Sunday, April 30, 2017


How can the whole brain help the body, mind, and spirit to love God? The instructions are clear that every creature that has a soul must do all three things to transition and transform the light body.All have a soul that can be described as DNA code that gives not only our genetic makeup but also our skills gifts and talents. The blood that runs throughout the whole body gives life to the cells and the bloodlines tell a story of our ancestor.We all have some royal blood because we linked to creation. Many people have traced their bloodlines and have found that they are connected to ancestors from other countries and other planetary systems. The chemistry and electrical life within each human have been studied and the findings are amazing connected to light energy and thought energy.Are humans the light of the world?Do humans have powers and abilities to use their brains to send and receive messages over many miles and over Internet connections? Yes, mind to mind communication are possible and thought emotions are surely felt and received. As w think about the connections we have to other humans on this planet is it possible we could make connections with other like-minded creatures on other planets? The frequencies and the vibrations of sound and thought waves are increasing as humans start improving
their whole brain. The song by the Moody Blues "Thinking is the best way to Travel" has become my opening song on my show "Readings using the whole brain.  I believe without a doubt that we can think and travel with our thoughts as we expand our awareness of the whole brain.How can we become empower?We need to get rid of some lies we were told about the human brain. We use100% of our brain. Do we know we are using it? No, we haven't been told to explore ourselves and our own tools we have we go outside of ourselves and get information from others. When we know we have abilities and gifts of intuition we don't trust our own gifts.By thinking about the whole brain these gifts become real and trust and self-esteem are overcome by the spiritual significance of the knowing that humans are capable and worthy of their birth rights. We have all been told we were not worthy of our birthrights and this has kept humans in slavery to masters of the world.Humans are not empty and don't need to be filled with the spirit they have in their blood and their DNA proof it.The spirit or the soul and the body a living temple that is the kingdom of heaven.You would think after 2,000 years humans that have been born through a process of regeneration and incarnations all humans would be aware of this fact.But the lies of the world bombard the subconscious minds while they watch television programming that makes them conform to the world's fears.When a human chooses fear instead of love and doesn't think they are worthy of their own thoughts they will remain in slavery to the world's masters. Who is the master humans should serve? Humans need to serve the master that serves them in their best interest and who knows the best interest of your life? Who knows you more than you sometimes know yourself? Does your heart know everything or does your mind know everything?How do humans make choices that serve them? Thinking is the way to travel and thinking mean using your wholeness of your body, mind, and spirit not just one thing but all three. Are humans design by a Creator or by evolution?By getting more scientific proof about humans we are learning that humans were not a random happening on this planet and in the universe.Where there are water and air there is life and there is life in creation.When a human thinks and uses their whole brain the connections to the neurons created new connections electrical and the consciousness is raised from the victim of a state of being needy to a state of being an overcomer with power in the spirit that is living inside each human soul on this planet.


Thursday, April 27, 2017


Courage and persistence to stay the course of the path your journey takes you.Expect the unexpected to unfolded new perceptions in the experiences given by opportunities. Life coaches and mentors set the directions and instructions and the students learn the lessons provided.Not every human has the courage or the persistence to stay the course.They think and feel unworthy of new perceptions offered by mentors that have offered free without charge.The path they choose to go back to degrading and egotistical and sexual context runs rampant on their website to the point of sabotage and destruction.Many of my students would call and we would talk for hours and  I listened to their sob stories. I would hear the co-decency factors in every word and the baggage from their childhood drama.They knew they had to do the work themselves and they even said," I get it this really helps me" were they lying to me or to themselves? Or was the courage and persistence to make changes, not in their thoughts? I have come to the realization that this is a problem of lack of accountability and responsibility for themselves.They want to take care of others and make others co-depend on them.When they sabotage every relationship they create it gives them the power in their ego to see humans as unworthy like themselves. So they want attentions from others sexual and physically most of their lives.This is a state of using the flesh instead of the spiritual or soul that they are.It appears easier to lure and set people up then to go inward to face the evil that is the heart.They will deceive others as they deceive themselves.This is called the reprobate mind in the Bible.When a teacher or mentor meets them they will say anything and do anything to lure you into their trap of delusion and you will think you are helping them but the real truth of their soul and mind does come out when you tell them to stop hating or fighting and flirting or give advice about things you knew would help them.You see they are sinning and love to sin.You would think sin was taking away by What Jesus did on the cross.Many live as if they don't care what they do to others even though they say they want to help others.The truth is humans can't help others unless they have helped themselves.I must have said that hundreds of times to students that have share time with me. The funny thing is many knew  I believed in the golden rule and they said they did too. We talked about the unconditional love of the Father God also. Why did they lie to me and others?Was it the help or the human was just not ready for the answer to their questions? After years of students and callers, my answer is very logical and not emotional it is the way they choose to go of their heart's intentions.They are not allowing and accepting the love of God and the way to live the truth that Jesus spoke about. The seeds have been planted by our talks and when the time comes for all with the seeds of God's truth in them they will stand before God at the final judgment. The teachers and the mentors have done their work and purpose to share God's messages and the rewards are knowing this.I don't like to turn anyone over the God unless  I have too.Having compassion to give love unconditionally was a gift that they wouldn't accept.What happens to a person when they refuse gifts from one of God's children? Many will know that this has happened by their life-changing into trials and test that they themselves will create and some are unaware a prayer has been offered to God for their lost souls.


Sunday, April 23, 2017


Student: My question is what is the self? 

Teacher: The self is a complex part of the identity of the image created through a processing of information and behaviors and patterns.It can be an illusion and a delusion depending on the reactions and responses to stimulation of thoughts.All thoughts use a filter to determine the answer to the meaning of the "what is the self" on a personal individual level of understanding.The self may be the character in all of the life's games and the creator of drama.It can be called the personality by some because it does have traits and skills that make it real to describe a person.

We can break down each part and also see the whole connections to the human condition.
Yes, being human is a condition of change and transformation.The flux and fluidity are in the cells and connection to the DNA programming of the thoughts in the whole brain.So as we observe the question of peace of mind which is the consciousness, not the brain.We can think of the self as the reflection of the consciousness awareness within the conditions set by the mind and the pieces of information from outside influence. 

The ego self and true self and fake self.The protective ego self can be helpful and harmful depending on the controls given by the thoughts of fears created by the fake self.The true self or the authentic self is the merging of all the different characteristics of who we were and who we are in the present moment.We don't remove or take out anything in the process of the self.We still have an ego self that remains to protect.The fake self still creates unknown fears and the true-self is the final transition.We are constantly shifting as we process information.

