to change her mind"  I said,"that is impossible. 'That is impossible", I said we change our own minds and perceptions because of our own beliefs. I asked he,"what is the purpose and reason for biology life on this planet?" She said," transformation.comuication and helping others.The question of purpose is different for each soul.The paths of the journeys are different also.The experiences are the same but the names and places are different. We are remembering not learning and the helpers.teachers and those inclined to help should know that the messages are already in the person you are speaking to.You might think in your ego mind that you have given them something but in reality, you have given to yourself.Living by example and not by helping others will bring more security to your identity of who you are living soul representing the expression of God's likeness and image.As each soul becomes the example the others will follow and there will be no need to help others.Children love to follow others example.The question is are you who you feel and think you are?  I am that  I am and so are you all.


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