Thursday, April 6, 2017


The Beatle's song "Help  I NEED SOMEBODY not just anybody  I NEED SOMEBODY TO LOVE"THIS is the song everyone is singing these days too.Everyone we help wants unconditional love, And we want unconditional love from others.Love is a very strange word to many people they want to be loved unconditionally but can give it unconditionally back to you.When we help people we are doing it out of the love we have to give.When they receive the love and don't give back we still love them.Does this sound strange that we want the love that they can't give us back? We think they will change their perception overnight if we keep giving them our love.Sometimes it takes many nights and years to see our love returned to us from the one we have given so much of our love to. In the song "not just anybody" means the writer wants not just anybody to love him but the one he loves.He is singing about a real need, not a want.We often ask for somebody that will love us but do we need someone to love us in the same way we loved them?When love is accepted and received is usually is unconditional love that lasts. When one partner is the love giver and the other is the love takes the love from the love giver.the relationship is not balanced and ends because of conditions from the taker of love is selfish and may be codependent on the love that was giving freely.

Dear companionate souls,

How much time have we spent helping others?Did we know that we were helping ourselves by helping others? Helping and assisting others is just one of our experiences we all share on this planet. Sometimes we don't wait for others to ask for help and still do our best to help because we are lead by our unconditional love to help the needy. The word help can mean so many things to us and others and to us.What kind of help can we give depends on each situation that comes to us on our journey? Determining the proper type of help is important to think about. I like the perception in the Bible "teach a man to fish and he will be able to feed himself" sometimes we do the fishing and the feeding and the teachings are not given. How to do take care of ourselves is a lesson we all need.
When we help ourselves we have more to give others.Usually, this is not the case we have helped others first and put our own selves last unless we gain a new perceptive about the reason we are helpers. We all need time to reflect and process who we are and what are our purposes of our journey and helping is a purpose for many to live on this planet.The energy of giving and helping others can heal us if it's done with the right intentions. 

Asking questions about what kind of help they want or need is part of the relationship of the healer and the person who seeks to be healed.Healing comes from the faith of the person asking for the help to be healed.The helper is assisting and encouraging this faith that is inside of the person needed to be healed.Sometimes the help offered is not the help needed or asked for by the person we think needs our help.Listen to their story and ask them questions about how you can help them.Don't assume you know what they need or want from you. We think we can read their energy but we can't read their heart only God knows their heart.We may feel their emotions but we need to ask why they feel the way they feel.If they can't express their feelings or tell us what they need us to help them with we can just be there for them where they are until they can express themselves.Caretakers are hand holders most of the time and this is a type of healing called human touch and this helps with energy in both involved in the exchange of energy.Sitting and listening without making comments and just breathing slowly with someone can bring healing also.Your peace and harmony inside both promote healing to others around you.Just your presence of your smile and kindness is needed by many that are shut-ins that don't see any representation of unconditional love in their reality of their world.

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