Identify means identification and tags and titles that the world put on humans has caused confusion because we are not our labels.The ego-self will feel emotionally attached to labels and entitlements because of the status.Labels were placed on humans to make them think they were higher than others on the planet.The was logical left brain practice for controlling and keeping others in bondage.The right brain was conforming and allowed all this to happened and started copying the labels even though they knew that we were all one.As the "new age movement" started it wanted the world to change to a more free society.The movement was working until the titles of kings,queens, and goddesses took over elevating people over others.The world entering into the movement and the "new age movement" lost its concepts of we are all one. 

The reason I brought up the new age movement is it really pertains to your question of what is self? Many of the movement tell their followers to get rid of the ego-self.This is not possible and could be harmful to the identity and protection that the ego provides.It not good to remain in the ego-self but to understand its purpose.The cord cutting doesn't work to control the ego-self.Cord cutting is for attachments.Most of the attachments are to emotions not parts of the system used to transition.

The identities of past incarnations.When we have a knowledge in our consciousness of past lives it is important to work with an expert like 
Edgar Cayce.

Since we don't have his physically with us we can look at the way he used past lives to help discovery illness or emotionally attachments left over from previous incarnations.His readings are available at the ARE.ORG SITE. 

When we talk of the word peace within self we are saying that we have come to an awareness and understanding and the battle within has come to a resolution.There will be more questions than answers to the problems we having in our transformations.The word transformation means what we think it means and we each will arrive when becoming the spiritual expression of our soul at the timing we choose.The true-self of peace and harmony and grounded in the spirit, not the physical is the truth we seek not what the world or the new age movement proclaims is the WAY!

Everything occurs on the inside, not the outside.So throw away your crystal balls, tarot cards, and astrology charts and your advice from the dead.Use your whole brain to find your own answers and grow spiritually.Get your prayers answered by belief in yourself and have faith that can move mountains.Your brain is the key to releasing your emotional conflicts and solving the confusions.



Saturday, April 22, 2017


Evolutions are creations and creation is evolving.What is your perception? Have we got to remember? The evolution of the soul or spirit is occurring as we mature in our insights and creative abilities.When we consider it is an inside job and not the physical dilutions and misconceptions outside of our own awareness and thoughts we produce.We wander and ponder the world's illusions and get stuck in the lies and programs of the matrix to the point of losing our sanity. What is sanity and how can we obtain sanity? To be the true authentic self can be the starting point to the knowing the fakeness. Humans have problems with their own truths about their identity to The Creator and need a refresher course in the source.When humans search outside for information the world supplies we have to search our own beliefs and perceptions based on our own experiences. Memory is an important part of our own story we created. The designer or Creator of the universe and everything living is creation and creation in each is a creator. Like creates like in images and likeness. Our brain is the boss over our physical, mental and spirit components of the whole.We need to be whole to complete the transition and transform through this ascension process. Each human transcends energy differently according to the experience they allow to help them.Resisting the transformation causes the emotional and mentally to created physical problems. Everything in the human system is in a flow of creation. When one system shuts down all systems are affected.We forgot our connection to source and it's importance to the survival of our soul. We became concerned about our physical survival.The first conscious level is the victim consciousness and many humans still have memories of fear of not being connected to everyone and everything living.Humans are a part of creation and they created just like the creator. What does it, meant to be fruitful and multiply?  This not just statement to think only of producing offsprings. We are to fruitful and use our creative abilities in everything we do and take action on from our thoughts given in our insights by using our intuition. Our gifts are embedded in our DNA.We for our worthiness and took programs that told us we were just humans with limitations.Did the world tell us we were all gifted in our spirit?No, they told us we had nothing to offer the world because we were just like animals with no consciousness awareness to create anything.We are connected to the animals and everything living through creations. Animals have consciousness and a very theopathy and help us as humans to keep our energies grounded. The connections to the source are all around us and in us also. Are you aware you are part of creation?  Some humans have awakened to their memories of their incarnations and some refuse to acknowledge their own existence.So the identity of who we are is a missing link in the creative process.Who do you think you are?  All are what they say they are and the brain is telling them many things in their experiences they have had.Do they know that each experience they have had is the same everyone else has had but the names change for their recognition? We are so connected we can see the perceptions we created in our brain until something outside of us confirms it. It seems some humans need to be told they are thinking right or wrong about their own beliefs. As we move into the final stages of our soul evolution we can transcend these memories of what the world told us.We can talk with someone that has evolved using their whole brain to sort through the lies and illusions of our victim consciousness.Finding a like minded person is in your awareness now and the reason
 is you are awake by reading this page. 

Monday, April 17, 2017


Good questions deserve good answers or answers that fit the questions.Thinking about what humans deserve is a big question and it may depend on many factors. Usually, it comes up in relationships when one partner feels neglected or rejected by their significant other. The words," I deserve better than you or this type of treatment from you."And it is followed by "why me  I think I deserve so much more than you are giving me."All humans do deserve to be loved and treated as they would treat others with same respect. That is the golden rule of interaction between to humans to love ourselves as we love others.So what do humans deserve? To be loved as they love self. This is the way to understand what we deserve as we are creatures of creation within our own soul.So self-love is giving and love from others is giving thought that intention. When one doesn't love self enough and requires others to love them regardless they themselves has no self-love they might say" I deserve to be loved regardless because  I am better than the other person. So deserving is a kind of pride that the egotistical person has and always seeks other people respect to make them feel better.They feel unworthy even though they say they deserve something they can't give or receive.The love they seek is lustful and manipulating love that they use to get something from others.So they tell others their story of rejections and they have rejected others in the process of telling themselves  I deserve to be loved and be told by others they love me.So this cycle of the victim consciousness repeats over and over until they start honoring themselves with the love they give themselves. When other humans hear their stories of rejections most people say "they don't deserve you this doesn't help the person to heal." Healing from a broken heart or a bad relationship needs a positive approach rather than a pointing out of how bad it was from another person. The best thing to do is listen and love the person that has been wounded.Don't remind them of the bad choices they made. Tell them they will find love again and they need self-love to heal them.You can be there for them by encouraging them to take some time for themselves and when they are ready you will be there for them. As we practice the golden rule in our relationship we will find that deserving is serving others as we want to be served. 


Sunday, April 16, 2017


Comparing the different stages of transformation of elements of a formation of an object such as an  Earthy formed creation weather and wind and other natural interventions seems possible.When we compare human to humans such as objects instead of the essence of the spirit and soul we do not understand the metaphysical inner workings of image and likeness of the creation. We use our judgments instead of discernments and group humans with labels for our personal insecurities within ourselves We feel we are helping others to change their lives and in reality, the changes are the reflection of ourselves we are changing.We think it our purpose to help others change their perceptions. This can't be the truth because we didn't need anyone to change our perceptions.We may feel we made a different in other people lives by helping them but this is our emotional attachments to decency we had as children and it is not healthy to form attachments.Each human has needs and wants and making choices for others weakens their own capabilities to mature spiritually.When we teach others to think on their own they will be able to do so.When we think or feel we are doing the work for them we are feeding our own ego.Did you do your own spiritual work?Did you choose your own path and direction? When we met a teacher on our path was the teacher giving you their answers?All the answers and the questions are in your own beliefs.They might have mentioned that to you and you forgot it.A student is a teacher and teacher is a student. The equality is present in each human and to perceives it as it is out of judgment is quite amazing. Do the helpers see something wrong in each they meet?Do they know it is a reflection of themselves they see and feel? I was talking to someone who feels they are a helper and they said,"they are a catalyst for change in others." How can this be,  "I said? " A catalyst is an intervention into the thoughts and feelings and this has to be allowed by the person you think you are fixing by your help. The human being does not change by what others say to them.Even though your words may have to mean something to you it doesn't mean the same to them.You can explain everything to a child or adult and it will be up to the individual to receive the information or reject the information according to the belief system. in the person.We listen to what we are listening for in a conversation and keep what we think we need and throw out the things that we don't need.When we communicate we are expressing who we are and sugar coating is not authentic. While having this conversation with this helper who feels a need to help others rather than help herself she said, " I was trying to change her mind"  I said,"that is impossible. 'That is impossible", I said we change our own minds and perceptions because of our own beliefs. I asked he,"what is the purpose and reason for biology life on this planet?" She said," transformation.comuication and helping others.The question of purpose is different for each soul.The paths of the journeys are different also.The experiences are the same but the names and places are different. We are remembering not learning and the helpers.teachers and those inclined to help should know that the messages are already in the person you are speaking to.You might think in your ego mind that you have given them something but in reality, you have given to yourself.Living by example and not by helping others will bring more security to your identity of who you are living soul representing the expression of God's likeness and image.As each soul becomes the example the others will follow and there will be no need to help others.Children love to follow others example.The question is are you who you feel and think you are?  I am that  I am and so are you all.



The remembering of the soul through the memories of the lives of each incarnation is the evolving of the DNA languages embedded in each strain woven by the design.The triggers for transformation come from outside influences or inside emotional thoughts.What are the words or codes in our DNA? Human evolving is much more than a surface appearance of the physical representations and is not what really goes on a spiritual metaphysical level. We have understood our biology and chemistry connections without including the synergy of the interactions of the metaphysical for many centuries in our studies. The soul is considered an invisible component that has no interaction in the big picture of the coding in the DNA.The details of the junk DNA states that the words "Your body is the temple of the Lord" in every known language on our planet. By the words temple meaning the body is a place of worship and divinity housed within each human coded DNA.This discovery should have been broadcasted
all over the globe but was hidden from the public view right after it was found by the scientist involved with the findings of the junk DNA.A small news clip was seen by those who are keeping an eye on the DNA and even some of these people stop talking about the findings.Searching has also been difficult also to find any more about this and it has not spoken about in the mainline religions because it would shake the very foundation of perceptions of a God far away and not inside each believer. Thoughts of each human as a divine creature based on the DNA in your own body seems to be too far-fetched by some that want to separate humans from God.Are we separated from God?  The story in the garden of Eden has so many different interpretations of how we became separated from God that don't talk about the DNA that we know about now.As believers struggle with sins that they think have kept them separated from their own divinity that is a biology factor seemed strange and not reasoning.Why would God separate from His own creations? This is not logical because God is creation itself and creator created.  So a placement of proof in the design that says we are "the temple of the Lord or law " is very much in order to talk about in our world today.As we evolve body, mind, and soul we need to observe all the connection and not just one at a time we need evolving of all connections for our connect with God creator.The memories are in our DNA of who we are and our purpose is to be all we can be by our design.We are representatives of the Holy communion on Earth and have a connection to our designer.We commune with and live in the temple or body of the kingdom inside and Emmanuel God is with us. Every thought is evolving into higher energy and the vibrations and frequencies are the divinity inside.Eastern religions have spoken about this but Western religions shy away because of controls and money.The spirituality was taken out of the western religions and the numbers of church goers has dropped according the latest polls.Pastors and preachers are concerned about the numbers and the attendance of younger converts is down than it has been in years.On a radio show on Christian radio last night 2017 they were discussing the church and its demise in the next couple of years because they have lost the youth.With the ages of 18-30 leaving the church they need to put money into their coffers they will have to close the doors.I couldn't believe that they were talking about the younger generations as numbers and money.But I am not surprised because the book of revelation talks about the lukewarm churches in the last days.Most churches are lukewarm and without the vigor of keeping up with the times. Where have all the "flowers gone in the garden?" "long time passing as the song reminds us.Gone to graveyards long time ago." The dead people in spirit go into the churches and come out in a darkness ready to die. There is no renewal or connection to God made as they pass the plate and pay God for the sermons, the electric lights and the roof on the old buildings. This is their connection to God that is called a quick fix one day a week or two just to feel something that is the right thing to do.It is living the word or speaking the word or sharing the word?Is it walking in the spirit that is inside of them? No, it is an outward representation of the world. Waking up consciously to the reality of our actions and words as co-creators with higher sources we are evolving in our soul.Where are those flowers you are planting going? We have a seed of greatness buried deep inside our own bodies that tell the truth of our divinity and connection with creation.The servants of God not man live on this planet because the soul has evolved as a consciousness shift of great magnitude energies that can't be stopped occurred within each soul's memories contained in the messages in the DNA.





Saturday, April 15, 2017


He gave His son to be a sacrifice for all others who could not get their bad choices forgiven.What is a sin?It making bad choices of temptations of the world.We are free will agents and our choices determine our direction in our life.We are addicted to the flesh and the temptations of the physical. We lust after others because we want to use their bodies for our pleasures. We can also lust in our thoughts and imagination we are using their bodies.Is it hard for humans to stop thinking? Are we judged by our thoughts or our actions?We know there is only one judgment and it is the final judgment of God.We have been judged by the world many times and these judgments are from other humans. We judge ourselves and this holds us back from be the divinity we are inside our spiritual realm. Dying and death have so many meanings to each of us and the subject still is not spoken about because of confusions in the media.We all have heard of out of the body and astral traveling and know that the spirit can leave the body.Jesus said,"I comment my spirit to my Fathers house" or another way of saying this "I release my spirit" to the Father. Did Jesus suffer on the cross?The thoughts of Jesus being fully God and fully man tells us that this was more than a regular event for this man.Was He under control of the situation? It appears many have interpreted the event on as harsh and cruel punishment and it was an act of God.Jesus was preparing for this very act all His lifetime and knew the proper preparation for His actions.He knew His words and action and was ready to leave His body and return in the spirit.Why do the churches make it sounds like drama and not an act of love by God?"God so loved the world that He gave His son to die for their sins" The word was love and that was God reasoning wasn't it?" As we think of new perceptions about the things we have been told we can see spiritual meanings instead of the world view. The end justifies the means in most cases.The means was the people of that time and their need to do something with blood as an atonement for their sins.So blood had to be shed. Why blood?The blood of animals was not going to serve humans to take away their sins and God knew they were doing this. God was going to do something to stop the sacrifices of animals and humans once and for all.It had to be according to the prophecy from the old testament prophets. God did give them the prophecy to prepare for the coming events of using His only begotten son as a way to heal the sins of the people. So everyone knew about the events of the future and were ready and willing to allow the Romans to fulfill the words of the prophecies given by God.When we use our whole brain thinking we can use our intuition of the prophecy and logical reasoning of the events that had to take place 2,000 years ago.Was there a death?Certainly, the body was dying on the cross for all to see.Was there a spiritual release on the cross? Yes, and the words are clear on that part.Was there a body in the tomb? No psychical body was in the tomb. Mission complete according to the prophecy.


Friday, April 14, 2017


The days of quiet and not speaking are still an option.As we text the words on the small screens we view are we staying in our silents? The thoughts of the brain travel at speed of light energy as they cross over frontal lobe of our brain.Electrical, chemistry and matter come together in a harmony of agreement of what text.The humility is still present in each soul it is only the words that we share that have the meanings. To text a message or not to text is our choice and what we said was our choice how it was received what not our choice.We want to communicate our feelings but the words are flat and without the love, we want to share.A smoke single send over the miles did the same thing to all the villages miles apart.It was the only way then and now we are back in time with one-word singles like flags blowing in the wind. Did they get the meaning behind the words  I text did they 

understand it? Did they feel my meaning when I put the smiling face in the text?Maybe not.

We live inside our own thoughts and others can't hear our us anymore with our voices so how can they know our tone or reflections in our soul? We are humble by nature and the sounds of humility are read out loud in our world of today.The cell phone rings and everything stops us in whatever we are doing. "I got to take this" are the words we utter and don't think twice we are being interrupted.We might have been doing something very important at the time but nothing is more important than a call on the cell. We use the phone as a friend to guide us so we don't get lost to the point we have lost our direct awareness to where we are going. In days gone by, we followed the stars for direction.We seem to need something outside of ourselves for everything we do theses days also.We can't may a move on our own without checking our cells or asking others opinions. Can we still think using our brain? have we lost our connections to our own free will to choose? Humanity can not exist without direct communication between humans. The energy between humans is needed to create and show compassion. When we understand the need to touch and be in the presence of another human being instead of just keeping touch long distances we will bring humanity back to our world. To be humble in the present moment when others are not present is very hard to many humans who need or want to relate.Let me explain further.On the streets, everyone is plug into their cell phones and at the stores also.We walk around and them and listen to their conversation whether we want to or not it really doesn't bother them to allow us to hear their personal life. Even in restaurants and elevators, the cell phones are next to their ears and their talking very loud.  I don't try to make eye contact anymore because it is outward.So  I put my cell phone up to my ear even though there is no-one on the cell.This gives me something to keep my mind on my own business and listen to others talking on their cells. I also found its a way to relate to them and be humble.They really don't want to talk to other humans they meet in the flesh.They have lost that connection. So  I just through a crowded lobby where everyone is talking on their cells pretending  I 'm on the phone too. They always nod and smile and we are relating.I have used this technique many times around crowds of people who feel uncomfortable around my energy.They know that  I can read them and don't want to see my smile.So the cell phone has become a shield for me.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


The proof is in the numbers! We can stand alone and carry our own light into the darkness. "When you walk through the storm hold your head up high" are the words to the song the impossible dream. The storms of our life's problems come when we reach outside of ourselves instead of inside of ourselves. My dream was to give my gifts to others that came to me and wanted to have a voice of reason.God does send people to each of us to serve and meet them where they are on their timeline.They appear to be on our timeline for a reason but the reasons are not shown to us at first glance.So we walk into the darkness with our light shining brightly and have faith that God will be with us.The energies are there and we trust our inner compass and discernment as we open our hearts to the strangers we meet.So many times we feel emotions and comfort coming from the conversation we have with them. Being alone makes us desire the company of another human just for brief times on our journey The inspiration they bring to the table are excellent things to talk about or write in my journal.In my mind, I still know they will walk away because that is what has happening to me and many people on this Earth's journey.I could write to you about all those that have come into my life and it would fill the page with words of fears and pains that they all brought from their dark side into my life.The hours of listening and praying for them and the seeds of truth that God gave me to give to them was unconditional love. It never was the money. I have done readings for those that appeared lost and confused that  I would take the time with them or to be there for them.It was the joy of the gift that God gave me to serve that kept me in the storm holding on to them.I was standing alone all the time and knowing this kept me serving God.The illusions of their lives and the drama they represented were part of the journey we all take on this Earth's journey.We have our own illusions also and we need others to reflect and gain new perceptions.After each conversation with a dark soul, the light in us grows and the life we are living for God has a purpose. Why is there so many lost souls? I have asked God about this so many times.I didn't ask why me? I may have asked a sometimes, to be honest with you but for some reason, the answer was you asked for it.That was a big hurdle to jump over.My trust and faith in the Father were so strong when  I lost my earthly father and reached out to God and telling Him you are now my father. This seems to be the problem many people have their birth families keep them in bondage and they need to keep reaping their pass story like is a badge of honor they have to keep sharing.the pains and abuses so they can feel their emotions inside of their storm. I can make the storm calm down by just saying "I understand" and this really helps the energies. The co-decency is the biggest issue and trust in their own worthiness and this seems to be the hold that they have the most problem with. They want love but don't know that love it is not the love the parents gave them.So they keep trying to make the parents their source of love.The only real love is the love that God gives to His children all the other kinds of love are physical and not spiritual.The Holy spirit is the comforter and is the voice of reason. The voice of the spirit can come through even a dark soul for purposes of God.The person may not know that God is using them because they can't hear the words they are saying.The allowing of God's voice can happen when God makes it happen.The words are words of His voice and not the human vessel or thoughts.How can we know the truth in the messages we hear? The words will resonate with you and you have heard the message already in your own life.The truth is in the divine timing of the message.
Your divinity is with you already so you connect with the word of God.When the words don't belong to you will know this also.I tell people what God tells me to tell them.My memories of their past lives are very clear and everything comes through like a sound of His small voice.The places they been and the deeds are in the words they speak. to me.We become the one when we stand alone and know the purposes of God.We have faith that He is using us to carry His message not our own.Are we His children or are we the children of this world?My last student wanted God's gifts and pretended to share His love to the callers but her message was from her own pride and many knew this.I allowed God to let her speak to callers because God was in control.He always is in my life so I had no fears an\bout her influences on the children.I step back and it was a good experience for me to help me to see I stand alone and my life has been standing alone with God with me always.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Time travel is an illusions inescapable thought pattern of images of places and people and events of Historical significance. Concept, perceptions, and creativeness make the time traveling experience a great thought practice for the whole brain.The uncontrollable discomforts of the unknown deepness of the soul's inner yearnings to go back in time or forward in time is to escape the now moment of problems that appear overwhelming to the single preference brain human.The exploration of thoughts of time traveling remains in the consciousness to help with the detachment of the brain in the present moment.Choosing a time to remain in for short period for the security or comfort is done quite a lot and keeps the human from being in the now or the present.Sometimes a person chooses their childhood memories or teen years or even a time they served in the services for their country. They will revisit these memories and they become triggers to help them deal with the present time.They hold on to time traveling in times of stress and the escape becomes real to them.The pictures and memories of their past experiences are part of their life and without the past, the feelings of grief and loss of something or someone make no logical sense.The going back in memories and leaving the present makes the future scary and strange because the security of the self-identity is always going back to who they were in the past.The co-creative part of the brain uses the past to creative from and the new perception of ideas are based on the past experiences.When the brain repeats this pattern of staying in the securities of the past experiences the cycle can damage the flow of new ideas and new perceptions.Sometimes there is the confusion of thoughts and depression because the imagination can only go so far and the person needs to reflect for years before awakening to new patterns that are in the present time period. When the timing is ready for their transformation into a spiritual lifestyle they think they will know it and will tell others outside of themselves  I just need more time to process my past.The time traveler is a whole brain thinker and knows the reasoning for choosing a past life to live in or a past experience from the life there in now. When you meet a person who says " I am stuck" what are they stuck in?Their thoughts are in the past or the future they are a time traveler in their own thought.Humans have the ability to choose the time they want to be in.They come into the present moment for brief periods to do a task that requires their attention and slip back into their past or go to their future.These are thought patterns that cause behavior problems because of the illusions they are creating and not being aware of the conscious activities in the present moment they get angry or mad you pull them into reality.This brain phenomenon has been studied and misdiagnosis for centuries. There be some brain damage or trauma of abuses that will bring on time a need to stay traveling into the past and seek the future unknowns rather than stay in the present moment. The practice of using the thoughts to daydream or allow memories to help relax the whole brain has been used successfully many times.There is a strong belief in many cultures that to keep someone alive is to remember them as alive. Many societies do this practice by laying flowers on events from the past wars and certain events of death remembering them so we don't repeat History or the pattern again seems to make the pattern repeat.As the brain views the past story the past story weakening the story being created in the present and needs to let go of the identity to the past story so the future can be created.

The real life or the reality is changeable through conscious efforts of the whole brain working in agreement to process information and emotions, and reasoning to be a whole brain thinker.When the intentions of the present moment are not directed to the higher sources the intention is not manifested The whole brain has to be in agreement with the source.The idea requires action of the purpose of the intention to bring wholeness to the complete though that is being formed between the two brains.If the belief system is the past story and identity of the time traveler and that is the choice there will no future manifestations.Also if the brain mindset is to live in the future the manifestations remain in the illusions of the dreamer.Time traveling is a detached mindset of not manifesting anything new to your story and your spiritual evolving has stopped.There is a way to start the process back to using your whole brain for the purpose God intended it to be used. Surrendering the past identities and the emotional attachments to the identity in your past story. Take conscious effort to live in the present moment and when the feelings or memories trigger your now moment know that that was just a story your not that identity anymore.Slowly you will start writing a new story that starts every day.


Monday, April 10, 2017


Do you see the world through the single eye of the spirit? Jesus talked about He said,"let thy eye be single" Was He referring to the third eye? Was He referring to the all-seeing eye of God? There are many observation and awareness moments on the journey to wholeness to obtain the transformation. The yearnings and desires are deep within the soul to be the spiritual creature we were meant to be. The physical flesh body is the full temptation of pleasures and sexual flirtation with the humans on the planet that temp and take us off our path at any given moment. We are observing the deceptions and appearances of the outer shell the mask they wear and still pursue them with our sexual fantasy.These spirits are still souls but not from the same planet we came fro and they need our water to survive. Most people think of energy rather than water these souls are dehydrated and seek the "living water" that Jesus talked about.The souls want to take our light energy so they can live in darkness. Like a moth that beats his head at a light, he doesn't want the light he wants the light to go out.The living water is a spiritual water of a soul that follows The Christ within. The third eye sees with the eye of discernment and knows the souls that follow darkness instead of the light.

Walking in is another way of saying awakening to the soul perceptions with the new insights of the third eye activation.The dark nights of the soul provide the surrendering of the ego and the allowance of the new soul to replace the soul that has been taken over by the temptation of the world.A truly born again experience that Jesus talked about "being born again spiritually" and not from the womb but the living spiritual waters within the soul.This experience can occur in the "blink of an eye" at the moment of awareness in a spiritual practice such as meditation or a situation of depression of the physical senses.When we think of Saul walking on the road to Damascus he was blinded by the light of Jesus is the presence of saul and he
lost his physical sight.Was his third eye activated? How did he keep going down the road to his destination? Many people who are blind from birth have an inner sight that works to help them when their physical eyes are not operating.They also dream in color when they have not seen color and their dreams are in images just like they have seen with their eyes.Could this be the third eye seeing for them?

Spiritual souls do use their inner senses more than their physical senses. It is not only an extra sensory perception but a total sensory perception. The physical sensors are shutting down as the third eye is taking over to give a new perception of the illusion the world has created.For a brief time, both sensory perceptions are being used and the thoughts become confused on which observation is real.This is why it is important to choose the intuitive senses rather than the world's representation of the truth they lie about and temp you to see their way of thinking to solve your problems.The journey is to find a way through the maze or matrix of illusion and make choices with your free will so that your soul can be transformed into the born again creature "the child of the pure heart" that Jesus talked about.He said we have to be a child of a pure heart to entered His kingdom.How can we be children of pure hearts? We can start by understanding our childhood and be the adult to our inner child. We will stay that inner child with all the memories of the good and bad until we transition to the purpose of our adult to be accountable for all the things the inner child is feeling.Once the adult takes over and parents the inner child the born again pure hearted child can replace the first child.The ego is protecting the inner child from maturing into the adult.The battle to give up the childhood memories and emotions makes the adult feel unworthy to accept the calling of the soul's purposes.The adult goes outward into the world for help and finds other ego driven people to agree with them they are unworthy and the cycle continues until they are born again in spirit.The time will come in that blink of an eye for many.

When  I speak with love in everything the message is clear but when I speak without love no message is heard in the soul.The soul knows the truth and the words of "The word of God" Jesus the Christ are in the message from one heart to another.When we hear with the ears of the inner sensory centers of the soul we hear what resonance with our soul.There is one soul but it appears to be many but there is no separation when one soul hurts all other souls feel the pain.When a healing comes in one soul all feel the healing.Being the one soul that generates light and unconditional love can bring healing to other souls. When a group of souls gathers together they bring agreement.When two or more gather together the spirit of the living water is in the midst.



Saturday, April 8, 2017


It seems we sabotage ourselves more then we think we do.I know a person who was handed an opportunity to co-host a radio show and work with someone who had 45 of experiences and get free sessions on the phone any time sometime in her life went wrong or upset her.She was always talking about her childhood and her worthiness and at some point by gaining her self esteem she was leveling off from the drama. The months past and improvement was happening in her writing and her relationships with her children.She started a web page and came in contact with two men that flirted with her and she flirted with them and the deceptions began to make her say things that were out of line on a talk show about love.She was told to think about what they said in post about fighting and arguing to prove compatibility in relationships. She didn't respond to the messages and research on this method of uses fighting to control a relationship.She didn't call the radio host she just talked to the two men and got there opinion on the situation. Why didn't she listen to the messages?She was just to busy or she wanted to sabotage the whole radio career? I talk to God about this and He said just pray and let her go. I have had so many people working with me over the years and this person really had the charm and the right things to help people.I guess  I missed her unworthiness she was a codependent with her family and all of her relationships.   I really thought she understood the perceptions of her whole brain thinking so  I just kept encouraging her to keep going and everything would fall into place.She was not helping herself and we talked about her experiences and her lessons she said she had learn.She seem okay but did backside into her unworthiness. I was a sounding board and listen to her story many times and there was progress.I call her phone one last time to see if she wanted to talk about anything before  I made my decision to take her off the show.She had her voice mail on like always but called me back when she had time.She didn't call me back so I waited for God to sent me a new co-host like  I had done so many times before. Did she want to stop doing radio or was it the two men that talked to her about her life and advise her to stop working with me.I got a message from one of the men to not follow him anymore and told her that but she didn't respond. The other man messaged me and starting judging me and telling me  I don't know how to love unconditional.Both of these men seems to be very logical and egotistical in there messages to me.So I un-friended both of them. I was beginning to think about her free will to choose to go down a new path.It really wasn't about me giving her unconditional love it was about my objections to the post about fighting and arguing. I gave her honor and respect for her work on the show and her writing on her web site.I didn't want her to leave my life but is was not my choice.Sometimes you have to allow people to leave your life.We would laugh together and share everything  I thought it was friendship and work relationship.I know that many people like her messages and she got many comments on her web site.It has been days since she has been gone and I checked on her web site writings.She has "gone out of her mind" that was her last post.What happened? I could start talking about evil influences right now but I rather like to say that she is still under the influence of those two men.He post was so depressing and she may be headed for breakdown.I don't think this was God's plan.Maybe it was too fast to grab the fame or her unworthiness never went away. Sabotage was my only logical answer to this whole thing.The pressure from the outside can influence many people to take them off their path especially when they are as gifted as she was on the airwaves.Sometimes  I think we all bit off more then we could chew that is why  I talk with all my student and co-host before and after a show to make sure they are processing their journey. I don't feel any guilt  I am just sad to read her post and watch her crash and burn.Things like this happen to everyone and  I have seen it happened to many gifted people.They need to meditate and process everything it becomes a spiritual lifestyle.You can serve two masters and living in two worlds is the same thing you have to commit to something and stay with it.She was happy or so it seemed and excited about the radio show and then something happened went she started talking about one of the man opinions on the show I just let it go because she seem to need other people opinions for some reason.I could have said something the first time but  I didn't. Her own self worth of her messages changed when she went back to co-dependency on these two men  I think she knows this some where inside of her confusion in her mind.No names are used in this paper because that doesn't serve a purpose the reason  I am writing this is to clear the air and get back to business of co-creating my own story. I have talk to God and He has forgiven any wrong doings that may have occurred without my knowledge or any of the things one the man accused me of  even though  I know what cause the whole thing sabotage by her or them.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


The Beatle's song "Help  I NEED SOMEBODY not just anybody  I NEED SOMEBODY TO LOVE"THIS is the song everyone is singing these days too.Everyone we help wants unconditional love, And we want unconditional love from others.Love is a very strange word to many people they want to be loved unconditionally but can give it unconditionally back to you.When we help people we are doing it out of the love we have to give.When they receive the love and don't give back we still love them.Does this sound strange that we want the love that they can't give us back? We think they will change their perception overnight if we keep giving them our love.Sometimes it takes many nights and years to see our love returned to us from the one we have given so much of our love to. In the song "not just anybody" means the writer wants not just anybody to love him but the one he loves.He is singing about a real need, not a want.We often ask for somebody that will love us but do we need someone to love us in the same way we loved them?When love is accepted and received is usually is unconditional love that lasts. When one partner is the love giver and the other is the love takes the love from the love giver.the relationship is not balanced and ends because of conditions from the taker of love is selfish and may be codependent on the love that was giving freely.

Dear companionate souls,

How much time have we spent helping others?Did we know that we were helping ourselves by helping others? Helping and assisting others is just one of our experiences we all share on this planet. Sometimes we don't wait for others to ask for help and still do our best to help because we are lead by our unconditional love to help the needy. The word help can mean so many things to us and others and to us.What kind of help can we give depends on each situation that comes to us on our journey? Determining the proper type of help is important to think about. I like the perception in the Bible "teach a man to fish and he will be able to feed himself" sometimes we do the fishing and the feeding and the teachings are not given. How to do take care of ourselves is a lesson we all need.
When we help ourselves we have more to give others.Usually, this is not the case we have helped others first and put our own selves last unless we gain a new perceptive about the reason we are helpers. We all need time to reflect and process who we are and what are our purposes of our journey and helping is a purpose for many to live on this planet.The energy of giving and helping others can heal us if it's done with the right intentions. 

Asking questions about what kind of help they want or need is part of the relationship of the healer and the person who seeks to be healed.Healing comes from the faith of the person asking for the help to be healed.The helper is assisting and encouraging this faith that is inside of the person needed to be healed.Sometimes the help offered is not the help needed or asked for by the person we think needs our help.Listen to their story and ask them questions about how you can help them.Don't assume you know what they need or want from you. We think we can read their energy but we can't read their heart only God knows their heart.We may feel their emotions but we need to ask why they feel the way they feel.If they can't express their feelings or tell us what they need us to help them with we can just be there for them where they are until they can express themselves.Caretakers are hand holders most of the time and this is a type of healing called human touch and this helps with energy in both involved in the exchange of energy.Sitting and listening without making comments and just breathing slowly with someone can bring healing also.Your peace and harmony inside both promote healing to others around you.Just your presence of your smile and kindness is needed by many that are shut-ins that don't see any representation of unconditional love in their reality of their world.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


For three days and three nights  I waited and talked to God about the words, I read on a post about "fighting" and "arguing" this morning at 4:00 am the message came to me very clear. Lay down your sword Brenda.God said," I will fight your battles both physical and spiritual."I  got up and went on facebook and saw that a message came from Shay and it said many things about having a conversation about disagreement and limited her free will choices. For three days  I have been posted the meaning of the words and trying to explain why fighting and arguing have nothing to do with compatibility in a relationship.  I pray and read bible verses and my spirit kept hearing "rest in me" and not in your own words Brenda. She said she was busy doing another job and just found the time to come write to me with a very confusing message that has no meaning or spiritual meaning. My words and searches of explanation didn't help my real problem of what my spirit was telling me.God fights my battles and He always has and I should have said that instead of all the attempts of telling everyone there was something wrong with the post.I knew it didn't sound like anything that  I knew in "the word of God" aka Jesus had said to me everytime  I was facing a battle with someone or something in this world.I knew about spiritual warfare and had talked about fighting spirits and discerning the words people use to deceive the lost souls. Fighting to defend or justify what  I say is not my message but the message God gives me to say. I am a child of God and the Christ consciousness is important to me.I believe that Jesus died, and was placed in the tomb for three days, and rose on the third day and is living God and is with us always.

I know my words are strange to those in the world but they are from my truth and God is with me always.I have no fears about fighting because  God will fight all His children battles for them if they allow Him to.When God is in your relationships the love is unconditional and the conditions or problems are to be given to God. I could quote many scriptures about this subject and keep writing but that would not take the fight out of those who want or need to fight their own battles. I have offered solutions to many that don't take God's word seriously and that's okay they are not ready for God's word.As for me and my house, my Lord is Jesus the Christ.I have surrendered to His will not my own will.His message to all the children is to "lay down your swords  I am your salvation and  I am the Lord God and  I will fight your battles" praise God almighty!!!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Are we of the world or are we in the world? Are the children of God being deceived and harmed by the ways of the world? We are creatures of a spiritual nature not of a worldly nature and we are followers of the Christ.The rules of the man's ego set conditions in order to control and take free will from the children.Sometimes we are lead astray by the words they use and don't see the error in their thinking.Each word in a phrase or sentence should be discerned for the meaning and the context.
Ask yourself as your read or listen to someone who is giving their viewpoint does this whole message fit into my belief system or does one part of the message fit into my belief system.Your belief system is your core values and your moral compass.When we take the whole picture and break it down objectively with our discernment the message changes.This is whole brain thinking and is required to be whole and complete in your thoughts.There are many studies that have proven that the brain is influenced by words that sound good at first sight but on further examination, the meanings are twisted to make people think the way the writer thinks or the advice they give leads to dependence on them to help you.The person that lead the children of God astray will be held accountable for saying or doing anything that took control over other people's life or thoughts.

Here is an example" Ague as soon as possible" to see if you are compatible in a relationship.Did you read that? How does arguing help form or needed in a relationship to help it grow?Why does compatibility need to be tested?In this article that was written by a marriage counselor was a post on Facebook recently and the comments caused many loving children to take fighting seriously as a way to improve relationships the world's way. I was not surprised that many were taking this advice but it made me think about how this person was making co-dependence out of his clients.He was using fighting and arguing as a way of keeping the money flow into his pocket. I made some comments to him about what he wrote and didn't like my comments because they were about working with the free will of each person instead of causing negative mindset in his clients and his readers on facebook.My question to him was "what about love to resolve the conflicts" instead of learning how to fight and argue? Love, peace, and harmony are not about fighting and argue and creating drama, are they? Are supposed to be peacemakers or fighters and tell people to not be afraid to fight?  I read so many things in the Bible about how we are to help people to help themselves to talk to others about the disagreements they had with other they loved. I guess the question is "what about love and kindness and honesty in a relationship?" instead of talking about fears of fighting and arguing to gain anything like a compatibility or a long term relationship with anyone. Is it the future he is worry about or the present moment? Relationships are day to day moment to moment and having the mindset of "where is this going?" just isn't the way in a spiritual loved fills child of God. I mention unconditional love to this man and he said "I need conditions and rules to grow" He listed all his conditions he sets in his life and gives these conditions to his clients. I said,"this sounds like a very left brain ego protective mindset and unconditional love and free will are whole brain thinking.He said,"please un-follow me"  I did just that.He wrote a post and didn't want anyone to give their point of view about a better way to stop the hate and fighting and keep our world in chaos. It was his way or the highway and brothers and sisters it is not his way that anyone should follow to become the spiritual beings we are.


Sunday, April 2, 2017


Can we talk, can we communicate, can we ask direct questions, can we express our spiritual divinity? Are we relating to others through our own relationship to ourselves? How can we be more effective with ourselves and others with our conversations? Do we hear our own thoughts?Do we listen to ourselves?Are we always asking questions about our future?Do we know who we are and what is our purpose?Can we say no? Do we set intentions with our thoughts? Are we in the present moment or going back into our past and seeking only the future?

Relating means coming to some kind of agreement of the subject and finding a common ground to create understanding.The questions are direct and formed in our own thoughts and beliefs and we have a firm opinion of what we want or need to relate to others in our communications. A conversation contains words of love and kindness when we express our divinity of the spiritual life we have chosen.Observing the present moment and remaining on the problem in the present and addressing the problem will make a helpful discussion about the solution in a relationship to ourselves and others.Communication is a flow of ideas and energy transference between to people who are relating by brainstorming or talking about a resolution bringing attention to a conflict of the problem which is the main reason for the question in the first place.Conversation and the word converted have the same meaning to some people.They think they need to convert others into they way of thinking by telling others that their way is the right way to solve all problems.So in a conversation, they push their agenda and don't allow a free flow of ideas because they want to win at all cost to show they are better or higher in thoughts than the person they are talking to.They are not communicating they are talking to hear themselves talk or their ego is being fed by over talking and not relating to themselves or anyone else.Humans have a need to relate to themselves and others but have not been taught the art of conversation and how to communicate their own thoughts to others for centuries and this last generation is using texting and voicemails with cute smiley faces with no substance and meaning.Without substance, there is not truth to the messages and confusion and chaos are taking over our world. We don't ask Why or what in fear we will be rejected or lose a connection with someone, in reality, there is not connection when we have not asked direct questions we are lost already.The disconnected world thinks they are connected to some source in their imagination they created and that source will do the work for them.Many times they go to sources outside of themselves and ask about the future and don't ask themselves why am  I asking about the future when my present situation is my problem. My problem is my partner is not communicating with me. Question to yourself is "Are you communicating with your partner or you just having a conversation and trying to convert your partner to your way of doing something?" This is not communication this telling someone how you prefer they should do something.Are you talking to yourself more than you are listening to others? It is good to listening to yourself and others and communicate not just tell others what your are feeling.In a communication, certain rules must be followed to keep feelings from getting too emotional and bringing drama taking over between to people.We tend to create drama by taking everything personal and this shuts down communication.When your feelings are being expressed take a breath and step back and push your emotions to the side and ask yourself a question about your own emotions.Why do  I get upset when my partner does this or that? How can  I be more understanding and handle my own emotions? Every time you get emotional about your life's problems you need to take time and ask yourself your own questions.Where are these feelings coming from and why am I triggered by certain images or music or when someone says something I don't agree with? All these questions can be answered by you.You know who you are and nobody outside of you knows the real you.

Using the whole brain can help everyone on this planet to ask questions and get answers inside of themselves. This is how whole brain thinking will save the future.The present moment is now and the balancing of the right side and the left side of the brain can create your future. You can change anyone else but you can change your own thinking.When you work on yourself your world becomes who you are on the inside and people will notice the change in you.You think about things with new perception and your emotions are under control by your logic.You will find out that your reality is to be the spiritual person you were designed to be is a whole brain thinker.

Love on the whole brain

Brenda Bradshaw producer 

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Who was jack? Jack was a man with an idea about a house that would protect him from the outside elements and keep him at peace and safe inside his own house. He pondered and wonder what kind of structure it would be and building materials he would need to build such a house.He starting day-dreaming about the outside and the inside of the house.He saw the colors and he would use to paint the house on the outside and every room in his house.He dreamed of the windows and doors and the small garden outside the house.He thought and thought about the house every moment in his waking hours. 
The house was also in his sleeping dreams. He was consumed with the images and the plans he saw in his mind. He knew that his dreams were real and he could build such a house as he started drawing the blueprints of his new home. He started with the foundation to make sure the house would be built on the best materials that would withstand all types of weather and be a firm foundation for the house.He knew that without a firm foundation the house would fall if he didn't do the preparation properly of a good strong foundation. His thoughts were focused and he intentional as he sat staring at the plans on the blueprint for days and months until he took any actions to start building the foundation.He even prepared his body by doing exercises so his muscles would be ready to lift the lumber and haul the sand for the cement foundation. He ate vegetables and fruits to help his whole body, mind, and spirit in tune and ready for the task ahead of him and the clearness in his focus on the plans his goal to build a house.Jack knew he would know when to get started on the physical manifestation of his dreams to build his house.He had a strong faith and trust in his own self that was keeping him motivated. His faith in trust came from his god he had listened to for years as a child and now as a man, he still prayed to the same inner voice from God.His neighbors and friends and family would question him about the land he owned for years and they couldn't understand why he didn't start building years ago when he first got the land.He would always say soon. They kept asking until one day he said,"I have a plan" and  I am trusted God to help me built my house.They looked at him and laughed when he said he was talking to God. He knew they didn't understand and said to them,"it will be a great house with a strong foundation just like my connection to God" and you all will see it soon went the timing is right.Jack was a wise man and a patience man with many friends that jack seen his kindness for years as he gave his unconditional love to everyone he met.There were some of his friends that offered him help to built the house for him and he said, "thank you  I will let you know if I need some help" he was thankful for their kindness. The months became years and Jack was aging and his eyesight was weakening with his age he had not built the house and his plans still were still laying on the dining room table in his old house that his mother had left him.He enjoyed looking at the plans every day about the house he would build.One day he fell into a deep sleep and saw his house in his dreams and it was completely finished in the dream.He was so excited and began to walk through the house and running up the stairs in the dream he didn't want to leave the dream state because it was so wonderful and real to him.When morning came the next day a friend stop by Jack's mother's house and saw that the front door was open so he went in to talk to Jack he saw the blueprints on the table of the house.He walked into Jack's bedroom and he saw Jack in a deep sleep with a smile on his face of joy.He whispered softly Jack's name and Jack didn't wake up so he went to his bedside and touch him gently.Jack was not breathing and his friend knew that jack had passed away in his sleep. He stood there for a few seconds and thought about the smile on Jack's face and he knew it he was dreaming about the house he was going to build. He called some of Jack's family and they hurried over to Jack's mother's house to take care of Jack's remains.Every one of them kept saying what about the house he didn't get to built.The funeral was simple and the flowers were few because that was the way Jack would have wanted it to be.The next day all his friends went to the land that the house Jack was going to build the house on. They took the blueprints and got the materials and started building the house from the foundation Jack had on his blueprints.The whole neighborhood pitched in to raise the walls and set the roof in place just like the plans said that Jack drew up. It was a community effort and many friendships were made as the house was being built.Many people talked about Jack's trust and faith in God and knew Jack's dream was from God.The unity and love of Jack's dream was a manifestation of God's love to Jack and everyone who saw the finished house and heard Jack's story many yeas after the house was dedicated to the memory of Jack and it's called "The house that Jack built with God's love"

We all have a dream that is given to us by God.A vision that keeps us in His grace and mercy.Jack is a just character in a story and not a real person.But His story is important to be heard and shared.We all have a house or a dream God has given us to built.The house is the temple and the temple is the body.God is within each person on this Earth.The joy of living a dream inside and the manifestation of love that God gave Jack was for a whole of the community he loved.Sometimes it is not the physical manifestation that creates love but the trust and faith of one believer that manifested God love.